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Sjmarshall January 27th, 2020 06:27 PM

User Guide > Permanent Adjustments
I was wondering if LWD has any user guides or documentation that would help explain some of the Permanent Added Adjustments that can be done? I'm mostly curious about the "Override Variable Text" and "Value Modification". What do the various text fields and values refer to inside those options.

Thrawn82 January 29th, 2020 08:22 AM

Bump for interest. This would be useful

DJalin1 January 12th, 2021 11:42 PM

Looking for this answer as well

mototom January 13th, 2021 08:50 AM

I really wish there was more extensive documentation overall. I imagine moderation of a wiki would be too much work, but if it was feasible I imagine the community here would assist in documenting how all this works.

bruuuuuu January 14th, 2021 06:29 AM

What documentation there is, is on the wiki:


Thrawn82 January 15th, 2021 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by bruuuuuu (Post 293175)
What documentation there is, is on the wiki:


SO to answer the original question:

"No there is not any documentation on what particular permanent adjustments do"

I think you just need to make a test character and play with them until you figure out what it changes.

magpi January 15th, 2021 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Thrawn82 (Post 293215)
SO to answer the original question:

"No there is not any documentation on what particular permanent adjustments do"

I think you just need to make a test character and play with them until you figure out what it changes.

Oh believe me, I have done that. I have never been able to do anything with the 'change value' adjustment. I've tried adjusting spells, weapons, abilities, armors, backgrounds, themes, table selections everything. I recognize many of those are accomplished through other adjustments, my point is, I cannot figure what it is intended for.

Mathias January 15th, 2021 07:36 AM

The problem is that there are thousands of different answers, depending on the exact ability you want to modify. Here's an example - add the Power Attack feat, add Ability Value Modification, choose value 1, the power attack feat, and set it to +2 - the power attack feat is now -3/+6, because for that particular feat, value #1 stores the attack modifier (and then the damage modifier is calculated as 2x the attack modifier, or I can switch the adjustment to modifying value2 and get -1/+4).

Look for abilities that store values that are calculated within the ability - those are the ones likely to be storing their values in these fields, and in general, the order that they're displayed to the user in the name of the ability will be the order they're stored in internally. For the text modification, look for abilities that have complex strings of text generated in their names - you'll be able to overwrite those strings.

magpi January 15th, 2021 09:34 AM

Mathias- that was an extremely helpful answer, thank you!

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