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Mettius August 4th, 2014 04:01 PM

Using Plot Points?
How are folks making use of Plot Points, at least as in relation to player view?

I'm inputting an adventure into Realm Works, (the intro adventure for Only War, Eleventh Hour)
I'm struggling with what to put in a plot point. Originally, I was just coping relivant text from the PDF into the description field.

For "The Lost 14th" Plot Point I pasted the below into the description:

The PCs’ first task is to escape the Scrap Forts and reach
the Switchback Climb. They also need to make a decision
with Dryak about the wounded, who slow the squad down
to a crawl if they try to carry them out down the Switchback
Climb. They also probably want to attempt contacting the
rest of their company, but are unable to raise them on the vox.
They will soon learn of their fate once they escape the fort
and return to their last known position.

However, I'm realizing that some of the information I want on the plot point is GM eyes only. There seems to be only a single description field per plot point.

How are you folks utilizing the description field?
How do you cope with plot information which isn't ever to be revealed to the PCs? (i.e. GM-eyes only material)

rob August 4th, 2014 07:19 PM

Both plot points and map pins will soon have separate revealable text and GM-only text. This is one of those small things we've been working on when there's some spare time in parallel with the focus on Player Edition. Ideally, it's something we can finish up soon after returning from GenCon.

In the meantime, the original concept was that plot points would be relatively brief summaries intended for consumption by players. We envisioned users associating the plot points with topics (typically Scenes), where the topic would contain the bulk of the material spanning multiple snippets that are individually revealable.

Hope this helps! :)

Mettius August 5th, 2014 05:35 PM

Thanks for the information. On the subject of plot points...
I used to use Visio to create adventure flow charts, one thing that was useful was the Y/N pathing, or Choice A, B, C, which lead to one or more other "plot points". It would be nice to see something like this in RW. So one can keep track of which choice the players made at that plot point/decision tree/whatever to call it. Possibly greying out other pathways if they represent a lost opportunity, or adventure hook/NPC/etc. which was irrevocably missed. I know it could be complex, but a least flags or checkboxes to be checked on the plot point to track what the PCs did would be helpful. (A checkbox or multiple choice snippet?)

rob August 5th, 2014 11:36 PM

Our concept is that you would use the reveal state to indicate which paths the PCs actually chose. If the PCs choose OptionB instead of OptionA, you would only reveal OptionB. Then it would be clear from the reveal state which path was chosen and which was not.

As a side benefit, the players would see only the path they've chosen and be unaware of the other options they skipped. You could then recycle some of those ideas that were passed over in other places in your campaign, with the players having no clue. :)

PatJe August 6th, 2014 06:40 AM

I'm using plot points as a direction to a scene entry in my story almanach.
The description is used as a reminder besides the title of the entry.

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