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-   -   Some enhancements I would like to see (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=9548)

Gryndehl December 16th, 2009 06:52 AM

Some enhancements I would like to see
I noticed CV itself hasn't been updated in about 5 years now but was wondering if there was any possibility of seeing updates to this.

In inventory management, if I have a filter on that would allow me to see some but not all versions of a card (set, foil, etc.), I would like to be able to temporarily see all versions. Main use for this would be to not show foil versions but be able to quickly adjust inventory for a foil when I come across one.

On a related request, I would like to be able see card images for all versions of a card simultaneously with annotations saying which set they come from. If inventory counts could be adjusted from this, it would be also useful. This would be especially useful for those sets that had multiple artwork versions of a card.

I notice that Magic: the Gathering preconstructed deck cards do not have entries in the database. Are these not being provided by WotC? Anyway, a feature that would be useful in this case is adding a virtual Unknown set that would have the latest version of each card that could be used. Also might be useful if someone didn't care what set cards came from, just how many for deck construction purposes.

Colen December 21st, 2009 12:03 PM

We don't have any updates planned for Card Vault at this time. If it gets back on the schedule, we'll definitely take a look at doing things like these. :)

For your second question - we do not get the preconstructed decks from WotC, unfortunately. Are the precon decks released with new sets? If so, I could ask and see if they could get us the data whenever a new set releases.

I believe that because of the "Most Recent Printing" stuff that Card Vault does, you can have any editions of a card in your inventory, and it will be counted as the latest version for deckbuilding purposes. So, picking a card at random, if you have 1 "Ballista Squad" from Mercadian Masques, 2 from 9th edition, and 2 from 10th edition, Card Vault will allow you to add up to 5 of any edition to your deck.

Hope this helps!

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