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kthomasms July 23rd, 2014 04:31 PM

Naming Players for reveals
It would be awesome to be able to set a list of players and then have a player view for each named player. This way we can manage what is revealed to whom. This is imperative in mystery style campaign settings, or when his party gets split up. IDK if this is part of the ideas going into player view.

Dark Lord Galen July 25th, 2014 07:41 AM

+1 to this... but as it looks, unlikely as the reveals are to all or none aren't they?

MaxSupernova July 25th, 2014 08:04 AM

I do believe this is in the plans. Not likely soon, but it's on the list.


AEIOU July 25th, 2014 12:58 PM

Granular reveal was discussed and said to be in the plans during the Kickstarter but as I recall it was also noted that it was not a high priority item and still in the planning stages.

The discussion at that time also mentioned PC-reveal vs player-reveal. PC-reveal is the best option to separate knowledge for people that play several games/characters. Player-reveal is more likely I think as it is driven by account logins.

I had requested a GM-reveal to remind them of things players have seen/experienced/know but that they don't have realize that they really KNOW yet. A mid-point between revealed and unrevealed if you will. Like seeing a hitman on the street and then seeing him again on the news and putting two and two together. This could easily be accommodated wtih a player/PC-reveal and just adding another player/PC to the gaming group that the GM uses.

mirtos July 26th, 2014 09:52 PM

The database supports individual players, from what i understand, so thats the good thing. they "just" have to code the front end to handle it.

I put "just" in quotes, because things like that are never simple. But from what i remember from all the kickstarter discussions, it was always part of the plan, it will just take time.

kthomasms July 28th, 2014 10:08 AM

Yeah, I am running a mystery game, where each player has very personal motivations and information. So the current reveal model is just not enough for my gameplay as many of the PC's know information no one else does.

jkthomsen9 August 2nd, 2014 06:49 PM

Question to the beta testers/staff. Could the current model of player version do this with DM notes to specific players?

rob October 5th, 2014 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by jkthomsen9 (Post 189274)
Question to the beta testers/staff. Could the current model of player version do this with DM notes to specific players?

Unfortunately, no. There is currently nothing that is private to DM and player except message threads. And those have no connections to content in any way, so they would be useful in very limited circumstances but not in a general manner like you're seeking here.

In addition, Player View in general is intended for use "at the table". As such, there is nothing planned for only showing something to PlayerA via Player View. If something is revealed only to PlayerA, and PlayerA is using the Player Edition, he will see that privately revealed item once we implement individual player reveal. However, the Player View mechanism itself is not currently envisioned to work that way - since the assumption is that everyone at the table will be seeing the same thing.

If there's enough demand, we can always change things. But I'm having difficulty envisioning how Player View would make sense with showing individually revealed content to different players, so someone will need to enlighten me on what I may be missing here.

Greebo October 19th, 2014 02:55 AM

Will the Player Edition be usable live online , e.g. while playing via VoiP? In that case individually usable Player Views could come in very handy.

Farling October 19th, 2014 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Greebo (Post 195587)
Will the Player Edition be usable live online , e.g. while playing via VoiP? In that case individually usable Player Views could come in very handy.

The player edition information only gets updated after the GM syncs his changes to the server, and then the players sync their contents down to their own machines.

RW is not a VTT, so it is not designed to update the server on-the-fly.

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