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Geewaagh January 26th, 2010 04:13 PM

modifing data files for SW
I am having a little problem getting started and was hoping someone could help give me some pointers.

I have the authoring kit and I am trying to add some new equipment and skills to the SW data source files.

I made a copy of the savage worlds directory, named it something new. I am opening the thing_armory.dat file, adding a new armor entry, then trying to save. It tells me the file I am modifying is not read by rule set. Also, when I do a "save as" it is wanting to create a .user file not a .dat file.

When I force the save, I can see it in the list if i open the file again. However, I can never see the item in the armor list when creating characters.

What am I doing wrong?


Mathias January 26th, 2010 04:45 PM

Normally, the only reason you'd need to copy a game system is if you had a lot of changes to make - for example, in d20 if you wanted to replace the default setting with the Forgotten Realms setting. If you're only adding a few sourcebooks, don't go through the hassle of maintaining two different folders - that just doubles the time required to make updates.

You should not be editing the real files for the game system (like thing_armory.dat) - those changes will be overwritten next time you download an update. Instead, make a new file in the editor, and add your new equipment within that. New files are not overwritten in an update. That's why it's telling you that the editor is only supposed to be saving .user files.

In the help menu within HL, I suggest you open the manual. The last topic in there is "Adding Custom Content" - that may be useful in giving you more information on how to do this, and how to make the changes you want to make.

Geewaagh January 26th, 2010 04:54 PM


Thanks for the reply. My post was not up long before you replied and I just figured out the whole user file thing over data files.

I found the "Adding Custom Content" a bit vague on where to write files, etc. Actually, the savage worlds help page says make a copy of the current directory and make changes to that directory. I guess those files are meant for xml editing and not within hero labs.

However, thanks to your reply and my exploring, I am off to modifying my equipment list!

Thanks again...

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