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-   -   How far down the list is the calendar feature? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=52633)

Madmaxneo April 1st, 2015 08:36 AM

How far down the list is the calendar feature?
I apologize if this has been answered before but I was unable to find it. Since you have given priority to many other projects how far down the line is the user defined calendar option? Basically when do you all expect to get something out to the public on this?


Aaron April 1st, 2015 08:51 AM

As far as I understand it, the Realm Works team doesn't want to give any specific dates, as that has caused some upset in the past. Calenders are a loudly and frequently requested feature on the forums, but failed to garner enough votes during the survey to make it into the top three. I think they were still in the top 10 though, don't recall the specifics.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm eagerly anticipating calenders myself, so I feel your pain.

Chemlak April 1st, 2015 10:06 AM

I believe calendars were still top 5, which puts them somewhere after player journals (the current holder of "what gets done after content market and web access?")

The timeline for them is measured in months (rob alluded to late Q3 2015 at one point, but that might be generous, depending on the usual slippage expected with intermediate features - I would be happy with that).

Aaron is correct with his reasoning, and I can assure you that LWD really want to give us calendars, but they fell foul of "please all of the people some of the time".

(Please don't take this as a negative comment about LWD's priorities, it's just the way any sensible company will work.)

Dark Lord Galen April 3rd, 2015 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Madmaxneo (Post 206720)
I apologize if this has been answered before but I was unable to find it. Since you have given priority to many other projects how far down the line is the user defined calendar option? Basically when do you all expect to get something out to the public on this?

Bruce, You haven't found it because it has not been answered. Other than soon,..... after.........
Chemlak is correct the priority is targeted (as relayed via LWD) Content Market & Web access.


Originally Posted by Chemlak (Post 206725)
The timeline for them is measured in months (rob alluded to late Q3 2015 at one point, but that might be generous, depending on the usual slippage expected with intermediate features - I would be happy with that).

Not likely.... we have already seen the first quarter of the year now in the rear view mirror, with none of the "target goals" yet being achieved. IT would be something just short of miraculous for it to occur before next year based on previous history. So, all we can do is to wait...... patiently.


Originally Posted by Chemlak (Post 206725)
(Please don't take this as a negative comment about LWD's priorities,

This made me chuckle....:D
so, Ditto for me

weogarth May 2nd, 2015 04:54 AM

If we see it in calendar 2015, I will be pleasantly surprised, just based on various past scenarios of 'man, didn't see THAT coming' and other unforeseen situations.

Like other comments, this should not be construed as negative, just acknowledgement that 'things happen'. LWD seems to have mentality of 'do it right' when it comes to reworking things to work correctly for the long haul and I think we all appreciate that, whether or not be realize or acknowledge how it affects us.

I'm not sure how to read the update that just came out in terms of the proximity of the Content Market.

Asst Chief Calendar Bigmouth

Acenoid May 2nd, 2015 05:09 PM

What's also important to note - even when it's not the calendars that are coming up next - there are regular update intervals that are improving the product for all of us.

MNBlockHead May 2nd, 2015 09:30 PM

Yes, as someone who really could use calendar functionality, it was tough to read the survey results, but the good news is that they have a *lot* of functionality they are working on. The product development is very active and updates are frequent. RW's money is going to come from people who want to buy prepackaged adventures on the CM and for most of those folks calendars are not going to be a high priority, but they are what will keep RW in business so that us world builders have a great product to manage our realms.

Vargr May 2nd, 2015 10:57 PM

I for one really want the calendar functionality with all the bells and whistles.

But I also want a financial sound product, that will keep LWD in business for years, continuously developing RW. If this means, that the calendars are taking a backseat, I suppose that's how it has to be.

Still hoping for functionality to be implemented soon, though :-)

And while we wait - could we please get an easy way to type dates in the Gregorian calendar we have now? Maybe simply type the date directly? At the moment it takes so long that I never use it - I simply make a new text snippet and write the date there (when I can use the Gregorian calendar).

weogarth May 3rd, 2015 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by Vargr (Post 208245)
But I also want a financial sound product, that will keep LWD in business for years, continuously developing RW. If this means, that the calendars are taking a backseat, I suppose that's how it has to be.


Originally Posted by MNBlockHead (Post 208238)
Yes, as someone who really could use calendar functionality, it was tough to read the survey results, but the good news is that they have a *lot* of functionality they are working on. The product development is very active and updates are frequent. RW's money is going to come from people who want to buy prepackaged adventures on the CM and for most of those folks calendars are not going to be a high priority, but they are what will keep RW in business so that us world builders have a great product to manage our realms.

Yes, very much agree with this. I don't want calendars nearly so bad that they go out of business or have to drop support of the project.

