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-   -   Pathfinder Community Packs (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=51966)

ShadowChemosh January 21st, 2015 04:01 PM

Pathfinder Community Packs
This is the main information thread for the community add-ons called "Packs". Each Pack is downloaded and installed just like the official Pathfinder game from inside of Hero Lab. It just requires a one time setup to use and after that you will be auto-notified when updates are released.

Setup Instructions

Please see THIS pdf document for detailed install instructions. After setting up the update URL restart Hero Lab and click on the "Find Updates" button. Then from the list look for "Pathfinder Pack (vX.XX)" and click Download.

The updates URL is:

Additional HL Licenses
The requirement of needing official "licenses" to make use of the community Packs is a thing of the past. The single download "Pathfinder Pack" contains the contents of all the previous different packs now!

What Pathfinder Community "Packs" are available?
  • Pathfinder Pack – Contains all the community's hard work in a single download. (Unchained, GM Bestiary, GM Mythic Bestiary, Eberron Campaign, 3PP [Ultimate Psionics, Path of War, Rogue Genies Games..], and d20 Modern)
  • Gestalt Variant Addon - This packages allows for creating gestalt characters for Pathfinder. It is "beta" and a work in progress.
  • Encounter Library: Curse of the Crimson Throne (original 3.5 version) - This download holds the pre-built encounters for the Pazio's 3.5 version of Curse of the Crimson Throne AP.
  • Encounter Library: FMG Way of the Wicked - This download holds the pre-built encounters for Fire Mountain Game's Way of the Wicked AP.
  • Encounter Library: Mummys Mask - This download holds the pre-built encounters for Paizo's Mummy's Mask AP.
Looking for Module or AP Encounter files?
Zip files with the encounter files for many modules and adventure paths is located on the d20pfsrd repository. These are separate downloads because as of last check we have 1.5gigs of encounter files. No way to include that in the version released each month.

What issues are known and what is on the to-do list?

ShadowChemosh January 28th, 2015 08:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
FAQs for Community Pathfinder Pack:

1) How do I remove a Community Pack or see which Addons I have installed?
A: (Windows/Mac) Go to Tools->Manage Third Party Updates this will show all the Packs you have installed and the version. To remove highlight Pack name and press "Delete".

A: (iPad) Start the app and Pathfinder game system. At the bottom of the app is the "Updates" button press it. In the bottom left side is a box (Installed Updates) that contain all the Packages (official and community) you have installed. To remove "LEFT SWIPE" on the Pack name until you see the "DELETE" button appear. Press the red "DELETE" to remove the Pack.
Attachment 4522

2) How to deal with your house rules and community Pathfinder Pack?
A: You should treat the community data set files in the same way you would official Hero Lab files. This means you should NOT make changes directly to the .user files as those changes will be lost when you update to the next version. Instead you should create a new uniquely named .user file that does a Replaces Thing ID if you need to put in your own house rules over these community data sets.

3) What happened to the all the different Pack downloads?
A: See thread ***Pathfinder Packs are going away!!!*** for details.

4) I am getting an error message when I start Hero Lab. How do I post the error to the forums to get help?
A: By right mouse clicking on an error message you can select "Copy". Then you can easily post the message into your post. Doing this will 100% speed up the chance of getting an answer that will actually help you. :)

5) How do I report an issue for the Pathfinder Pack or something you downloaded from d20pfsrd?
A: You can report it to this thread or send an email to me at shadowchemosh (at) yahoo (dot) com.

6) How do a do a "Fresh/new" install of the the new community Pathfinder Pack?
A: To do a "fresh" install on Windows, Mac or iPad is to delete all the old community packs. See FAQ#1 for full details on how to remove. Start Hero Lab and go to "Tools->Manage Third Party Updates" and delete all the community Packs (ie Pathfinder Basic Pack, Pathfinder 3PP Pack, Pathfinder GM Pack, Pathfinder Basic Pack, etc) [ALL OF THEM!]. Restart Hero Lab and download just the new "Pathfinder Pack".


8) I installed the Community Pathfinder Pack but I can't find any new options to turn on in "Configure Your Hero" window?
A: Please make sure you have really installed the Pathfinder Pack. Please go to "Tools->Manage Third Party Updates" and make sure you see Pathfinder Pack vX.XX listed. If you don't see this you did not fully install the Pack. Please read THIS pdf for setting up the URL and how to download.
A2: If you see the Pack installed it may not be loading. When starting Pathfinder if you have ANY error window appear that means HL has gone into safe mode. Once in Safe Mode NO addons or user files (community or your own) will load. If this is happening RIGHT click on the error window and select COPY. Paste that error message into a PM or post to this thread for help.

