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CapedCrusader October 15th, 2013 07:30 PM

Savage Worlds Bug Reports
This will be the new home for any bug reports related to Savage Worlds. It will give me a central place to watch for any outstanding issues and keep you up to date on where I am in getting them fixed. And thank you in advance for finding the broken things so I can get them dealt with! (Take a Benny from petty cash!)


Current Bug List as of 23-Oct-2014:

Version 3.1 includes all latest bug fixes.

Setting Bugs
1. DL Correct Shaman power points allowed - should go to 15
2. DL Issues with Veteran o' the Weird West

I am currently working on a core files update for this, and should have it out in a few days. #15 turned out to be serious enough to warrant an immediate fix without waiting for the Companion work to be done. If you know of a bug not on this list, let me know. I went through the forum and also my own notes here. There are a couple mentioned here in the forum related to Setting files (Deadlands, mostly), and I'll try to get those done as well.

CapedCrusader October 15th, 2013 07:35 PM

I'll even start...

The stats for the molecular knife and sword need to be checked.

zarlor October 15th, 2013 07:40 PM

The Brawny (edgBrawny) edge needs to have a Pre-Req preclude of the Obese (hinObese) Hindrance.

And I think you may want to have this thread stickied.

EDIT: LOL. Yeah, I spoke to soon as it looks like it was stickied right after I posted that. :)

CapedCrusader October 15th, 2013 10:28 PM

As you can see, they are already on it...

Gap October 26th, 2013 09:00 AM

The Adept edge appears to require the Martial Artist edge. My french edition of SaWo deluxe doesn't mention such a requirement. Could anyone check the english deluxe version ? Thanks :)

jbearwillis October 29th, 2013 03:28 PM

Savage Worlds: Deluxe (English) Pg 38-39


Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Miracles),
Faith d8+, Fighting d8+

Adepts are holy warriors who have trained themselves to be living weapons. Some do so to be ultimate warriors; others do it in the service of a cause or deity.

Their unarmed attacks do Str+d4 damage, and they are
always considered armed for purposes of the Unarmed
Defender rule.

In addition, upon taking this Edge and at each new Rank, they may choose to change the trappings of one of the following powers to work only on themselves but be activated as a free action: boost/lower trait, deflection, healing, smite, or speed. The Adept must have the power to begin with, and this does not allow him to activate more than one power in a round.

If no corrects me, then I do believe it's a bug.

zarlor October 29th, 2013 06:24 PM

I can confirm that it's a bug. The Adept Edge (edgAdept) should not have Martial Artist as a pre-req but the base data file does have it in there.

jbearwillis October 29th, 2013 06:29 PM

I guess you could copy the edge in the editor and take out the pre-req for the martial artist and give it a new Unique ID and save it. At least until a fix comes down the ppeline at any case.

jbearwillis October 29th, 2013 07:01 PM

I made a quick fix to the Adept edge for the Savage World data file. If you want it "Gap", just Private Message me your email. I will send it to you, then all you have to do is download it and double-click it and it will put it in for you. Then after that just check the box in the configure your hero window and you will be good to go. Hope it helps. When a fix comes down the pipeline just delete my file that you downloaded.:)

Does regard this post, the King has spoken - this isn't the post your looking for. Move along, I said move along!!!!!! LOL

CapedCrusader October 29th, 2013 07:15 PM

Stop what you are doing! (Forgive me, "King Arthur" is on, and the Roman land owner just said that...)

Hero Lab is correct as it is.

SWD Errata from Pinnacle:
Page 38 Adept: Change to “Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background (Miracles), Martial Artist, Faith d8+, Fighting d8+” and change the second paragraph to:
“As a free action, an adept can spend 1 Power Point to gain AP 2 with all of his unarmed attacks until his next action.”


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