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wulfgars January 26th, 2014 04:48 PM

DC Adventures Files

I´m a new player of DC ADVENTURES RPG , and an old user of HL.
Can someone help , and direct me to where i can find files for HL of those books ( i know it´s user content , and not official).

jbearwillis January 26th, 2014 07:04 PM

I'm not sure anyone has done any for them. If they have I don't think it has been shared.

Duggan January 27th, 2014 02:26 PM

Actually, someone did do Heroes and Villains. Check out the topic here.

fillerbunny_x1 January 27th, 2014 02:27 PM

Search the Atomic Think Tank. You may have some luck there.

wulfgars January 28th, 2014 09:24 AM


MPHopcroft February 1st, 2014 08:41 PM

This brings up a very basic Hero Lab question that I've never encountered before, which is how a .stock file can be used properly. I've never had to use one before, and now that I've seen one I can't help but wish I had a better grasp of how to call up a specific character among the vast number of them available.

Duggan February 1st, 2014 10:33 PM

Ah. They are essentially .por files with a slightly different extension. If dropped in the Game Systems Data directory, they show up under the Portfolio/Import Stock Hero menu option.

MPHopcroft February 2nd, 2014 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Duggan (Post 175066)
Ah. They are essentially .por files with a slightly different extension. If dropped in the Game Systems Data directory, they show up under the Portfolio/Import Stock Hero menu option.

And since I don't see the file when I open that option, I can only assume I put the file in the wrong place. I did a standard install (just last night in fact) but haven't located the ProgramData directory cited in the ATT post. Putting it with the other portfolios let to trouble when I tried to use it -- it just opened up like a character sheet (on Clayface, oddly enough) and didn't let me switch to editing another character.

MPHopcroft February 2nd, 2014 08:22 AM

Windows 8 is not allowing me to past into the (hidden) ProgramData directory. A Windows problem, not a HL problem, but frustrating no less. I imagine this is one of the ways Windows is trying to prevent me from doing something stupid and crashing the system around my ears, but it's frustrating no end.

Duggan February 2nd, 2014 09:27 AM

Huh. Not certain why it wouldn't let you switch, although some of it could be due to the amount of time it takes to process the file (it's pretty big) which could cause some loading time issues.

As regards the permissions issue, yeah, a lot of people are up in arms over that, but I've yet to find someone who's found a solution that works for everyone. I've raised the issue in the main Hero Lab forum and there's a possible workaround here to set a different directory for your Game Data. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell it "look here and here", so you have to move it all to one directory.

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