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Vacendik October 31st, 2016 08:44 AM

Adrenaline Boost and Improved Reflexes
Hi all,

I'm new to SR and I'm leaning heavily on the hero lab creator to make sure we don't make any character generation mistakes.

I have an adept in my group that has both adrenaline boost and improved reflexes. After our last session we discovered that those two powers should not stack, but the program is allowing it, both to buy them (no warning of conflict) and when I activate the power in the "in play" tab it adjusts the initiative in the basics tab.

My question is, I don't know the rules well enough to know if the program is wrong, or if there is some exception out there that I'm not aware of. All of our characters only use the core rule book.

Could someone clarify for me? If bug then I'll submit.

Valentet October 31st, 2016 11:21 PM

In the description for Improved Reflexes it states the increase cannot be combines with other technological or magical increases to initiative.

That includes the adrenaline boost power. Its worth submitting as a bug, although it is right there in the description.

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