9) I am getting an error that is causing HL to not load the Pathfinder Pack. What can I try?
A: One option to try is to download the Pathfinder Pack again. Let it overwrite the download and install again. This "some" times works and does not take long to try. If still getting an error please RIGHT click on the error window and PASTE the error message into this thread.

10) I am getting an error how can I paste it into this thread?
A: If you are getting a error window you can always RIGHT mouse click and select COPY to copy all the errors. Then you can past them into an post to help others diagnose what is wrong.

11) I use to have community Packs but have removed them and when I open a character I get errors that talk about sources (ie "Critical information not found in the data files: Source "Broken Chains")
A: HL save source (ie Books/Options in each character) and it needs to be told that you don't have these anymore. The fix is very easy to clean this up. Just open your character again and press OK through the message and go to "Portfolio->Strip Missing Sources". Save your character and you are good to go. :)


13) I loaded a Pack that I do not have a License for. In example the Unchained Pack with no Pathfinder Unchained License or the GM Mythic Pack but no Mythic Adventures.
A: This should no longer happen with the new "Pathfinder Pack". Please RIGHT click on the error you are getting and past it into this thread for help.

ShadowChemosh January 28th, 2015 08:09 PM

Pathfinder Pack
The "Pathfinder Pack" is one place to get all the community work. Gone are the individual Packs you use to have to download.

Here are some highlights this Pack contains
  • Classes, feats, and magic items from third party publisher companies (ie Dreamscared Press, Rogue Genius Games & many others). This includes such books as "Ultimate Psionics" and "Paths of War".
  • Hundreds of useful adjustments to allow your group to easily implement hourerules or other changes.
  • PFS Adjustments and boons!
  • Monsters, encounters, magic items, and feats which are useful for running Adventure Paths or Modules. Including monsters and abilities for running Mythic AP’s like Wrath of the Righteous or some monsters from the Emerald Spire Super Dungeon. Plus contains a simple Mythic template that can make an creature mythic in seconds.
  • Unchained features to classes, domains, feats, and other areas of Pathfinder in the same vein as Unchained.
  • Pathfinder Modern contains rules, classes, feats, and changes for playing Pathfinder in modern or Sci-Fi game setting.
Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

Previous Release Notes
See GitHub site for full details.

v1.20 April 20, 2019

Bug Fixes
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Fixed #149 - Corrected Eldritch Energy Hammer to final book text, corrected short desc to remove leftover mention of 10d6 damage.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Fixed #150 - Updated the Mystic Class to use the correct Stance progression from the final book text.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Fixed #152 - Grim Guard's Laughter was still on the playtest text with an AoE rather than a single attack.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Corrected Eldritch Energy Hammer to final book text, corrected short desc to remove leftover mention of 10d6 damage.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Updated the Mystic Class to use the correct Stance progression from the final book text.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Correct Grim Guard Laughter from Playtest text.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Grim Guard's Laughter was still on the playtest text with an AoE rather than a single attack.
  • Path of War (phlidwsn) - Corrected text and prereq checks for Elemental Flux Shift and Elemental Flux Explosion feats.
  • Seven Swords of Sin (ShadowChemosh) - Fixed the costs of the Bodice of Resistance items.
  • Eberron (ShadowChemosh) - Fixed #157 - Source marked all the spells used in the Eberron campaign setting so they do not get displayed when crafting wands/scrolls.
New Features
  • Path of War (Nightmare) - Added the Knight Disciple Archetype from the PoW Expanded.
  • Path of War (Nightmare) - Added Primal Disciple from the PoW:Ex.
  • Path of War (Nightmare) - Added Monk of the Silver Fist Archetype.
  • Path of War (Nightmare) - Added the Brutal Slayer Stalker Archetype.
  • Path of War (Nightmare) - Added Ambush Hunter Archetype.
  • (ShadowChemosh) Torch equipment - Added logic for the Firebrand feat to the community Torch weapon.
Data File Authoring
  • 3PP Tome of Secrets (ShadowChemosh) - Enhanced the priest channel energy ability based on LW's latest channel energy standards.

ShadowChemosh January 28th, 2015 08:16 PM

Pathfinder Campaign Pack
Please note that the individual Packs are gone and have been replaced with a single pack called the "Pathfinder Pack". Please download the latest Pathfinder Pack to get access to the features/addons you where looking for.

Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

ShadowChemosh January 28th, 2015 08:19 PM

Pathfinder 3PP Pack
Please note that the individual Packs are gone and have been replaced with a single pack called the "Pathfinder Pack". Please download the latest Pathfinder Pack to get access to the features/addons you where looking for.

Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

ShadowChemosh January 28th, 2015 08:30 PM

Pathfinder Unchained Pack
Please note that the individual Packs are gone and have been replaced with a single pack called the "Pathfinder Pack". Please download the latest Pathfinder Pack to get access to the features/addons you where looking for.

Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:00 PM

Pathfinder GM Pack
Please note that the individual Packs are gone and have been replaced with a single pack called the "Pathfinder Pack". Please download the latest Pathfinder Pack to get access to the features/addons you where looking for.

Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:02 PM

Pathfinder GM Mythic Pack
Please note that the individual Packs are gone and have been replaced with a single pack called the "Pathfinder Pack". Please download the latest Pathfinder Pack to get access to the features/addons you where looking for.

Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:06 PM

GitHub and Editors
For editors needing to use GitHub with the community Packs please see THIS post in the user forums for a setup document. Also any editors that have questions on GitHub or using SourceTree please post to the "Pathfinder Community Standards...." thread instead of here. That will keep Gamer issues separate from Editor issues which will be very different from each other.

Github Repository Links

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:07 PM

Pathfinder Modern Pack
Please note that the individual Packs are gone and have been replaced with a single pack called the "Pathfinder Pack". Please download the latest Pathfinder Pack to get access to the features/addons you where looking for.

Installation Instructions
See THIS post for full details.

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:08 PM

This is saved for future use just like the other posts but I need to get around the spam protection! :p

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:08 PM

Blah how many different ways can I say "Saved for future use"???

ShadowChemosh January 29th, 2015 04:09 PM

This will be the new central thread for all the community stuff. I will be locking the old forum posts **Important Note: Community Packages**; d20pfsrd Data Sets - Powered by Hero Lab....; Pathfinder Community Data Sets....; and Path of War - Community Package.... .

ShadowChemosh January 31st, 2015 09:48 AM

Feel free to post issues/questions/comments here now!

Please note I am a little behind the newsletter so in example the new versions of the: Pathfinder PFS Pack, Pathfinder GM Pack, and Pathfinder GM Mythic Pack are behind schedule. So I am hoping to have them out ASAP.

Thanks for your patience and understanding during this time.

AEIOU January 31st, 2015 10:53 AM

Thank you. To you and all of the other volunteers. You're a tremendous asset to the Pathfinder community in general and an inspiration to everyone else. Cheers!

ShadowChemosh February 1st, 2015 02:50 PM

The following Packs have been updated. For details click the links:Summary of Changes
1) The following community packages are GONE: iPad Super Pack, Community Bestiary, and Community Player Pack.

2) For the iPad please delete the iPad Super Pack and load the individual Pack or Packs you need. Everything will now play nicely and safely on the iPad so the iPad Super Pack serves no purpose.

3) The Community Player Pack now 100% exists inside the Basic Pack. This allows all the other Packs access to Universal Things and Helper Objects.

4) The "PFS Pack" is not going to be its own Pack/Download. It is now 100% contained inside of the "Basic Pack". This makes it easier as the Basic Pack now contains lots of magic items and Things that the PFS Boons need.

If you run into issues it maybe worth doing a "Fresh Clean Install" on Windows/Mac. For details see FAQ#6.

HavocXIII February 1st, 2015 04:49 PM

Yes thank you for all this.

psych777 February 1st, 2015 05:59 PM

i don't know if the PFRPG_TouchAttacks.user was part of your files or something i got elsewhere, but it was leftover in my folder and causing duplicate entry error. only posting in case it was part of yours and somehow not deleted with update.

ShadowChemosh February 1st, 2015 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by psych777 (Post 202733)
i don't know if the PFRPG_TouchAttacks.user was part of your files or something i got elsewhere, but it was leftover in my folder and causing duplicate entry error. only posting in case it was part of yours and somehow not deleted with update.

