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-   -   Version 13.8 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available! (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=57518)

Aaron January 25th, 2017 09:56 AM

Version 13.8 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available!
The new year brings a new set of content for hero lab! Explore the mysteries of desert and oasis with Qadira, Jewel of the East, then soothe your inevitable sunburn with content from the Healer's Handbook. Four new modules plus the maddening next chapter of Strange Aeons can now challenge your heroes! Hungry for a change of pace? Players can explore the Razor Coast for some high seas adventure at a reduced price, while GMs who are interested in creating their own tales can get all the tools needed with an additional package!

For anyone looking to pick up our new data packages, you can find them here:

Qadira, Jewel of the East
The Healer's Handbook
Academy of Secrets
Broken Chains
Fangwood Keep
Halls of the Mountain King
Strange Aeons Encounter Library
Razor Coast Player Content
Razor Coast DM Content

New Releases
  • Qadira, Jewel of the East is the first book in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting #18 package!
  • The Healer's Handbook is now available as part of the Pathfinder Player Companion #25 package!
  • Three new modules: Academy of Secrets, Broken Chains, and Fangwood Keep are now available for purchase!
  • The Razor Coast campaign, from Frog God Games, is now available on our web store! Pick up the player content for $9.99, or the GM encounters for only $19.99!
  • The Halls of the Mountain-King adventure, from Kobold Press, is now available on our web store for $14.99!
  • Chapter 5 of the Strange Aeons Adventure Path is now included in the Strange Aeons AP package!

Enhancements & Changes
  • Any activated abilities or adjustments that are not permanent adjustments will be displayed in an "Activated Abilities & Adjustments" table on the printed character sheet. This list will usually be right after the skills on the right-hand side of the first page, but can spill to the top left of the second page.
  • Previously, Conditions and Combat States would be disabled when generating a character sheet or statblock - the assumption was that users would rather print out the permanent version of their character sheet, and might have forgotten to turn these off after a combat ended. This has been changed, and all conditions and combat states now apply their effects while printing character sheets or statblocks.
  • Added the Battlecry adjustment, generously donated by charlieluce. Thanks for your help, man!
  • Based on a consult with paizo, the Crimson Templar prestige class now grants Celestial Obedience. This means any characters created with this Prestige Class prior to this release will have to reselect their boons.

