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Mergon September 25th, 2016 04:31 PM

Configuarable scripting
Ok, for the current project I am working on for my Tuesday group I have creating the Princess class. I liked it, and it didn't look over powered to me so I agreed.

For those interested:

I am almost done but have rune into an issue and need input from a far more experienced scripter than I. For now, this is just a general info question.

This deals with Configurable's. I need to use a script for Secondary Ability Total. I want this field to be incremented on a level basis. Is this possible, or is it locked to whatever number is entered here?

I've tried various Phases & Priorities without avail . . . :/

What I am tryign to do may not be possible. If not I'll have to come up with a whole new approach. :confused:

daplunk September 25th, 2016 04:40 PM

Interesting class. I made a princess character recently but went for someone way more fragile... and basically pathetic ;)


Mergon September 25th, 2016 04:45 PM

Interesting, I think your princess class was one another player found and suggested but couldn't find again for me. I found the one I linked and decided to go with it instead. :)

daplunk September 25th, 2016 04:47 PM

This one is built into the Community Pack. Pretty sure it's a release by http://www.enworld.org/.

It's a Noble from En5inder 34 - Chessmasters and Commanders with the Path of the Heart.

I just liked the idea of this pathetic princess getting herself into trouble and all the party going above and beyond to keep her safe.

Mergon September 25th, 2016 04:51 PM

Btw daplunk, is the Noble your creation or something your found on the web? I'd be interested in seeign the full description of the class if you have a link, doc or pdf with the Noble description. :)

Mergon September 25th, 2016 04:52 PM

You posted while I was typing in my last request. :)

daplunk September 25th, 2016 04:57 PM

You can get a copy of the PDF from HERE.

Mergon September 25th, 2016 05:00 PM

Thanks. I'll have to sign up for Patreon before I grab it, for a donation of course.

Mergon September 25th, 2016 05:12 PM

Btw daplunk, I just noticed the picture of Lady Amelia is identical to the picture I used for the daughter of a character I have played since 1981.

She is also 5th level at this time, though she is a half-elf since her mother was human. :)

Her background is a noble. She is a cleric of Nephthys, Egyptian goddess of the Dead (Death domain). :)

ShadowChemosh September 26th, 2016 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mergon (Post 235035)
This deals with Configurable's. I need to use a script for Secondary Ability Total. I want this field to be incremented on a level basis. Is this possible, or is it locked to whatever number is entered here?

I've tried various Phases & Priorities without avail . . . :/

You still need help with this?

Nothing that I know should prevent you from modifying the field values. Can you show the script logic you used?

Basic script logic would be:

field[cfgMax2].value += hero.tagcount[Classes.?]
After Post-Level/10000 and replace Classes.? with the correct tag for your class. This script also assumes you are running on the configurable itself.

If you put this on a Class Special you would do:

hero.childfound[XXXXXXX].field[cfgMax2].value += field[xTotalLev].value
After Post-Level/10000 and replace XXXXXXX with the correct Thing ID of your configurable.

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