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talsharien May 17th, 2020 01:40 AM

HLO is experiencing unplanned downtime
Herolab Online is currently down, not sure if anybody is aware of this.

snoogadie May 17th, 2020 01:46 AM

Yeah, it was working for me about two hours ago, but became unresponsive. I've been checking periodically, but looks like there's been no further communication as to what is happening. Supposed to have a game in 45 minutes too :(

TheYsconator May 17th, 2020 03:30 AM

Well that's a shame. Me and my group were planning on playing today (Like many others, I assume - given that it's Sunday, which is one the the most used days for playing, I think).

Any update from the HLO team on this would be appreciated. I'm sure the 'unplanned' is correct, I just hope it's not 'unnoticed' as well.

If this were to happen more often in the future, I think this would be a good reason to give at least a minimalistic form of offline capabilities a higher priority. At the moment, my group and I can not play at all, which does not help in generating trust in/ for Hero Lab Online. (Which is a shame, because I see a shit-ton of potential, and even currently it has proven quite useful.)

EDIT: Looks like HLO is back up, with still some time left for a session. Thanks!

Sylverlock May 17th, 2020 03:43 AM

It's up now.

talsharien May 17th, 2020 04:00 AM

To be fair, I had some issues last night and mid session contacted the HL team. They came back with a fix within 20 minutes and had me playing again.

Praise where praise is due :)

TheYsconator May 17th, 2020 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by talsharien (Post 288658)
To be fair, I had some issues last night and mid session contacted the HL team. They came back with a fix within 20 minutes and had me playing again.

Praise where praise is due :)

The non-bummed me would fully agree with you. Overall, the team has shown plenty a time that they give HLO their all - I'm just sad that we have this bottleneck of time, preventing us from having all features we want immediately.

In any case; I have a session to prepare! ^_^

rob May 17th, 2020 05:37 AM

This screw-up is on me. I was eyeball deep in the code/debugger all night and never saw the alert that the server was down. It was sent correctly when the error occurred and I simply didn't notice it. Dave thankfully caught it when he woke up, but not before we'd been down for a few hours. At least I see where the bug is, so this should be plugged soon.


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