Bug Fixes
  • The Fate's Favored trait was not working for luck bonuses to attack or damage. Specific issues fixed include: The Bard (Archaeologist)'s Archaeologist's Luck ability, and the Divine Favor, Divine Power, and Prayer spells.
  • The touch AC bonus from the Cassock of the Black Monk was not affected by Fate's Favored.
  • The touch AC bonus from the Gunfighter's Poncho was not affected by Fate's Favored.
  • The bonuses displayed in the name of the Adaptable Luck ART were not affected by Fate's Favored.
  • The bonuses to ability checks from the Luckstone were not affected by Fate's Favored.
  • The following items were being allowed for PFS characters, but should not have been available; Azure lily poison, indigo dreams, swampseer poison, Skull of Ydersius, Pressure suit, Deadflesh Waraxe, Trailblazer (Human ART).
  • The following items were not allowed for PFS characters, but should be available; Twilight Sage (Arcanist archetype).
  • Because the Torture domain is available from Goblins of Golarion and Inner Sea Gods, it should be available to all PFS characters, not just goblins, because the additional resources list allows you to take it from either book, and only Goblins of Golarion has the restriction that its content is only available to goblins.
  • While it is not specifically listed as not allowed in Pathfinder Society play, the Country Folk ART for humans adds the Heart of the Fields ART, which is not allowed in PFS, so Country Folk has also been marked as not allowed, so you don't have to wait until you've added it to see the error message on Heart of the Fields.
  • On a character who was using the "Character Ignores Physical Spellbooks?" option for spellbooks, and had Data File Debugging turned on, an error could be generated while purchasing new spells for your spellbook.
  • When customizing a race and adding a subtype, the race point costs for the subtypes that have a cost in the Custom Race rules from the Advanced Race Guide would show those costs.
  • When loading a character who was using the Background Skill rules from Pathfinder Unchained and the Skill Points (Background) adjustment, the effects of the adjustment would not be applied until something was changed, which would trigger a new calculation pass. This would mean that you'd see an error about not having the correct number of background skill points spent when first opening these characters.
  • When using Mythic Trials to advance a mythic character, new tiers were being gained too early.
  • For a warpriest who also has cleric domains, the Protection domain was not correctly set up to allow the Protection blessing to be selected.
  • The Holy Weapon Balm and several of the weapon blanches were having their uses reset by the Night's Rest option.
  • The Throwing Shield should be in the Thrown Weapons Fighter group, in addition to the Close weapons group.
  • The Inquisitor (Royal Accuser) archetype replaces the Inquisitor's Teamwork feats, but was not replacing the ability that tracks how often an inquisitor can change these feats.
  • The Renewed Defense ability of the Paladin (Stonelord) was not being capped at 5d8.
  • The Investigator (Gravedigger)'s Grave Lamp ability was granting access to Divination Focus powers, but should grant Conjuration.
  • The Weapon Range Increment Override adjustment could select non-ranged weapons (the adjustment does not change anything on a non-ranged weapon), and its text referred to the threat range of the selected weapon.
  • The Bloodrager (Rageshaper)'s Bestial Aspect ability's improvemnts to the damage of natural attacks was being applied both at 4th level (which is correct), and at 9th level (when a different effect should be applied), meaning that for a level 9+ Bloodrager (Rageshaper), natural attack damage was 1 step higher than it should be.
  • The Rogue (Eldritch Raider)'s Detect Magic ability was not counting as Minor Magic for the purpose of selecting other Rogue Talents.
  • The Magic Vestment spell adjustment was incorrectly able to select Natural Armor, and was not able to select clothing as what was enchanted.
  • The Heirophant's Divine Guardian Mythic Path Ability was not correctly calculating which spell should be available if you spend 2 mythic power to activate this ability.
  • A character's number of skill tricks were calculated based on the total bonus to that skill, rather than the number of ranks, so bonuses/penalties to all skills would alter a character's number of skill tricks allowed.
  • The Orange Prism Ioun Stone was applying its CL bonus to individual spells, which made it harder to find, instead of just increasing the caster level of the classes directly.
  • The Sepia Ellipsoid and Orange prism, mindborer ioun stones were implemented as +1 CL to a selected class, but like an orange prism ioun stone, should add to all of them.
  • The Flawed Tourmaline Sphere Ioun Stone showed a drop-down menu that was not needed for this item and did not do anything.
  • The Antipaladin (Insinuator)'s Selfish Healing ability was not counting as Lay on Hands for feats that require the Lay on Hands ability.
  • The artifact Suishen, guardian of the amatatsu did not have the correct weapon powers (defending and flaming).
  • The CR of the Eagle should be 1/2, but was listed as CR 1.
  • Shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purpose of crafting, so they should be allowed to select ammunition weapon powers, like Ghost Touch.
  • Spells added to a Page of Spell Knowledge were not calculating their caster level or DC using the stats of the class they were attached to.
  • In the Kingdom building rules, the government types were not applying their effects.
  • In the kingdom building rules, roads, highways and rivers in hexes that were explored but not yet claimed would be added to the kingdom's totals.
  • A kingdom of greater than 201 hexes would not correctly calculate the values on table 4-4: Improvement Edicts (Ultimate Campaign pg. 209).
  • The Skald's Vigor feat needed an activation to add its fast healing.
  • The Destruction domain's Aura of Destruction needed an activation to add its damage bonus.
  • The Strong Jaw spell adjustment was increasing the damage of trample and other special abilities which are not actually attacks.
  • The Fungus Leshy was not showing a puffball attack.
  • The various Leshy races were not showing their plantspeech and change shape correctly in the statblock.
  • The Sha'ir occultist archetype was incorrectly removing focus powers.
  • The Crossblooded sorcerer archetype was interfering with abilities gained from Eldritch Heritage.
  • Unchained Rage and Skald's Inspired Rage were not breaking out their penalty to AC in the calculation.
  • Alchemists with the Tumor Familiars were unable to activate their mutagen on the familiar.
  • Alchemists with the Tumor Familiars were able to take the improved familiar feat.
  • The Versatile Training Advanced weapon training was getting the wrong skill selections when choosing certain weapon trainings.
  • The Rapture ability of Exciter spiritualists was incorrectly increasing its own charges when activated.
