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AJC May 1st, 2019 04:46 PM

6th Edition
Can you make any comment as to whether the newly announced 6th Edition will be supported in Classic or Online?

Tekwych May 2nd, 2019 06:08 AM

Classic please!

Ambush May 2nd, 2019 09:39 AM

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee!

Also, classic please. I won't go to online. :s

ShadowWalker May 2nd, 2019 02:09 PM

Given the way that Catalyst has taken their time giving Lone Wolf books after their release we probably won't see any kind of action here till well after it's release date. Whenever that might be.

Rone May 3rd, 2019 09:58 AM

Hey all!

Please keep an eye on our newsletter for any upcoming Shadowrun 6th Edition news. :)

Tekwych May 3rd, 2019 01:00 PM

Hell, I half expect the LWD newsletter to be more timely then CGL.

AJC May 4th, 2019 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by Rone (Post 278654)
Hey all!

Please keep an eye on our newsletter for any upcoming Shadowrun 6th Edition news. :)

Spoke with Jason; looking forward to that! :D

AJC June 22nd, 2019 07:36 PM

Well, looks like it’s confirmed...SR6 is coming to HLO.

stedlj June 23rd, 2019 03:26 AM

SR6 is going to HLO

Originally Posted by AJC (Post 279837)
Well, looks like it’s confirmed...SR6 is coming to HLO.

:( Poo, a big poo pile! SO not "SR6 is coming to HLO", but "SR6 is going to HLO".

Tekwych June 23rd, 2019 05:50 AM

If it is online only then I will no longer be using LWD. I will not use an online product.

Toblakai June 23rd, 2019 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tekwych (Post 279852)
If it is online only then I will no longer be using LWD. I will not use an online product.

So you don't subscribe to one of these online products then: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple Music, Spotify, etc, etc, etc... You would be the very rare one then.

Farling June 23rd, 2019 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Toblakai (Post 279882)
So you don't subscribe to one of these online products then: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple Music, Spotify, etc, etc, etc... You would be the very rare one then.

You forgot to include the online subscription to your ISP to actually be online :-)

TheMaskedFerret July 11th, 2019 07:58 AM

Will the beginner box stuff be included in the HLO package for Shadowrun 6th?
When can we expect the Shadowrun 6th package?

Lj Stephens July 11th, 2019 08:25 PM

We expect to have some Shadowrun 6 content by the end of the year. Let me find out about the beginner box.

Alewis July 22nd, 2019 05:10 PM

I don't care if it's online or not but the current online product just isn't very good and SR has FAR more options and technical challenges that StarFinder or the Pathfinder 2nd Edition and neither of those programs work very well.

Alewis August 2nd, 2019 06:20 PM

Trying to make a Pathfinder character in HLO and while I wait for it to accept my alignment selection I thought I'd browse the forums...still loading. Something that takes 1 second on Classic....Oh and now it's down for maintenance.

Lj Stephens August 3rd, 2019 03:50 AM

Yes, we apologize for the delays. We're trying to work out the kinks that appear with any new update. Thanks for your patience. :D

Shaman964 August 3rd, 2019 10:50 AM

The Boxed Set would be cool certainly though likely need a bit of adjustment for errata. It's too bad about SR6 going to HLO. I would have preferred it being classic as it is now referred to.

kaintheseeker August 4th, 2019 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Toblakai (Post 279882)
So you don't subscribe to one of these online products then: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple Music, Spotify, etc, etc, etc... You would be the very rare one then.

Do you pay for the subscription AND a specific album/movie on the service?

Tekwych August 4th, 2019 06:45 PM

An ISP and services such as Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple Music, Spotify, etc, etc, etc... are just that, services. They are sold as a service and you participate by paying a fee and receiving a service, not a product. You get exactly the what was advertised.

Among the problems created by HLO:

-LWD is giving up control of the user interface to whatever browser the end user has. While they can try to control it the browser manages how the code gets implemented. Often modern CSS and HTML needs numerous adjustments to get a browser to even display the page.

-LWD is giving up user experience to extremely random internet connections and speeds. Yes they do the same to platform, processor, and RAM but at least you can set standards.

-LWD is giving up control of the technology. I would hope they had learned with Realm Works. They wrote all their code to work on a code base written by another company who then upgraded and stoped support for several things that RW required. The issue put LWD in a serious hole and there is no guarantee that the rug won’t be pulled out from under them again.

-In the USA it is believed that over a third of the population has no high speed connection within 25 miles of them (the communications companies claim less than 10% while some research companies are claiming as high as 50%). By placing your product as online only you cut the potential number of customers and will, in the long run, make far less profit.

-The customer is losing all control of THEIR data. My characters, my story lines, my plot hooks are mine to control and use. By placing them online only I am now a hostage of some company. I can hope that they won’t sell my ideas to someone else. I can hope they don’t hold my data hostage for who knows what. Then, what happens when they go out of business

-An online system is an incomplete product. You are selling me the ability to do something provided I connect to your infrastructure and use you to facilitate and complete the process. They are trying to sell a product as if it were a service. Providing me with internet access is a service, offering me access to media for viewing but not ownership is a service, offering me something that is consumed is a service. A database to design and store character and story data is not a service, it is a product and I should be able to use it as a complete system after my transaction with the company.

