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-   -   Suggestion: to be able to have different levels of the same hero. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=53524)

Hargert July 30th, 2015 05:39 PM

Suggestion: to be able to have different levels of the same hero.
Not sure if this the correct place for this if not please move this post.

It would be nice if we could create our hero at each level ahead of time and change them easly from one to the next. In pathfinder it is often a good idea to plan out all your feats and options before hand to make sure you will be able to qualify for them. Right now having to level them up and then reload is a pain or having 20 different versions of the same hero is the only option.

Silveras July 30th, 2015 06:08 PM

I don't understand the suggestion .. you can add levels one-by-one to your character as you advance... there's no need to input them all.

If you do want to plan ahead of time for some reason, the new support for "Staggered Advancement" in Pathfinder Unchained seems to actually allow that.

Philderbeast July 30th, 2015 06:18 PM

I think he is talking about having a pre leveled character so he can jsut swap to it in play, or as a referance to what he is planning to do with the characer.

normally for this I just copy the hero so the portfolio has 2 copies, one with extra levels then the other.

Lycanphoenix July 31st, 2015 07:22 PM

Being able to store multiple iterations of the same character in the same portfolio is only the first step; now if Hero Lab went the route of Hero Lab, where you could create a "wishlist" (within reason) for your character in the future and Hero Lab would create a roadmap for you to follow (with reasonable margin for error, because it is not a sentient individual), then that would be something.

chiefweasel August 5th, 2015 07:44 AM

I guess I am confused with this as well. Couldn't you create multiple versions of the same character, add them to a single portfolio? Each character can be a different level so you could have 20 versions if you like. But you can do this now with the product, but I might be missing something here.

Jamz August 5th, 2015 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by chiefweasel (Post 213680)
I guess I am confused with this as well. Couldn't you create multiple versions of the same character, add them to a single portfolio? Each character can be a different level so you could have 20 versions if you like. But you can do this now with the product, but I might be missing something here.

Yes, BUT said characters gear, hit points, wand/potions usages, in-play resources would then be all lost.

He is asking for Hero Lab to track Class chosen, skill points spent, class options, and feats taken on a per level basis. Then allow you to hide/show levels dynamically.

It would be neat to hide/roll back a character to Level x. I have had people sometimes ask, "What did you take for level 5 with your Paladin/Slayer/Wizard/etc...) To roll back (or forward) to different levels during a build would be nice.

charlieluce August 5th, 2015 08:28 PM

So the idea is that every character would be saved as a database, with some sort of change journaling system? I mean, I understand the appeal, I've set up archive folders to save previous version of characters as they advance, but ye gods I think that would be a bigger project than writing Hero Lab in the first place.

Jamz August 9th, 2015 07:33 AM

It depends on how far you take it. Really, it would just be another "attribute" in the XML stating what "Level" said feat, option, class, etc it was chosen.

It would require another option in HL to "Lock" the character as well, that is, not allow you to add 5 class levels at once and force you to add one level and all feats/etc then hit the "level up" button to lock it all in.

Again, it would be nice but it personally would be lower on my wish list. You learn to just create a level 12 version (or 20) of your character first and save it in the same portfolio and just reference it when needed.

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