  • The damage output to character sheets for mystic bolts was incorrect.
  • In some cases, adding a Jin companion to a Sha'ir could cause an error popup.
  • When taken by an elemental ninja through the elemental fist ninja trick, elemental fist was not counting ninja levels as monk levels for calculating its charges.
  • Lesser Atavism Totem was not dealing with an already existing bite attack correctly.
  • The Hellknight Signifer's Signifer Armor Training was altering the ACP shown on the armor itself, but not the ACP applied to the skills.
  • The Hellknight Signifer's Catchesis ability should not allow a Cleric 5/Signifer 3 to gain the level 8 powers from his domains - Catchesis does not grant any new powers or abilities - it only improves the existing ones.
  • The Crusader's Flurry feat could not recognize the weapon chosen for a custom deity (the -Other/Philosophy- choice).
  • The Irrisen Icemage feat was applying penalties to many spell descriptors that it should not have, like the water element. It should only penalize the descriptors that are energy types. This caused problems like the Snowball and Flurry of Snowballs spells not increasing their CL from this feat, because those spells have both the cold and water descriptors, so they were getting both a bonus and a penalty, which cancelled out.
  • The traits from Gnomes of Golarion should be considered Racial traits, in addition to any other categories they are listed with, which makes them eligible for the Adopted trait.
  • The fly speed for an Owl should be 60', but was listed as 40'.
  • The Barbarian (Savage Technologist)'s Rage was not being improved by the Extra Rage feat or Berserker of the Society trait.
  • The Greater Adept of the Society trait was coded as being Wizard-specific, but should be able to modify any class that prepares spells in spell slots and has access to 0-level spells. Since the trait is phrased that it grants "...one additional 0-level spell slot", multiclassed characters will need to choose which class gets that spell slot.
  • As the animal companion of a Ranger, the Dire Rat was showing an incorrect prereq of "Vampiric Companion Required".
  • The Monk Weapon Skill trait was searching for weapons from the Monk fighter weapon group, not weapons with the Monk special ability, which meant that the knuckle axe was not available to select with this trait.
  • The giant template was not available to summoned monsters.
  • Abilities gained through the Trance of Three mediuam ability were being applied constantly.
  • Owl and hawk familiars weren't adding sitautional Perception bonuses when within one mile of their master.
  • Gunslingers were still getting the Gunsmithing feat when the "Guns everywhere" rules were active.
  • The Dirty Maneuvers ability of the Cad fighter archetype was adding too high of a bonus to the relevant maneuvers.
  • Occultists were not showing their Focus Powers of their implements correctly.
  • Mediums Channelling the Archmage were not seeing the increase to Concentration checks from its spirit bonus reflected in spell text and on the class tab.
  • The Sudden Disguise Ninja Trick was showing in the Spell-like ability section of statblocks.
  • Voice of the Sibyl wasn't increasing its bonus when you had 10 or more ranks in the affected skills.
  • The Guardian item power was missing an activation for its ability.
  • Arcanists were not showing their casts/day in the generated statblock.
  • The Clamor of the Heavens bardic masterpiece was missing a DC.
  • Pass for Human was not applying a situational.
  • Shifty was not applying a situational.
  • Subtle Appearance was still applying a situational even when disabled.
  • The Energy Ray occultist focus power was not displaying its damage.
  • Tags meant to disable things if the hero were above a certain encumberance level were not doing so.
  • Resist Call of the Wild had a typo in its situational.
  • The Mooncaller druid archetype's Purity of Body class special was adding Immunity to disease too early.
  • When affected by effects which applied a temporary enhancement bonus (like magic weapon adjustment), mundane weapons and armor were not changing their livename to reflect that state.
  • The way subdomains with two associated domains (like Devil) were displayed in the statblock was wrong.
  • Flaws were not displaying their source in the statblock as a superscript.
  • Weapons which were both melee and firearms were incorrectly zeroing out the attribute modifier for their melee damage.
  • Weapons which were 2 handed firearms and 1 handed melee weapons (like the axe musket), when equipped in 1 hand, were applying their 1 handed penalty to melee attacks as well.
  • The Song of Discord variant from Hall of the Mountain King had a very large typo in its name.
  • The Robe of Needles was missing an attack.
  • The Unleashed Fury ability was not adding quick draw as a feat when its level is boosted by the evangelist prestige class.
  • The Infiltrator ranger archetype was conflicting with the Divine Tracker archetype which also wanted to use the 3rd custom special table.
  • A Shaman's Hexes would sometimes show things they aren't allowed based on their spirit choices, when an archetype was applied.
  • The Occultist's Spirit Shroud ability was missing an activation, and thus could not apply the temporary hp in its pool.
  • The Wayang Spell Hunter and Magical Lineage traits were not working correctly with each other when applied to a heightened spell.
  • The Haste Spell adjustment was adding too large an enhancement bonus to speed when armor/encumberance was reducing base speed.
  • The Elemental Ally companions were showing double natural weapons for their base forms in some cases, which could trigger "too many natural weapons taken" errors.
  • The Storm Breath and Miasma abilities of Blue and Green dragons respectively, were showing the wrong damage dice in their livename, and/or duplicate DCs.
  • Unchained Eidolons were not able to become small.
  • The Alchemical Burn helper ability was showing in the dashboard abilities popup, even for characters who didn't need it.
  • Inferno pistols were being limited to one attack.
  • Sovyrian Intellectual was listed as an android racial trait, and wasn't applying its Diplomacy bonus.
  • The Homunculist couldn't take Evolved Familiar as a discovery.
  • The Precise Throw swashbuckler deed wasn't adding 5 ft to the range increment for daggers/starknives.
  • In some cases the Totem Beast feat would not make the correct Animal Foci available to the animal companion.
  • The "Feat, Mark as Bonus" adjustment was not adding an extra feat slot when added to companion creatures.
  • Things which required the user equip either medium or heavy armor, like Secured Armor, were not being disabled properly.
  • The Ouat archetype's Spurn Tradition ability was not granting proficiency with the chosen weapon.
  • Lamias who equipped weapons were seeing their number of claw attacks adjusted down.
  • Juggernauts who chose the trickery domain were recieving the wrong ability.
  • The Tome Eater archetype was showing the number of implements it was allowed incorrectly in the statblock.