Dark Lord Galen May 4th, 2015 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Vargr (Post 208245)
I for one really want the calendar functionality with all the bells and whistles.

But I also want a financial sound product, that will keep LWD in business for years, continuously developing RW. If this means, that the calendars are taking a backseat, I suppose that's how it has to be.

Still hoping for functionality to be implemented soon, though :-)


Originally Posted by Vargr (Post 208245)
..................... At the moment it takes so long that I never use it - I simply make a new text snippet ............).

Yep, to add to this unless your calendar with in your campaign closely resembles a Gregorian it is essentially worthless


Originally Posted by weogarth (Post 208254)
Yes, very much agree with this. I don't want calendars nearly so bad that they go out of business or have to drop support of the project.

I agree, certainly one feature should not be at the cost of the "life of the program"(whether that be calendars, printing, exporting, etc).
Further, let it be said I don't begrudge LWD in making profit, all companies are in the business to make $ it's how they stay in business. I would even revist this post (http://forums.wolflair.com/showpost....2&postcount=57) as a reminder to all. (thanks MNBlockhead)


Originally Posted by Originally Posted by MNBlockHead
The way I look at this is RW needs to focus on what will best help it grow its user base and increase profit so it can grow and afford to continue developing the product. That is why the marketplace and the more collaborative features have be given preference, even though I could care little about them. They just are not going to do as well focusing on GMs like me who are using the tool as a way to organize and build their world, but not to share with players. They need to sell player licences. They also need to bring in busy GMs that prefer to work with pre-created content. The marketplace is critical for this.


Originally Posted by Rob Response
This is exactly the situation we’re in. Thank you for summarizing it so well.


Originally Posted by Originally Posted by MNBlockHead
As for calendars versus journal—I don't know—I would think lack of custom calendars would be a bigger turn off for potential buyers than lack of journaling. But this may just be a blind spot I have, as lack of journal features is not something I've missed in months of heavy use for how I use the tool.


Originally Posted by Robs Response
The key thing with journals is that journals are a critical piece for engaging the players more fully. Based on the huge demand for journals within the survey, it appears that allowing players to keep their own journals is a big attraction for GMs. They can be leveraged by GMs as well, but I believe the biggest draw will be with players. The notion of calendars and dates is important to many GMs, but it’s rarely of concern to players – the GM typically tracks that stuff so that players can remain blissfully ignorant of it. Journals are just the opposite, which I’m assuming is why they ranked so highly in the survey results.

I would however counter (just for the sake of devil's advocacy), that the calendars are a feature that already exists just not in a release eye satisfying, polished manner yet. LWD has said as much.
(see here>http://forums.wolflair.com/showpost....2&postcount=27)

It is, simply (and that word alone is subjective), the user-interfacing is not what they hope to deliver, as also reported many times in the past. BUT what elements have not ALREADY gone through evolutions? even the "Header Tab", the now titled " Story Almanac" and MANY other elements have all grown and have been re-invented and honed as items that were released, then didn't go as planed or could be improved.

:confused:But to hide behind a poll (that was at best skewed) and say it was the preference of our market that has led us to not do this currently is akin to polling cab drivers and farmers on what type of vehicle they would prefer to haul things around with.. Obviously those two "demographics" would have differing "McGuffins" they would be hauling and would be motivated differently as to their choice of tool to haul with.

DM's & Players (the demographics in this case) would most certainly weight calendars differently, but as the average table has anywhere between 2 to 3 times the ratio of players to DMs this "voting alone" skews the result. Even LW conceded they were surprised that calendars were lower than Journals. I'm not sure why they were surprised, I wasn't. Just looking at the demographic it was predictable as to what Mcguffins where being hauled around. The confusing part is even Rob's statement above comes to the same determination.. :confused:

Regrettably, it would seem, I have only myself to blame as I have encouraged my players to participate and vote when the poll was available. And since my ratio is at 10 to 1 it certainly diluted an important tool choice, leaving us only to wait, ...............patiently................:(

Lastly, as noted in Rob's second response above, the fundamental flaw is the interpretation that "the [journals] big attraction to GMs". The problem is LWD didn't poll DMs (GMs) they polled customers. While DMs may be a subset of this, they never had an "equal voice" in a tool that, ironically, is entirely dependent on the DMs to use.

@ the community, I am sorry for my shortsightedness in encouraging my players participations, as it skewed the intent of my interpretations of the program (and presumably LWD) to provide a campaign management tool:o

As to the economics, I wholly agree. For RW to be viable it must be self supporting and the market place has always had my support both from a forum perspective but also from a in future monetary one.

IT was just my expectation that the calendar system would be in tandum with those efforts just as the other "improvements" ALREADY here.

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