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-   -   Problems with the latest update. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=53364)

Broley July 9th, 2015 02:58 PM

Problems with the latest update.
So today I started Realm Works and a pop up says an update is available. Great!

So I hit the download button and the swirly downloading icon pops up, but after several minutes, nothing is happening. Realm Works seems locked up. I start Windows Task manager and I see Realm Works is listed as 'Not Responding'.

I do this a couple times, starting RW, then trying to download the update. Again and again, 'Not Responding'.

Just to make sure it's not something to do with my PC's firewall or something, I then go to update the program on my laptop. But the same thing happens. It shows as 'Not Responding' so I have to kill it with Windows Task manager.

Is there a direct link I can download the update from so I can then update RW? If not, is there any idea why I cannot update either RW on either my PC or laptop?


Bobifle July 9th, 2015 03:40 PM

direct download here:

For your problem, some people have reported a very low download speed, that may be just your problem. Did you wait long enough ?


Broley July 9th, 2015 05:09 PM

I waited close to 10 minutes the first time. Then I looked and as I said when I opened Task Master, RW was not responding and locked up. I did this a handful of times, always the same.

If it matters my internet speed is 100 down and 10 up. Actually it's usually somewhat faster than that.

edit to add the following

Now that I look at the link you gave me and looking at the file it downloaded, the file you directed me to was version 1.0.1038.198, yet the announcement of the new update says it's version 1.0.30 - with custom views! Woowhee

So I have to ask again, is there a direct download link for the current update 1..0.30?

Viking2054 July 9th, 2015 06:29 PM

Liz's post says the new version is 1.0.38 and I'm pretty sure that is what the 1038 in 1.0.1038.198 is for.

Chemlak July 9th, 2015 11:15 PM

The 1038 is actually the 1.0.38 of the version number. I'm sure someone at LWD can explain the rest of the product version (I do know that the 198 is the build number - it's the leading 1.0. that I'm not sure of).

Parody July 10th, 2015 12:11 AM

1.0 are the major and minor version number. I don't know why they chose to go to 1.0.1000 over 1.0.0 when they released Realm Works. (For comparison, one of the last public beta builds before release was

The scheme seems to be major.minor.(releases in this version starting from 0; for 1.0 add 1000).(build or total releases).

My advice would be to reset to 1.1.0.(build/releases) when they release the Content Market. (Or 1.5, 2.0, whatever, but change the version and reset the release count.) It'd be a lot less confusing than always referring to releases as the third number minus 1000.

My favorite .NET-related versioning scheme was major.minor.build.YYDDD, where YY was the year and DDD was the day of the year (001-366) and was set automatically when building. I'd know if people were working with the latest build and it'd work great until 2066. :)

Mystic Lemur July 13th, 2015 01:03 PM

Seems to me, though I could be way off base, that they are using 1.0.xxxx until they have released everything they had originally hoped would be in the initial product.

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