Data File Authoring
  • "SelectHelp" things are no longer all added to the hero as picks. Any menus (on feats, for example) which select from SelectHelp picks will now automatically choose from SelectHelp things instead. All old portfolios will automatically transition from having picks selected to having things selected. Any user code which relies on SelectHelp picks being present on the hero (to assign tags to them, for example) must be changed.
  • Added the ActiveList component to all compsets that use the Activated or BaseInPlay components. This component adds the alistName field, used to set a name that will be used when displaying this ability/adjustment on the activated abilities/adjustments list. If the alistName is left blank, in a Finalize script it will be set the same as the livename, and then any activation names will be added to it.
  • For any item with the ActiveList component, as long as it does not have the Hide.ActiveList tag, it will be displayed on the printout's active abilities list. This tag will be added to any adjustment that is not turned on, any permanent adjustment, or any ability whose activation checkboxes are not turned on, at Final/10000, so adding or deleting this tag can be used to make exceptions to whether an adjustment/ability should be shown in the list.
  • The mhTrials array on the MythHelper pick, used to store the number of trials required to advance in mythic tiers had previously stored the number of trials required to reach a specific tier from the previous tier, meaning the numbers looked the same as the Mythic Trials per Tier table on pg. 13 of Mythic Adventures. This table has been re-worked, so that it now stores the total number of trials to reach that tier from Tier 1, which makes the table easier to use within Hero Lab's code - you can look at a specific row number to find the trials required to get there, instead of adding up all the rows below it to get the total.
  • If a psionic power was bootstrapped by a class, custom ability or class special, it would not figure out what it was attached to, and use that to auto-calculate its DC and caster level from that linked pick, the way spells bootstrapped from one of those types of picks can. To make this change, the script named "Fake a Spell's linkage[table]" was moved from the BaseSpell component, which psionic powers do not have, to BaseSplPwr, which they do have.
  • The spells within a custom potion, custom scroll or custom wand (including variants of these items like custom oil and custom riffle scroll) will place a ContainSpl identity tag on their parent item, which makes it simpler to create searches such as searching for a wand of cure light wounds - you can just look at the tags on the parent, instead of needing a nested search to search the spells within each custom wand's gizmo. These tags are assigned in the script named "Calc sDC and sCL" at Final/25000.
  • Added the wCategory.CraftAmmo tag, to mark weapons that are not ammunition, but count as ammunition for the purpose of crafting (for example, Shuriken).
  • The "source" component, which was leftover from d20 and did not have any function in Pathfinder, has been removed.
  • Added the SourceFull component to several new types of things.
  • Added the Helper.NoSrcBkInf tag, which marks a particular thing with SourceFull as not important enough to be included in the Sources Used line of the first section of a statblock. This allows, for example, ARTs to have SourceFull but not affect the earlier section of the statblock.
  • Added the sbGearName field to the StatblName component. If a piece of gear has text in this field, it will be used instead of the sbName when displaying that item in the Gear section of the statblock. This is important when a weapon is temporarily enhanced, because it should show the enhancement in the attack lines, but the base state in the gear section.
  • ARTs now include their source abbreviation in their statblock name.
  • Wizard Focused schools now rewrite the names of the base wizard class in a standard way. These are considered important enough that the source and page number for wizard focused schools is included in the statblock's source info line.
  • Added the Helper.MagicItem tag. When a custom built weapon or armor has a permanent (rather than temporary) enhancement bonus, this tag is applied. This triggers that item to be displayed in italics in the gear section of the statblock.
  • Created the setsrcabbr procedure, which generates abbreviated text for the most recent/relevant source a pick belongs to.
  • Added the skToolTerm field to skills. This stores text used by tools (for craft skills) to set their sbName. For example, the "craft (armor)" skill stores "armorsmithing" in skToolTerm, so Artisan tools which select it are shown as "Armorsmithing tools" in the statblock.

