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Mavrickindigo December 9th, 2017 06:05 PM

Path of War Expanded?
I've owned herolab for a few years and I keep my self update with teh community stuff, but I've never seen the Path of War Expanded book go beyond playtest. THere are a few things on there I'd love to have for my characters, so am I missing someting or is there some reason why there are no options for Path of War Expanded in the program?

TheIronGolem December 9th, 2017 07:18 PM

The Community Package is maintained and updated on a volunteer basis, and PoWEx is only one part of that very large project. What that means is that like any other part of the Community Pack, PoWEx gets updated if and when someone chooses to donate their time to do so. ShadowChemosh does a lot of work on it, of course - it's his project. But Shadow's only one guy with a limited amount of free time on his hands, and while other people do contribute they sometimes get distracted by real life or start their own Hero Lab projects *whistles innocently*.

If you're so inclined, you're always welcome to contribute to the Community Pack yourself. You'll have support here on the forums to help you with the difficult bits, and since you get to choose what you work on you'll be assured that the parts you care about most are getting attention. That's what I did, back when I wanted to make my own PoW character.

Mavrickindigo December 11th, 2017 06:45 AM

Ah okay. I figured it was something like that. I love using the community pack for upedating the old 3.5 adventures, and I'm really grateful for that. I can wait for the expanded content. I feel I don't currently have the time or the know-how to work on such a project myself, since I tend to use Herolab to help me make sense of new classes I'm not familiar with, anyway.

Plus, I'd probably want to work on small things first before becoming the "Path of war expanded" guy.

ShadowChemosh December 13th, 2017 01:41 PM

Pretty much what TheIronGolem said. I had been trying to actually focus on Ultimate Psionics to finish that book out first before I moved back to the PoW stuff.

I do have some fixes and stuff for PoW coming next release but nothing big yet.

All I can say is that it is on my list and plan to finish but when exactly that happens I don't know. :(

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