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AAvH-Darkblade August 21st, 2005 11:18 PM

Confrontation 3rd Edition
Hey Butcher,

Just got Con3 this weekend and been reading through it. There is a hell of a lot of stuff that needs to be updated. Also, it diverges from Rag'nork significantly in terms of what can be used and what can't be used card wise.

I'm thinking that you shopuld break Con3 off with a new datafile. Use the current one as a Rag file and just take out the exclusively Con stuff and then re-work a copy as Con3.

It seems there is too much that's been changed in the abilities and spells etc. to keep them as one file now.

Cheers, Darkblade

P.S. If there is anyway we can help get it converted to Con3 just let us know.

thebutcher August 22nd, 2005 01:36 PM

Yup, as soon as I started leafing through the book and saw the long list of excluded cards....the decision was made. Two files now...one for Rag'Narok and one for C3.
Think I'll even wimp out a little and not put in spell/miracle descriptions since they pretty much all compiled in the book now. Just the "stat" line for them ( aspects/power/cult/path etc...)
Looks like a pretty good game. I watched through a few demos at GenCon this weekend and combat at first looked clunkier, but it really is more streamlined. And I love building the "activation pile" instead of the random pick. Believe me, that can just ruin a game when your opponent not only wins the draw but then 4 of his 6 units come out before you get one. :evil:


August 22nd, 2005 03:43 PM

Hey Butcher,

If it will help, once you have the spells set up with "stat" line and make sure they are working, I'd be willing to help get the descriptions in there. You could send me just one of the files that you won't work on till I can add the descriptions. Hmm, even better, I could even just type them into a txt file and you could just copy/paste them in when you need them. Perhaps a few people could do this to speed things up. I'll try and OCR them, if that works well, even better.

Yeah, I'm pretty exited about the new version, my group has been playing the test rules I created on the English forums, so we have most of the game play down. Playing our first official 3rd edition game this Sunday.

Glad you're doing two files, will be much easier for you to focus on each games unique aspects.

I'll try the OCR and let you know how it goes.

Cheers, Tony

AAvH-Darkblade August 22nd, 2005 03:44 PM

Sorry, that was me, I forgot to sign in again.

Cheers, Darkblade (Tony)

thebutcher August 22nd, 2005 08:08 PM

My scanner's not too good with the OCR stuff. That would be great if you could scan the spells though. Um, and the artefacts :wink:

I'm cleaning out the Rag'Narok stuff right now. Got the Sessairs and Wolfen cleaned up so far. Added in a few new things as well.

Let me know how it goes, might try the scanner at work, since I scan pictures for people all the time I figure a few pages for Confrontation wouldn't hurt!


AAvH-Darkblade August 23rd, 2005 11:08 AM

Didn't get a chance last night, but will give the OCR a try tonight and let you know if it work well enough to continue down that path.

Cheers, Darkblade

AAvH-Darkblade August 23rd, 2005 10:50 PM

Ok, so I tried the ORC idea, worked pretty well except for the fact that I can't get the book to lay flat without breaking the binding, which obviously I'm not will to do. Since only 2/3rds of the page gets scanned, makes re-editing extra hard. I think it will be just easier to type it in. 8(

Do you want to delegate a section to me? I could take Incantations, if you do Miracles, or vis-a-versa. Once those are done we could divy up the rest. I'd be able to put in a few evenings to get it done over the next couple of weeks. Perhaps we could get others to help if you put the word out on the yahoo group as well.

Basically I go would spellbook by spellbook, send ing text as completed; spell title and description text only. the stats you can get from the actual source.

What do you think?

Cheers, Darkblade

AAvH-Darkblade August 24th, 2005 09:18 AM

Hey Butcher,

Looks like problem solved. A fellow on the english forume created PDFs of the spells and such as cards. Did a nice job too. But the main point, you can copy paste right off those into AB. Yeah!

Check it out here: http://www.icenix.net/~rnanda/conf_index.html

Cheers, Darkblade

thebutcher August 24th, 2005 06:53 PM

That's impressive. Thought I put some work into the data files!
That should help! I've started cleaning out the files army by army...think I'm through 5 or 6 of them. My brother's going through all the spell cards to figure out which were from the card packs so I can take them out of the file.
Work work work :D


September 20th, 2005 05:32 AM

I looking to find out the status of the Conf3 project. I'm not wanting ot push, but the french is not realy useful for me any est. on time. I know the project is hugh.

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