I will buy every package LWD wants to make for HLC in the Shadowrun line and I buy many other lines as well. I will not but any online service that is pretending to be a product, especially when it should be a product.

Lj Stephens August 5th, 2019 05:09 AM

Hi Tekwych (cool name, btw) - while I can't speak to the speeds of various browsers and such, I can speak for your data. We will never hold it hostage! You will always be able to see your content, regardless of whether or not you pay for a subscription, you just wouldn't be able to level up your characters. But that data is YOURS.

As for the company going out of business, we were established more than 20 years ago, and have been growing strong ever since. We continue to add content and services as we grow and we have plans to be around for a very long time to come.

Thanks for the comment!

Toblakai August 5th, 2019 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by kaintheseeker (Post 280881)
Do you pay for the subscription AND a specific album/movie on the service?

As LJ said, you don't lose access to your content only the ability to level characters.

Toblakai August 5th, 2019 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tekwych (Post 280889)
-LWD is giving up control of the user interface to whatever browser the end user has. While they can try to control it the browser manages how the code gets implemented. Often modern CSS and HTML needs numerous adjustments to get a browser to even display the page.

This is a good thing, one interface for all devices, right now they have three code GUI code bases for the three supported platforms, they moved it to just one. Easier to maintain. Also the CSS and HTML differences are usually handled by whatever tools are being used, i.e React, etc.

-LWD is giving up user experience to extremely random internet connections and speeds. Yes they do the same to platform, processor, and RAM but at least you can set standards.
I think this is related to the server issues and not bandwidth on the device, the bandwidth they claimed was somehing like 100-200kB an hour even the slowest internet can handle that.

-LWD is giving up control of the technology. I would hope they had learned with Realm Works. They wrote all their code to work on a code base written by another company who then upgraded and stoped support for several things that RW required. The issue put LWD in a serious hole and there is no guarantee that the rug won’t be pulled out from under them again.
This is a cycle you can't get away from really. Look at them recently porting to HLC to 64bits, things change and need to be upgraded.

-In the USA it is believed that over a third of the population has no high speed connection within 25 miles of them (the communications companies claim less than 10% while some research companies are claiming as high as 50%). By placing your product as online only you cut the potential number of customers and will, in the long run, make far less profit.
Not really, don't need high speed for this, 100-200kb/hr not an issue for low speed bandwidth, plus I doubt your figure is accurate according to the FCC:
As of year-end 2016, 92.3% of all Americans have access to fixed terrestrial broadband at speeds of 25 Mbps/3 Mbps, up from 89.4% in 2014 and 81.2% in 2012.

-The customer is losing all control of THEIR data. My characters, my story lines, my plot hooks are mine to control and use. By placing them online only I am now a hostage of some company. I can hope that they won’t sell my ideas to someone else. I can hope they don’t hold my data hostage for who knows what. Then, what happens when they go out of business
LJ answered this, but I'll give you a tin foil hat for effort.

sanshou August 7th, 2019 10:01 AM

Interesting discussion of service versus product. Service is a distribution of products but in itself is consider a product. It all comes down to semantics if you consider something a service.

True working as a JS developer, cross browser support is just freaking wonderful at times and yes updates to browser can break functionality but a real developer has access to canary builds of the browser to test with. Also most cross browser problems have well distributed polyfills that solve them already and if you stay with basic HTML 5 specs you can make a web application that runs very consistently and as bug free as any desktop application.

So for me whether a subscription based service has any value is in what it provides for its payment options. I will probably not use HLO because to me the subscription model seems broken. What do I mean by that? Netflix I pay a single price for and receive the ability to view movies. I don't have to pay more (price increases in services beyond my simple scope here) when they add new products or videos. Therefore there is value in my continued subscription in that I get new things to watch or do.

HLO seems to want you to pay for each product and license. So if I order SR6 but want to also add Pathfinder, I have to pay again above and beyond the subscription price. So my subscription price only has the value for updates to the web app and simple core rules updates. I assume that even new source books like in classic require more additional payments above and beyond the subscription price. This just does not add up to value for me considering what I am seeing as the subscription price of $35... (maybe that is just the up front price for the products plus subscriptions and the actual subscription price is lower which may change my opinion some). If Netflix charged me $15 a month and $10 every month to add new movies, I would not pay the $25 and definitely would not pay the $15 to just keep access to old movies.

The other issue I have with online is that where I play, we don't have access to reliable WIFI. So I cannot use the product during actual play so any features based around that would be of limited value to me. I would assume I can print a character sheet (or save it to PDF) to play off line so that would not be the worst deal breaker... but local applications like Chummer allowed me to update and work with my character as I was playing... It would be cool if they could create a react native port of the online services to handle gameplay features offline on a tablet from a character generated online and saved to say an iPad... much like they did for Pathfinder (loved that iPad app which is one of the reasons I loved supporting them with the classic app when I was playing pathfinder).

