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TCArknight July 13th, 2010 10:15 AM

WIP - D20 Modern
1 Attachment(s)
Howdy all!

Wanted to post up what I've done with D20 modern so far to get opinions, suggestions, etc. ;)

Here's how it needs to be done though:

1. Make a duplicate of the d20 dataset and rename it "d20 modern"
2. copy all of these into the new folder
3. when loading, the D20 Modern Core should be a choice on the configure tab.
4. Select it and enjoy. :)

This has the following items included and mostly complete except for descriptions, summaries, etc..:
Basic Classes
Advanced Class - Soldier
Advanced Class - Martial Artist
Advanced Class - Gunslinger
Advanced Class - Infiltrator
Advanced Class - Daredevil
Advanced Class - Bodyguard

(I need to figure out the Class Defense formula for a couple of these still though.)

I've got a few weapons and armor included too, but all needs a bit of work.

Enjoy! :)

Frodie July 13th, 2010 04:43 PM

Finished with the hand guns.

TCArknight July 13th, 2010 04:49 PM

Cool. :) Finished the Gunslinger earlier and working on Infiltrator.

TCArknight July 13th, 2010 06:49 PM

Just updated the file with a couple of more Advanced classes...

Frodie July 14th, 2010 10:27 AM

Sorry, I guess I'm the slow one here, lol. Weapons are coming along, just slow data entry. I look around and to see if I could "cheat" buy exporting from another dataset, no go. lol Back to typing. I'll post them here when done. Oh, one side note, the weapons file seems to work in both the d20 and the Pathfinder dataset. Kind of cool!


TCArknight July 14th, 2010 11:09 AM

NP :) I'm just glad for the help.

I hadn't thought if the dataset would work for Pathfinder or not. Although I'm pretty sure the ids for precluding and replaces would have to change....

Frodie July 14th, 2010 11:25 AM

almost done with weapons, just a few more. Yea the core dataset will take some work to move over, but some of the simple things work fine.

Frodie July 14th, 2010 12:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok here are all the weapons from the core book. I still have to add ammo and explosives to the dataset. But this is what I got so far.

Frodie July 14th, 2010 12:56 PM

I just finished with the ammo. BTW - What do you want me to do about cost. I left it blank on everything. I see you are trying to do the wealth roll. Didn't seem to work yet.

TCArknight July 14th, 2010 06:09 PM

My thoughts are to have the cost as whatever the Wealth rating is. It'd be up to the player to adjust everything for purchases. Also, that way the Cost is at least visible...

Checking the weapons file: great! :) I'm adding the appropriate User Tags to the weapons and I'll re-upload the whole thing together since I have the change with the Proficiencies that makes them show as proficient on the selector when purchasing. :)

(Just for reference they are:
<tag group="User" tag="ProfEMel" name="Proficiency - Exotic Melee Weapons"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfSimp" name="Proficiency - Simple Weapons"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfArch" name="Proficiency - Archaic Weapons"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfEFCa" name="Proficiency - Exotic Firearm (Cannon)"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfEFHM" name="Proficiency - Exotic Firearm (Hvy MG)"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfEFGL" name="Proficiency - Exotic Firearm (Grenade Launcher)"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfEFRL" name="Proficiency - Exotic Firearm (Rocket Launcher)"/>
<tag group="User" tag="ProfFire" name="Proficiency - Personal Firearms"/>

Also, Proficiency Groups:
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPEMel" name="Weapon Proficiency - Exotic Melee Weapons" abbrev="WP - Exotic Melee Weapons"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPSimp" name="Weapon Proficiency - Simple Weapons" abbrev="WP - Simple Weapons"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPPFire" name="Weapon Proficiency - Personal Firearms" abbrev="WP - Personal Firearms"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPArch" name="Weapon Proficiency - Archaic Weapons" abbrev="WP - Archaic Weapons"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPEFCa" name="Weapon Proficiency - Exotic Firearms - Cannon" abbrev="WP - Exotic Firearm - Cannon"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPEFHM" name="Weapon Proficiency - Exotic Firearms - HMG" abbrev="WP - Exotic Firearm - Hvy MG"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPEFGL" name="Weapon Proficiency - Exotic Firearms - Grenade Launcher" abbrev="WP - Exotic Firearm - G. Launcher"/>
<tag group="wGroup" tag="WPEFRL" name="Weapon Proficiency - Exotic Firearms - Rocket Launcher" abbrev="WP - Exotic Firearm - R. Launcher"/>


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