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dballing October 26th, 2021 08:12 AM

Pathfinder Nexus
Perhaps I've been under a rock, but this announcement seems.... bad in general? ... for HLO, as it seems like it would disincentivize Paizo from cooperating with something that competes with them.


MarcelGM October 26th, 2021 09:55 AM

They mention their relationship is unchanged with their existing partners but yeah this is a direct competitor to HLO.

Farling October 26th, 2021 03:07 PM

It looks like the equivalent of dndbeyond, but for pathfinder.

Not surprising since the chief designer is the guy who created dndbeyond.

marroon69 October 26th, 2021 06:16 PM

Well it will be interesting how this goes...it seems like a much more complete platform then HLO but the marketing always looks good. I guess we will have to wait and see

charlieluce October 26th, 2021 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by marroon69 (Post 297198)
Well it will be interesting how this goes...it seems like a much more complete platform then HLO but the marketing always looks good. I guess we will have to wait and see

I'm interested in what makes it a "much more complete platform". The announcement talks about a rules compendium and video chat (both of which are already available for free) along with a character builder. If there has been any mention of an NPC/Monster builder or a Combat manager, then I've missed it, and that's what I use HLO for.

dacoobob October 27th, 2021 06:10 AM

excellent, some competition in the space is exactly what's needed imo.

Darius Silverbolt October 27th, 2021 07:33 AM

They left out Starfinder and LWD still hasn't put out AP content passed the 3rd AP. The writing is on the wall of SF online tools it seems.

mototom October 27th, 2021 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by dballing (Post 297192)
Perhaps I've been under a rock, but this announcement seems.... bad in general? ... for HLO, as it seems like it would disincentivize Paizo from cooperating with something that competes with them.


Based on the announcement, it sounds like another licensed venture. So Paizo isn't competing with HLO. They've licensed another partner to make another set of tools. There's no reason to believe Paizo won't continue to support existing partners.

That being said, LWD seems to be having a hard time keeping up with the content being issued. If another character builder is coming, I hope it encourages LWD to step up the pace.

I'm playing in Strength of Thousands and hate having to track elements of the school outside HLO. I've given up on Campaign Theater mostly. If the shared elements ever showed up, like group loot, the ability to give things to other party members, the ability to cast spells and have recipients elect to accept the affects and have them applied automatically (and have those effects count down and end automatically), the ability to apply damaging effect—the potential is just enormous. (And please, just give me the ability to buy apprentice slots and assign them to players. I'm happy to pay for my group.)

The promise of subscriptions was that a continuous revenue stream would allow more consistent, rapid development, and an online model reduced the necessity to code for multiple platforms. The promise hasn't really been realized so far. I buy everything PF2-related the moment it's released. I'm ready to buy more stuff. It just doesn't exist yet. I'm frustrated and I'm not even really playing Starfinder. If I was a Starfinder regular I'd be super irritated.

I wish there were some way to help; I can data enter with the best of them. I don't think the opaqueness of their roadmap helps, either. If they'd publish their backlog and let people vote on feature requests and content requests, maybe they'd at least have more insight into where their efforts would satisfy the most people.

I do hope that LWD manages to get development caught up and back on track at some point.

MarcelGM October 27th, 2021 03:55 PM

Seems as if they won't be launching with an encounter builder but its something they plan on implementing.

They will support homebrew customization and mentioned 3rd party later.

They don't appear to have a way to share content like HLO has

marroon69 October 28th, 2021 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by charlieluce (Post 297199)
I'm interested in what makes it a "much more complete platform". The announcement talks about a rules compendium and video chat (both of which are already available for free) along with a character builder. If there has been any mention of an NPC/Monster builder or a Combat manager, then I've missed it, and that's what I use HLO for.

Like I said this is still vaporware...having an integrated rules compendium would be nice if it is linked to character options. Jsut having a searchable rules does not provide enough value To me that is more important then voice and video, or even the art. As new people start there is a ton of content that needs to gone though to understand the game. So hopefully they can work to make it an easier experience. That is my hope....but once again this is still vaporware and may be nothing.

BJ October 29th, 2021 04:48 PM

We've made a short blog post to help address the recent announcements. You can read it here.

dacoobob November 1st, 2021 12:52 PM

our twice-yearly message from the reclusive BJ, and that's it? bummer.

Tohmaturge November 2nd, 2021 06:24 AM

I think I get your frustration @dacoobob but that kind of comment absolutely does not encourage any devs to take part in these discussions...

Thrawn82 November 2nd, 2021 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Tohmaturge (Post 297285)
I think I get your frustration @dacoobob but that kind of comment absolutely does not encourage any devs to take part in these discussions...

Pointing out the lack of communication is a bit gouache,

i think thats not the real problem, though. That blog post fundamentally misunderstands the concerns people have been expressing. No one reasonable thought Paizo was pulling Lone Wolf's License. It seems like the concern thus far is HLO is struggling to keep up as a product monopoly, apparently due to lack of income to fund enough staff hours to get the requisite data entry work done. What is this product going to look like if a competing product draws down that already insufficient revenue stream? It's worrying to have them laugh it off as if "business as usual" will be sufficient in a space with competition.

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