Hmmm its suppose to be named "TouchAttacks.user". Or that is what it was in the old Community Bestiary so that is the only file that installer will rename. :(

psych777 February 1st, 2015 06:46 PM

so maybe i'll be the only one with the problem then :D

Noven February 1st, 2015 07:36 PM

Hey I updated my Community Packs today and got these errors, making me unable to load Way of the Wicked AP stuff:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 14) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pModules')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 22) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('pModuSRD')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 32) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCrKobK')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 40) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHollLHp')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 48) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCqtBsVl')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 56) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcSvnSin')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 64) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcGalEvil')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 72) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcEntPhar')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 80) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCarnTea')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 96) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcGrdDrg')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 104) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHangN')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 112) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCrucChs')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 120) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcDemWth')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 128) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcRvrDrkn')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 136) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcFltRdRv')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 144) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcRvgKbld')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 152) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcTwLstBr')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 160) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHngDead')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 168) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcTrsChim')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 176) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcPctStn')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 184) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcClshKS')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 208) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcFangKe')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 218) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcMurdMrk')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 234) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCityDea')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 242) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcMidMirr')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 250) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcWeGob')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 258) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcWeGob2')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 275) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCarHill')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 283) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcMskLvG')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 291) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcRlmFelQ')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 299) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcFrmShS')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 307) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCseRvSk')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 315) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcWitchL')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 323) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcGodHer')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 331) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcCultEbD')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 339) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcTombIrM')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 347) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcAcadSec')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 355) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHarrow')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 363) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcFeastRv')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 371) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcRubyPhx')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 387) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcDawnSS')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 403) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcDoom')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 411) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcDrgDem')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 419) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcMoonsca')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 427) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcEmerSpi')
File: PFRPG_Module_Sources.1st (line 435) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcWardFrg')
File: PFRPG_PFS Boon Sources.1st (line 10) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('PFS_Boons')
File: PFRPG_PlayerPack_Sources.1st (line 21) - Source - Duplicate record encountered ('srcHideDei')

ShadowChemosh February 1st, 2015 07:39 PM

The installer does not move all the files correctly on some peoples machines. Install it again.

I am really SORRY but the installer does not like moving this many files around. Please Run the Installer SEVERAL times to get it to correctly install these changes. Not everyone needs to but anyone with "Duplicate record encountered" should do this.

Eretas February 1st, 2015 07:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 201208)
Those are "HL" official files and not anything to do my packs. The best way to fix that is to install Pathfinder again which is easy/quick. I do it sometimes myself.

Make sure HL is NOT running. Go to "C:\ProgramData\Hero Lab\download" folder and look for pathfinder.hl file and double click it. This will start the Pathfinder Game installer again. Let it totally install again and see if you problem is fixed. This is different than the HL software itself and no uninstall is required.

Still have some problems with the third parties files... I don't have anymore access to User content???

Noven February 1st, 2015 07:42 PM

Alright, now I have done a "fresh install," I have this error when trying to load a character for Way of the Wicked:

One or more required sources are not accessible for hero 'Frank'. Subsequent errors may be the result of this problem.

ShadowChemosh February 1st, 2015 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Eretas (Post 202742)
Still have some problems with the third parties files... I don't have anymore access to User content???

Please paste the errors you are getting.

ShadowChemosh February 1st, 2015 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 202741)
The installer does not move all the files correctly on some peoples machines. Install it again.

I am really SORRY but the installer does not like moving this many files around. Please Run the Installer SEVERAL times to get it to correctly install these changes. Not everyone needs to but anyone with "Duplicate record encountered" should do this.

Bumping everyone sees this.

Eretas February 1st, 2015 07:53 PM

I did a clean reinstallation and your gamig addon just came back.

ShadowChemosh February 1st, 2015 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Noven (Post 202743)
Alright, now I have done a "fresh install," I have this error when trying to load a character for Way of the Wicked:

One or more required sources are not accessible for hero 'Frank'. Subsequent errors may be the result of this problem.

If no "errors" are actually displaying (ie the above is the full message) then you should be good. Only thing I can thing of is you can remove any old un-needed source by opening your character and go to "Portfolio->Strip Missing Sources". Best I got as its not listing any "sources" in the error message.

Jaynay27 February 1st, 2015 10:57 PM

I am having issues on the Ipad version caused by the Pathfinder 3pp pack.

When I install this pack on the Ipad version the program crashes when trying to load a character.

Without this pack, my character will load, but I get a message with a bunch of missing stuff (presumably from the 3PP update/pack e.g Critical information not found in data files: Source 'DSP - Ultimate Psionics'. I get about 8 lines like this, each quoting a different source).

Any help would be appreciated :)

*Edit* So after trying a few things, I can install the 3PP by itself, but not in conjunction with either of the other 2 packs (particularly the GM pack). It seems the GM pack is causing crashes on my iPad.

For now I have just installed the 3PP and can access my character, but the same message as above comes up when I load my character portfolio (Critical information not found in data files: Source '*' , Where the '*' refers to a bunch of the Paizo modules. The first one I checked was Crypt of the Everflame which appears on my desktop as a select-able source, but not on the iPad for some reason).