Daijin January 25th, 2017 08:56 PM

What if someone already paid for the razor coast stuff from FGG?

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: FrogGodGames_CorePackage_Languages.user (line 23) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('lFGTulita')

What do I do here?

Colen January 26th, 2017 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Daijin (Post 242562)
What if someone already paid for the razor coast stuff from FGG?

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: FrogGodGames_CorePackage_Languages.user (line 23) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('lFGTulita')

What do I do here?

I've sent you a PM with something I think will fix this - please let me know if it resolves the issue. Thanks!

Silveras January 26th, 2017 10:05 AM

I am in the same situation.

Other backers of the Kickstarter for Razor Coast who chose to add the HeroLab files as a reward there would also have this issue.

Quintain January 26th, 2017 03:01 PM

I simply went into the .user file with the editor and added a '0' onto the ID of the Tulita language. It passes muster at this point, not sure if there are any later validations for more obscure FGG items.

psych777 January 26th, 2017 03:41 PM

i'm getting notified of a 13.9 version? but see no post about it?

Colen January 26th, 2017 04:10 PM

13.9 has two bug fixes, one to resolve the Razor Coast issue, the other to fix an issue with Witch level 0 spells not appearing in the spellbook. So the razor coast issue should now be resolved.

Silveras January 26th, 2017 06:18 PM

Well, THAT error for Razor Coast may be resolved... but now I get these errors on loading my Frog God Games copy of the Pathfinder Game System:

Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnAcid' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 3
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnCold' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 4
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnElec' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 5
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnFire' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 6
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnSonic' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 7
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnAcid' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 8
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnCold' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 9
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnElec' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 10
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnFire' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 11
- - -
Attempt to access non-existent child pick 'selEnSonic' from script
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'mecRazorCo' (Eval Script '#2') near line 12

Mathias January 26th, 2017 11:41 PM

From the FAQ:

"SelectHelp" things are no longer all added to the hero as picks. Any menus (on feats, for example) which select from SelectHelp picks will now automatically choose from SelectHelp things instead. All old portfolios will automatically transition from having picks selected to having things selected. Any user code which relies on SelectHelp picks being present on the hero (to assign tags to them, for example) must be changed.

So you'll need to report that to whomever made the "mecRazorCo" item.

ShadowChemosh January 27th, 2017 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 242678)
So you'll need to report that to whomever made the "mecRazorCo" item.

I would be 'shocked' to find out if anyone maintains these files still. :(

Attached to this post is a install of a single .user file to fix this issue. Download it and unzip it to get the .hl file. Then double click the .hl file to run the installer. This replaces the old logic to use the new Extend Thing logic instead and is fully compatible with v13.9 of Pathfinder.

Removed v1.0 as it was causing issues.

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