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-   -   (M&M 2e) Editing the amount of skill points you get (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=68213)

hawkwolf February 10th, 2024 09:00 AM

Editing the amount of skill points you get
Hello peeps

My GM just told us that he homebrews us having 8 skill points per power point instead of the usual 4 and wondering how to best go about that in hero lab. I know there is a way to do it since I see the option of changing the skills per point in the options between 2 and 5 but I don't see a way to do that in the editor.
I have not touched the editor in forever so I did tried to poking my head around on tutorials for the editor but most of it seems to be how to add a new power.

So to be clear, my question is, how do I get 8 skill points per power point spent?

Any help will be appreciated.

Duggan February 16th, 2024 03:55 PM

Hmm... the best I've been able to manage, looking through the code, is that the 3 and 5 options have tags of Source.HRSkill3 and Source.HRSkill5 respectively on the hero. Fortunately, the way tags are processed, there's a decent change they're just reading the value at the end, so if you have a way to add a Source.HRSkill8 tag to the player, it will probably work. I don't know if I'll have an opportunity to check how that is done any time soon, unfortunately. And it's been a while since I mucked around with the system at that level.

hawkwolf April 8th, 2024 12:11 AM

Thanks for telling me that. Sorry for the late reply. I will take a look on how that can be done but that does help a lot. If you do find a way to do that please let me know.

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