Alewis August 7th, 2019 06:41 PM

I'd happily pay $25/year if 6 edition could be on classic.

Toblakai August 7th, 2019 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by sanshou (Post 281021)
HLO seems to want you to pay for each product and license. So if I order SR6 but want to also add Pathfinder, I have to pay again above and beyond the subscription price. So my subscription price only has the value for updates to the web app and simple core rules updates. I assume that even new source books like in classic require more additional payments above and beyond the subscription price. This just does not add up to value for me considering what I am seeing as the subscription price of $35... (maybe that is just the up front price for the products plus subscriptions and the actual subscription price is lower which may change my opinion some). If Netflix charged me $15 a month and $10 every month to add new movies, I would not pay the $25 and definitely would not pay the $15 to just keep access to old movies.


The subscription price for HLO is ~$2 a month. Not bank breaking and it's to pay to keep the servers up. I highly doubt that it is intended to be a profit center. They also need to pay Paizo the licensing fee for each item sold too.

It sounds like from other posts that LWD is looking at providing a subscription that gives you access to content, without paying for each item. Though this I am sure will be more in line with netflix pricing.

markelphoenix August 19th, 2019 06:32 PM

Any way people can get beta access to the Shadowrun chargen for Hero Lab Online? Already paid for Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder, would love to provide feedback on the Shadowrun implementation.

TheMadPhoenix August 26th, 2019 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by markelphoenix (Post 281386)
Any way people can get beta access to the Shadowrun chargen for Hero Lab Online? Already paid for Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder, would love to provide feedback on the Shadowrun implementation.

I second this. I've been part of the Beta of PF2 and provide bug reports for HLC and HLO whenever I find them.

Lj Stephens August 27th, 2019 06:26 AM

Howdy folks! We are currently working on SR6 for HLO but have no info on a beta at this time. Thanks for the interest!

riff.freelance August 27th, 2019 02:36 PM

For me personally, I'd much rather have Shadowrun 6e in Classic. I'm a true RPG nerd, I make characters for fun even when I don't have a game... That said I've only made what 5 characters for Pathfinder 2. Why? Because Herolab Online is slow and overly finicky. I want to *love* Herolab Online, but it needs some design love. I'm afraid Shadowrun will really highlight the problems with the Online environment. If Pathfinder is slow will Shadowrun (arguably a much more complex system) lock it up all together? Good luck guys, I hope you prove me wrong...

flux October 15th, 2019 07:18 PM

Since this thread has been idle since august, and there hasn't been a followup newsletter -- is there any word on SR6? I'm due to pick a system for the next campaign shortly, and access to this will affect whether or not SR6 is on the table for our group. :) Thanks!

Tekwych October 16th, 2019 01:17 PM

SR6 will not be offered in HLC. It will be available in HL Online but it will be late this year or early next year before it happens. If you want news on SE6 then watch the HLO forums, not these

Quatar October 20th, 2019 07:07 AM

So do I understand this correctly:

- For HLO I need to pay a monthly subscription fee
- I still need to buy the SR6 package
- I still need to buy all the supplement packages when they come out
- I need to be online to use it, the moment I don't have internet (at say a convention or in the basement) I can't use it anymore

I could get behind a subscription model if it gave me access to all the content, but if I have to buy the content seperately anyway, than that feels like you're charging me twice for the stuff.

Toblakai October 20th, 2019 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Quatar (Post 283256)
So do I understand this correctly:

- For HLO I need to pay a monthly subscription fee
- I still need to buy the SR6 package
- I still need to buy all the supplement packages when they come out
- I need to be online to use it, the moment I don't have internet (at say a convention or in the basement) I can't use it anymore

I could get behind a subscription model if it gave me access to all the content, but if I have to buy the content seperately anyway, than that feels like you're charging me twice for the stuff.

It's not a subscription it is a server access fee of $2/month, and they haven't even started charging it yet.

Tekwych October 20th, 2019 11:06 AM

You’re tight Quatar, I don’t see any value in where HLO is going. If it were a service then maybe but Hero Lab is a product and I should be able to use anywhere I want without paying additional fees

Toblakai October 20th, 2019 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tekwych (Post 283261)
You’re tight Quatar, I don’t see any value in where HLO is going. If it were a service then maybe but Hero Lab is a product and I should be able to use anywhere I want without paying additional fees

Good luck with that.

Daedster November 14th, 2019 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Toblakai (Post 279882)
So you don't subscribe to one of these online products then: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple Music, Spotify, etc, etc, etc... You would be the very rare one then.

Then I too am a rare one.

Toblakai November 14th, 2019 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Daedster (Post 283750)
Then I too am a rare one.

I'm sure :rolleyes:

Michael Chandra November 27th, 2019 12:04 AM

HLO-release! *buys* Now to wait for a HLO forum to be created for Shadowrun.

BJ November 27th, 2019 09:28 AM

The forum is already live. :)

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