I went to my desktop, disabled the modules as sources (don't actually have anything from those modules in my character build), then resent that portfolio to the iPad and my character loads fine, with no errors.

UndeadDan February 2nd, 2015 09:34 AM

Getting some errors in my iPad version.

Hardware: iPad Air ATT 64GB
iOS: 8.1.3

Hero Lab: 6.1.7
Pathfinder: 10.13

tried a full re-install and that didn't help


UndeadDan February 2nd, 2015 09:51 AM

I am also seeing crashes with the GM pack.

I uninstalled all the community packs. Reinstalled basic. Tried to open .por that contained enchanted elven chain. Got "thing not found" errors.

Installed GM Pack. Now I get fails every time I try to open a .por.

UndeadDan February 2nd, 2015 09:52 AM

Even Amiri (the included Barbarian) crashes the app when I try to open her .por.

Theryon February 2nd, 2015 10:08 AM

I'm using Ultimate Psionics right now. For the iPad stuff, when I installed the Basic Pack and the 3PP Pack, it would crash the app when I would load the character. I removed the Basic Pack and just left the 3PP and it will now load my character. Problem is that I'd really like to install the Basic Pack as well.

iPad Air and iPad 2
iOS 8.1.3, app v6.1.7(#489), Pathfinder RPG v10.13

ShadowChemosh February 2nd, 2015 10:16 AM

So please remember the Basic Pack is inside the other Packs. So if you installed the 3PP Pack you have the Basic Pack also.

The GM Pack didn't change in size from the Community Bestiary. The issue is you must FORCE close all other Apps. The HL app uses up LOTS and LOTS of memory and adding community stuff takes more. I have run these apps and Packs on an iPad 2. But it only works with everything else closed.

Even then it may "crash" on the initial load. But if you open it back up and try the character again it should load.

Unfortunately I have NO CONTROLS for the iPads or anything I can really do. The bigger packs like the GM or Mythic are most likely going to require a iPad Air. :(

ShadowChemosh February 2nd, 2015 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by UndeadDan (Post 202783)
Getting some errors in my iPad version.

Hardware: iPad Air ATT 64GB
iOS: 8.1.3

Hero Lab: 6.1.7
Pathfinder: 10.13

tried a full re-install and that didn't help


This looks different. What Packs did you install it looks like the GM Pack? Anything Else?

ShadowChemosh February 2nd, 2015 10:27 AM

So yea trying things out it does appear the HL App can NOT handle the 3PP Pack and the GM Pack together at the same time. It simply runs out of memory.

Either Pack separate is fine as long as you have all other Apps closed. It also de-linked my license on me also. But re-activating it was quick and simple and no issues. No CLUE how it could or would do that but it did. Interesting....

I will talk to Colen and see if he can give me any advice. :(

Theryon February 2nd, 2015 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 202790)
So please remember the Basic Pack is inside the other Packs. So if you installed the 3PP Pack you have the Basic Pack also.

Ok, didn't realize this. So right now I have the 3PP Pack installed on both iPads and they are working okay. I haven't tried my PFS characters yet but since the Basic Pack is included, I shouldn't have issues.

Would there be any issues installing both the 3PP and Campaign Packs?

UndeadDan February 2nd, 2015 10:32 AM

Thanks for the tip Theryon. Deleted Basic Pack, loaded GM Pack. All is good with my current character for the moment.

UndeadDan February 2nd, 2015 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 202792)
This looks different. What Packs did you install it looks like the GM Pack? Anything Else?

At that point I had installed all of your packs (3PP, Basic, GM, GM Mythic, Campaign).

I have reduced down to just the GM Pack and am able to function.

ShadowChemosh February 2nd, 2015 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Theryon (Post 202795)
Ok, didn't realize this. So right now I have the 3PP Pack installed on both iPads and they are working okay. I haven't tried my PFS characters yet but since the Basic Pack is included, I shouldn't have issues.

Would there be any issues installing both the 3PP and Campaign Packs?

The Packs where designed to work together. Other than "memory" on the iPads you can/could load EVERY pack and they will all work together. Or they are suppose too based on a new feature put in the App just after X-mas.

So I just tried the Campaign and 3PP and they won't load either and it de-linked my license again. Sigh and those two are not even that big of files. Ok tried the Campaign and the Basic Pack which are both small and that caused it to close also.

Ok I have sent an email off to Colen and we shall see. These "should" be working on the iPad. Sigh..... :( :( :(

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