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Randall Jhen July 27th, 2019 01:33 PM

Allow differently capitalized aliases for Case Sensitive case matching

I'm working on putting some Invisible Sun stuff into Realm Works. In that game, the eight (no, nine) realms are classified by colors: The Indigo Sun, the Blue Sun, the Green Sun, the Gold Sun, etc.

Colloquially, they are "the Blue," "the Green," "the Gold," etc.

Ideally, I could input two identically spelled but differently capitalized names, with Sensitive name matching, and save myself the headache of every single color reference popping up.

Public Name: Green Sun (case matching Auto Correct)
Other Name: The Green (case matching Sensitive)
Other Name: the Green (case matching Sensitive)


Farling July 27th, 2019 02:01 PM

So, in the NAMES part of the topic, set the matching to case sensitive.

Silveras July 27th, 2019 04:03 PM

Sadly, in my experience, the name list duplicate check for a Topic is case-insensitive regardless of whether the individual names are case-sensitive.

kbs666 July 27th, 2019 04:07 PM

I would be very opposed to different capitalization forms being different names.

As an example in my SF realm I have the "Alderson Jump Drive," with "Alderson Drive" as an alternate name, as the name of the topic that describes the device. The device is referred to, in various other entries, as the Alderson jump drive, The Alderson Drive and the Alderson drive. I also do things like this all over my Pathfinder realm but I was just working on the SF one so it came to mind first.

Randall Jhen July 27th, 2019 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 280539)
So, in the NAMES part of the topic, set the matching to case sensitive.

Alas, if I set "The Green" to case sensitive, "the Green" will not be captured.

Originally Posted by kbs666
I have the "Alderson Jump Drive," with "Alderson Drive" as an alternate name, as the name of the topic that describes the device. The device is referred to, in various other entries, as the Alderson jump drive, The Alderson Drive and the Alderson drive.

In this case, you wouldn't need to set the alternate names to case sensitive, so any combination of upper- and lowercase would be fine

kbs666 July 27th, 2019 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Randall Jhen (Post 280544)
In this case, you wouldn't need to set the alternate names to case sensitive, so any combination of upper- and lowercase would be fine

Then I have literally no idea what you are asking for.

If AB is distinct from ab and Ab and aB then you would absolutely have to include three as alternate names of one. I would find that incredibly unpleasant, and it would break dozens of existing links.

Farling July 28th, 2019 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Randall Jhen (Post 280544)
Alas, if I set "The Green" to case sensitive, "the Green" will not be captured.

In which setting up "Green" as an alternative name would work. As long as you don't start any sentences with that colour :-)

Otherwise, could you add a question into the OP so that we know for what you asking help with.

Randall Jhen July 28th, 2019 04:46 AM

There are more than a thousand spells and magic items in Invisible Sun. Each of them has a color associated with them. This is formatted as:

Level: 3
Form: Woven cloth mat with a protective circle stitched into it
This functions as a protective circle, but takes only an action to unroll and put into place.
Object Depletion:
Color: Invisible

Thus, for every instance of Invisible, Green, Blue, etc., I have to ignore on auto-detect. If I could tell Realm Works to recognize "the Green," I would never capture "Green" at the start of a sentence when used as an adjective, which is good. But I would also never capture "The Green" at the start of a sentence, which is bad.

kbs666 July 28th, 2019 06:18 AM

I see the problem now. You want to use the CSV tool to import a shed load of spells and magic items, 99+% of which will never get used or linked to, and turn on auto accept to save time on the linking after doing so.

I strongly do not want this change as it would literally break my main realm and any future realms would be made incredibly and unpleasantly tedious to set up.

Randall Jhen July 28th, 2019 07:49 AM

I fail to see how this would break or complicate anything, but I don't know how to explain it differently.

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