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Athas April 11th, 2009 08:55 PM

First off, great program.

now down to business.
Trip power has gives you the choice of 'selective' power feat rather than 'Selective Attack' Extra [gives validation error] which it should be since it requires a Str or Dex check (and is what is in Ultimate Power book).


Colen April 14th, 2009 12:58 AM

Thanks, this slipped through the cracks because it doesn't really have a saving throw like other powers. I'll get it corrected in the next version.

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer April 21st, 2009 11:59 AM

Afraid I've found another one that has slipped through the cracks. :-( Vehicles and Headquarters are showing up on the PDF & regular printout with the words "Power Points Spent" when it should be "Equipment Points Spent"

My GM & fellow players love the product. Even got some to sign on to the idea of using Hero Lab for our 3.5 D&D game. When are you going to make a module for SAGA Edition Star Wars? ;-)

Colen April 29th, 2009 08:54 AM

Thanks, I'll try to get the "Power Points Spent" thing fixed. :)

Unfortunately, data files for Star Wars are probably not feasible; to do them, we'd need to get a license from LucasArts, which would not be easy to do unless we put 5 figures down on the table...

Qzap May 4th, 2009 12:23 PM

Some other things
I love this program. My Gaming group loves this program. Well all love this program. Know that I have gotten that out of the system, some issues that we have found.

1) When changing character sheets into PDF format output, the pictures that we have imported to the sheet goes gray and pixulated.

2) The Density power adds super-strength, but does not let you attach extra like shockwave or thunderclap like the actual power.

3) If you make equipment and want to store it temporally in your HQ there is no way to bring it back out to your character. It incorporates it into the HQ powers.

4) This is just a suggestion. The main sheet has a slot of your super power characters name, but no place for a Secret ID. Our group would like to see a section just for Secret ID's. (Name, Race, Occupation, Contact Names and Occupation, Proffession, etc...). Yes I know there is a background notes section, we would just like to see something more professionally done.

Keep the support up. Thanks

Gaming Monkey Qzap

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer May 11th, 2009 08:35 AM

Features for Headquarters - Book of Magic
Since Qzap just mentioned HQs, ;) , I thought I'd ask if you intend to add the features mentioned in the M&M Book of Magic (Dual-Sized, Sealed, Self-Repairing, etc.) to the list one chooses from.

Right now I'm listing the "additional" features under Equipment but it sure would be nice to have them right there with the HQ. Mine has several levels of Temporal Limbo (time flows 25x faster on the inside...so one can spend a full day researching in the library inside while only an hour passes for the outside world) and it is Dual-Sized.

Colen May 11th, 2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Qzap (Post 30282)
I love this program. My Gaming group loves this program. Well all love this program. Know that I have gotten that out of the system, some issues that we have found.

1) When changing character sheets into PDF format output, the pictures that we have imported to the sheet goes gray and pixulated.

2) The Density power adds super-strength, but does not let you attach extra like shockwave or thunderclap like the actual power.

I'll put these on the to-do list.


Originally Posted by Qzap (Post 30282)
3) If you make equipment and want to store it temporally in your HQ there is no way to bring it back out to your character. It incorporates it into the HQ powers.

Whoops, this is a really obvious thing to do, but it hadn't occurred to me at all! I'll get this resolved for the next version.


Originally Posted by Qzap (Post 30282)
4) This is just a suggestion. The main sheet has a slot of your super power characters name, but no place for a Secret ID. Our group would like to see a section just for Secret ID's. (Name, Race, Occupation, Contact Names and Occupation, Proffession, etc...). Yes I know there is a background notes section, we would just like to see something more professionally done.

This is probably one of our most-requested features, but everybody wants something different from it - your group wants somewhere to put your secret identity, someone else wants a place to put a quote, someone else wants somewhere to put their superhero team name, etc. The problem is, if I add all of them, there'll be no space for anything else on the Background tab.

I think what I'll do is add a new table on the Personal tab that lets you add as many of these "facets" as you like, and then display them under the hero portrait. That way everyone can use them for whatever they feel like - you can put your secret identity in there, someone else can put a quote, etc. They'll display under the portrait on the character sheet. Does that sound good?

Glad to hear you're enjoying Hero Lab! :)

Colen May 11th, 2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 30314)
Since Qzap just mentioned HQs, ;) , I thought I'd ask if you intend to add the features mentioned in the M&M Book of Magic (Dual-Sized, Sealed, Self-Repairing, etc.) to the list one chooses from.

Right now I'm listing the "additional" features under Equipment but it sure would be nice to have them right there with the HQ. Mine has several levels of Temporal Limbo (time flows 25x faster on the inside...so one can spend a full day researching in the library inside while only an hour passes for the outside world) and it is Dual-Sized.

You should be able to add these using the "Custom Feature" at the top of the list for vehicles and HQs. :)

Tauroch May 27th, 2009 05:29 AM

Hero Lab is an amazing program that is a terrific aid. However, the variable powers seem to incorrectly calculate the number of PP available for alternate powers. They use the PP cost of the Array power, for instance, instead of providing 2pp per rank of Array. This means that if the Array has a flaw, the program gives you 1pp per rank instead of 2pp.

Colen June 1st, 2009 01:33 PM

I believe this is correct behaviour - you're applying the flaw to the Array, not to the powers within the array. If you want to apply it to the powers within the array, apply it to each of them and everything should behave as you expect.

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