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Winter's Knight March 30th, 2014 06:20 AM

Mac/iPad/Android Integration
I'm running Realm Works off Parallels on my Mac at home. The program is pretty dope and I know it's still under development. But you guys missed the mark in developing this product just for the PC.

It would be awesome to bring my laptop when I go out gaming (which doesn't have parallels), log into Realm Works and route the player view into a tablet. I think it's a great program, I cannot justify renewing my subscription without better Mac/App integration.

AEIOU March 30th, 2014 03:07 PM

There will be a web client that (through the magic of the internet) will be agnostic to operating systems and hardware for players. So even those Linux users should be able to enjoy RW goodness.

lifer4700 March 30th, 2014 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Winter's Knight (Post 179093)
But you guys missed the mark in developing this product just for the PC.

No, they pretty much nailed it.

Can't macs run windows programs these days? That's all I hear from mac people - they don't need a dedicated windows machine anymore. Of course, I don't personally know any mac people anymore, they all switched to windows or andriod depending on their needs - ymmv...

Why spend tons of development time writing for an additional platform that spends its time trying to run software from the platform you're targeting in the first place?

Also, as mentioned above, the web-based client will run from any modern browser which covers android, windows, linux, osx, and even ios (which is pretty useless for web browsing (no flash) until html5 is more commonly adopted)

Winter's Knight March 30th, 2014 07:38 PM

Thank's for the clarification on the upcoming web client. I didn't intend to start any operating system wars on this thread. I'm a brand new customer who's not a techie and happens to use a mac. I missed out on the kickstarter and I just downloaded RW last night. I think it's a great piece of software.

I use parallels to run Windows on my home computer. I have a laptop which utilizes iOS (sorry), without Windows integration. As a customer, I thought Lone Wolf would want this kind of feedback--to know their client base.

I guess the FAQ confused me a little--which should be clarified, because RW operates perfectly in Parallels. With the web client, my needs will be met.

Nikmal March 31st, 2014 12:18 AM

Actually they are working on the Mac Client. It is not a missed mark at all.
@Lifer4700 I realize you may or may not like OSX or iOS operating systems... but like it or not they run extremely well though not as widely supported for what ever reason. iOS is still one of the standards as far as tablet and mobile base systems because of the stability and consistency through out all the builds and formats.

Owning both Macs and an iPad and PC machines and Android tablets. I will say for stability.. I will take the iPad and Mac every day of the week.

I have a Win 8 and a Win 7 machine and I absolutely hate the Win 8 OS. It is a huge mistake on MS's part to have developed it the way they did.

So I will be patient to see what Lone Wolf comes up with when they do. I have enjoyed their products thus far and trust that they will come up with a product for my Mac eventually :)

Meanwhile I will use my Win 7 Laptop to run RW and my Win 8 Desktop to run my high end games for MMO's and my Macbook Pro for everything else. For playing a character in Pathfinder Society I will use my iPad for my character with the Hero Lab app and my Android system for making phone calls and enjoying the App Market for both of them!! :)

lifer4700 March 31st, 2014 08:46 AM

@Nikmal - For stability I'll take my Windows machines any day. I had 3 Win XP systems at my apartment (I hosted regular LAN parties), and they were far more stable than my roommate's Mac. They all ran for over 2 years without reboot, while his Mac bombed every few months or so. He uses Windows now. Win 7 is just as stable for me (can't be more stable).

I figure why have one machine that runs Windows just for the things that only run in Windows, then run a Mac or Linux for the things you can run on Windows also? I've tried loving Linux as a desktop, but I always end up having to go back to Windows for something or other. I keep Linux as my non-GUI server. I can't afford a Mac just to browse the web.

I don't run virus scanners because I don't get viruses. I don't run as administrator, that's just silly.

I'm not a bit fan of the windows 8 "Tiles" either, but thankfully, I can just go to the "desktop"

I wish Hero Lab viewer was available for Android, but since I don't play Pathfinder much anymore, I suppose that doesn't really matter to me. I am not going to spend the highly exorbitant prices Apple charges for their proprietary, overly-restrictive tablets just to use Hero Labs viewer. I used to use my Win 8 Laptop for live Hero Lab, but lately, I just use MS Remote Desktop from my Android.

lifer4700 March 31st, 2014 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Winter's Knight (Post 179183)
... RW operates perfectly in Parallels. With the web client, my needs will be met.

I'm happy to hear it!

Contrary to popular belief, I don't care that other people use OX or iOS, there's no need to apologize! Never apologize for your choices in life if you truly believe in them.

I just have yet to see anything from them worthy of my hard earned money. I just don't "get it" when it comes to macs/ipads - I've used them, and my first two thoughts were "meh", and "you paid how much?!?"

But I am 100% behind you guys in asking for the non-denominational web client, so we can all get access regardless of our religious persuasion!

monsterfurby March 31st, 2014 09:18 AM

I guess between this and the billions of mac-only writing programs (e.g. any decent and actually up-to-date version of Scrivener), I dare say the score is tied.

PatrickRenie March 31st, 2014 04:46 PM

At the risk of inciting further OS argumentation... I too would like to see a version of Realm Works that I can run on my MacBook without having to download Parallels or the like. When I kickstarted this project, I mistakenly presumed it would have native Mac support on launch day. I have no interest in OS emulation, and so I actually haven't gotten to use the software yet.

If the aforementioned web client fills this role, that's fine by me. Could someone provide a link to details on said web client? (I couldn't find anything with a brief site search.) Additionally, would it be safe to assume that a web client will require an Internet connection the entire time it is in use? (As opposed to say, the Windows client, which sounds like it requires a connection only when creating a new realm.)

In the long run, I would ultimately prefer a version of Realm Works that was native to Mac OS X and didn't rely heavily on an active Internet connection to use. My friends and I like to play our games while camping or visiting remote locations where Internet is scarce, so being able to use Realm Works offline would be a huge plus.

Anyway, the March update email from Lone Wolf asked for product feedback, including feature requests, so the developers would know where to focus their efforts going forward. I hope this post sheds some light on one at least one customer's thoughts.


lifer4700 March 31st, 2014 06:27 PM

@PatrickRenie - I believe the Web Client is going to be mostly, if not entirely, designed for players to connect and view content. I don't think there will be any authoring capability.

I think the intent was to do any authoring in the the rich client.

However, I could be completely off-base here... Rob? Liz? Anyone? Any help on this one?

I'm trying to find the previous post where this was discussed...

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