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Duggan February 22nd, 2018 08:48 AM

Custom Borders
3 Attachment(s)
I decided to take a spike and try to set up a different border style for my character sheets in Planet Mercenary. I would like to make them look like the official character sheet:

What I'm currently getting on the character sheet:

This is identical to what I was getting when I was using 'border="solid"'.

The relevant code:
Bubble Border

<!-- border used for character sheet bubbles -->
    <topleft bitmap="bubble_topleft.bmp"/>
    <topright bitmap="bubble_topright.bmp"/>
    <bottomleft bitmap="bubble_bottomleft.bmp"/>
    <bottomright bitmap="bubble_bottomright.bmp"/>
    <left bitmap="bubble_left.bmp"/>
    <top bitmap="bubble_top.bmp"/>
    <right bitmap="bubble_right.bmp"/>
    <bottom bitmap="bubble_bottom.bmp"/>


<!-- center-aligned for output with border-->

Name Portal

      @text = hero.actorname

And, for good measure, the bitmaps I'm using are in the attached zip file (probably because BMP isn't a very secure format, I can't upload those images).

Duggan February 22nd, 2018 07:56 PM

Although... looking at a few character sheets that use curved edges on their interfaces, it looks like they use square borders on the character sheets. So maybe custom borders are only an interface thing.

I'll skip this for now, but if all else fails, I suspect I can probably make judicious use of bitmaps to layer values into them. They're all a pretty fixed width.

Duggan February 23rd, 2018 07:44 AM

While it's still not working, just noting for future people using this that the eight images require a degree of symetricality. The four corner pieces and the left and right need to have the same width. The four corner pieces and the top and bottom need the same height. I have made those changes in my data files and it still doesn't work on the sheet.

Duggan March 9th, 2018 06:18 AM

^_^ Although, probably worth asking point-blank. Mathias, is it possible to do custom borders on character sheets?

Mathias March 11th, 2018 02:12 PM

I have no experience building the visual elements of a custom border. I'll see if Colen can chime in on this thread.

Duggan March 11th, 2018 04:16 PM

Thank you, Mathias.

Duggan July 16th, 2018 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 264231)
I have no experience building the visual elements of a custom border. I'll see if Colen can chime in on this thread.

I know you guys are probably busy gearing up for Gencon, but would DaveM now be the right person to try to loop in afterwards?

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