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shawn at electricstitch.c August 8th, 2000 12:43 PM

Salamanders Artificer Armour
Salamander Characters can have Artificer Armour for 15pts.

When an HQ unit (Librarian, Chaplain, Commander, etc.) has a command squad
he is _not_ an independent character, so should be allowed artificer armour
for 15pts.

I'm not sure how to edit this in. I'll probably look up Apothecaries and see
how the 10pt/15pt terminator honours is dealt with.

Shawn Campbell

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demandred at skrill.org August 15th, 2000 09:02 AM

Salamanders Artificer Armour
One fine day in the middle of the night, Shawn Campbell
<shawn@electricstitch.com> got up to write:

>Salamander Characters can have Artificer Armour for 15pts.
>When an HQ unit (Librarian, Chaplain, Commander, etc.) has a command squad
>he is _not_ an independent character, so should be allowed artificer armour
>for 15pts.

Whoa! IMAO this is reading far too much into the rules... why should a
Force Commander suddenly get cheaper Artificer Armour just because he
leads a command squad?

>I'm not sure how to edit this in. I'll probably look up Apothecaries and see
>how the 10pt/15pt terminator honours is dealt with.

If you really want to do it, create a second, cheaper artificer armour
option and use over: and more:.

'Not Colin' McAlister - License to Skrill
Email: demandred@skrill.org | Visit http://www.skrill.org/ today!
"Dovie'andi se tovya sagain" - Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time

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shawn at electricstitch.c August 15th, 2000 09:20 AM

Salamanders Artificer Armour
> >Salamander Characters can have Artificer Armour for 15pts.
> >
> >When an HQ unit (Librarian, Chaplain, Commander, etc.) has a
> command squad
> >he is _not_ an independent character, so should be allowed
> artificer armour
> >for 15pts.
> Whoa! IMAO this is reading far too much into the rules... why should a
> Force Commander suddenly get cheaper Artificer Armour just because he
> leads a command squad?

Actually, I didn't read far enough in... At the time I wrote that message, I
was under the impression that IC's could not take IC wargear if they were
accompanied by a command squad. I have since learned since then and now know
why the IC's pay more for their wargear.

I believe I found my answer in the Q&A.

Shawn Campbell

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