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Duggan October 22nd, 2011 09:25 PM

Costumed Adventurer Errata
It's a fairly minor thing, but the flash-bangs in the Costumed Adventurer's utility belt are currently statted as Dazzle 3 (Two senses) for 6 ep, but they should total to 12 ep because vision counts as two senses and because it has a burst area. Change it to Visual + 1 sense and add a Burst area and you're good. The points work out right because the Stun grenade costs 12 ep as well.
Also, Obscure should be set for the Visual sense, which would raise its cost to 8 pp.

Duggan October 23rd, 2011 05:34 PM

In addition, Instant Superheros has the Costumed Detective with a Dazzle of 3 instead of a Dazzle of 4 (also, there's some oddities in how the feats are applied on his stick/ball combo with them coming in as Custom feats. The Mighty can be partly blamed on the core book being a bit coy on how to handle ranged Mighty attacks (technically speaking, as per UP, you must buy one rank of Mighty for every rank of Ranged due to the rule of needing to buy Mighty for Extras, but I see how implementation could have slipped by). The other two... did we used to not allow adding regular feats as powers?)

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