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Kendall-DM December 2nd, 2017 10:18 AM

Error in Adding Spells to Monsters?
I keep getting this error whenever I'm adding a spell to a monster that can cast spells as a class. For example, a Solar can cast spells as a cleric of 20th level. However, when adding spells for this, I get the following error upon opening the spell selection pop-up.

"Syntax error in dynamic 'candidate' tag expression"

Is this just me? I can't seem to figure this one out at the moment, though I haven't tried all that hard to find out what is going on (the error doesn't stop me from doing what I want, it just pops up and I click OK). Can someone try this out for themselves? This issue started occurring last week when I was trying to clean up all the spells in my portfolios so that they were using the new spell with area/target information.


Sendric December 3rd, 2017 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kendall-DM (Post 259695)
I keep getting this error whenever I'm adding a spell to a monster that can cast spells as a class. For example, a Solar can cast spells as a cleric of 20th level. However, when adding spells for this, I get the following error upon opening the spell selection pop-up.

"Syntax error in dynamic 'candidate' tag expression"

Is this just me? I can't seem to figure this one out at the moment, though I haven't tried all that hard to find out what is going on (the error doesn't stop me from doing what I want, it just pops up and I click OK). Can someone try this out for themselves? This issue started occurring last week when I was trying to clean up all the spells in my portfolios so that they were using the new spell with area/target information.


I can reproduce this. Looks like there might be an issue with how the system is reading the candidate expression. I don't have time to dig into this now, but I suspect this is a core issue.

For the record, the Solar Angel is available as part of the stock portfolios, so you can also add this particular creature through the encounter builder.

Kendall-DM December 3rd, 2017 09:12 PM

A quick update. This seems to be tied to how the monster created in the editor has its spell selection assigned. That is, whatever builds the expression for, say the Solar, to add all cleric spells (plus some other ones) doesn't work. After I click OK, I can select spells still, BUT it is the entire spell list (not just the ones that were limited to the monster as set up in the editor for a spellcasting class).

I suspect something happened when adding the Helper.obolete tag to the expression, it appears to exist outside the main tag expression, is that intended?

For example, it is something like ((sClass.Cleric & TRUE) & FALSE) & !(Helper.obsolete) or something akin to that (don't have it in front of me, going from memory).


Sendric December 4th, 2017 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Kendall-DM (Post 259788)
A quick update. This seems to be tied to how the monster created in the editor has its spell selection assigned. That is, whatever builds the expression for, say the Solar, to add all cleric spells (plus some other ones) doesn't work. After I click OK, I can select spells still, BUT it is the entire spell list (not just the ones that were limited to the monster as set up in the editor for a spellcasting class).

I suspect something happened when adding the Helper.obolete tag to the expression, it appears to exist outside the main tag expression, is that intended?

For example, it is something like ((sClass.Cleric & TRUE) & FALSE) & !(Helper.obsolete) or something akin to that (don't have it in front of me, going from memory).


Yes, you are correct. The way the expression was generated is causing a problem. i have tracked it to an errant "|" at the end:


(sClass.Cleric | Helper.CustomItem) & !(Helper.Obsolete|Helper.Helper|)"
This issue is unfortunately not limited to the Solar Angel. It appears to affect all races with spell-casting ability.

You can create a script on the race itself to get around this issue for now that looks like this:

Post-Levels / 11000

field[cSpellExpr].text = "(sClass.Cleric | Helper.CustomItem) & !(Helper.Obsolete|Helper.Helper)"
I'm also going to look into making a script that could be used for a more general fix until Shadow has a chance to look at it.

Update. Added this script to the corrector special in "3.5 - Players Handbook" and it seems to have done the trick:

Post-Levels / 11000

~This script fixes a bug which affects all races with racial casting ability.

var spells as string
var lngth as number

foreach pick in hero from BaseRace where "CasterType.?"
  spells = each.field[cSpellExpr].text
  lngth = length(spells)
  lngth -= 2
  spells = left(spells,lngth)
  spells &= ")"
  each.field[cSpellExpr].text = spells

Illyahr January 17th, 2020 03:28 PM

Normally I hate thread necromancy but I just wanted to mention that this error occurs when using a variant to add spellcasting to a class that didn't have it originally. The same fix works (e.g. hero.childfound[cHelpXXX].field[cSpellExpr].text)

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