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Colen February 28th, 2014 01:57 PM

Hero Lab Encounter Builder Feedback Thread
This thread is now closed - please post your feedback in the new encounter builder thread. Thanks!

DMG March 3rd, 2014 08:38 PM

Yay, I'm in! But I found a minor one already...

The HL installer file isn't downloading with the .exe extension... Could be confusing to some people.

I'm running a Skype game tonight, so I'm looking forward to giving it a test run.


DivingRhino March 3rd, 2014 09:32 PM

Mac install worked great. Is a nice simple tool.

Couple initial comments
1. I would like to see the regular portfolio screen show the XP, and CR for its contents.
2. There does not seem to be a way to change a creature already in the encounter into an ally or enemy. One might need to do this because they added a creature wrong … OR they just want to see what the CR of their party is!
3. It would be nice if there was an indicator as to whether a member in a portfolio is an ally or an enemy.

Manic Modron March 3rd, 2014 10:34 PM

It looks like it will be a great start.

1. Agree with DR above, showing CR and XP would be great. The opening blurb mentions it, but it doesn't seem to be active yet. Also, being able to key in a CR and add critters till the CR is full would be an awesome thing, but I think that was mentioned as part of the end goal.

2. An easier way to sort by type would be very helpful. Searching for "cold" terrain creatures brings up anything with Cold in the text, even if it isn't a mechanical term. Not a big deal since PFSRD.com does that, but I'd like a onestop shop for these things.

Nothing bad has happened so far. Hopefully I'll use it soon and see if anything snaps apart or clicks together.

Manic Modron March 3rd, 2014 10:58 PM

And I know that this is an ambitious thought, but a treasure generator that can print out a list of the loot appropriate for that encounter, this would be sweet.

There are online tools that can do this, but again a one stop shop would be ideal.

forbinproject March 4th, 2014 01:15 AM

Custom Folder
The first thing that would improve the encounter builder is the ability to 'add' custom folders to the set of locations incorporated into the EB.

Here's my use case;

I'm using the encounter builder to check if an encounter in my Rise of the Runelords Game might turn into a TPK. The encounter consists of 2 lamia Clerics, 2 stock CR10 red dragons and a jotunblood giant.

The lamia clerics and Jotunblood giant exist as community *.por files available online; I can bring in the red dragons from the bestiary files.

To do this though, I have to save the lamia and giant *.por files into the data/pathfinder directory - which clutters it up a bit. If I could 'point' the EB at the folder where I've already got the custom *.por files it would speed everything up.

failing that, if I can have a single 'custom' folder for EB files within my data/pathfinder directory, that keeps things neater.

in terms of use of the EB, I'm naming these custom files 0Custom_filename.por for the moment so that I can locate them quickly. The EB did show me that when the giant turns up, the encounter shifts from CR 14 to CR 17; so I'd better put quite a delay in before the giant makes it into the combat! In that sense the EB is *really* useful

Seregrimm March 4th, 2014 01:23 AM

I just received the Beta, and one thing jumps out right off, an unnamed hero is also built into the encounter when I set up an encounter. Did I miss how to keep that from happening?

frumple March 4th, 2014 04:19 AM

So far so good. My only suggestion right now is the ability to set the APL and difficulty of the encounter instead of the EB listing the various APL and difficulties as you build the encounter.

Silveras March 4th, 2014 04:45 AM

@frumple. I see a "Target CR" that I can set to determine the "XP Budget" for the encounter. Isn't this what you are asking for? APL is the party level; it doesn't change for the encounter, so it is the encounter CR that is important to set, isn't it?


Installer - Like DMG, I had the issue where the Windows installer did not save with the .exe extension. I had the same issue with the previous beta, as well, and reported it then.

Armies - I see the armies, especially the first army in each series of multiples, displaying odd information in the text below the name. For example, the Kobold Army entry reading:


Kobold Army
Huge Army of Kobold War 1 - Hobgoblin Army
The same is true of other army entries.

Information text - The information text below the name is inconsistent. Sometimes it is the source book (ex. "Bestiary 2"), sometimes it is the Class/Level ("War 1"), sometimes it appears to be the header for a related entry (ex. the "Alabaster" entry has "Cat - CR 1/4"), and sometimes it is blank (ex. "Cat" entry). Perhaps Size and type/subtype(s) would be consistent and useful?

Parenthetical Numbers - Some entries have parenthetical numbers (ex. "Baby Centipede (4)"). It is not clear what these are for. When the source is not indicated, it is difficult to tell whether these are from an encounter portfolio, or something else.

Overall, looks good so far, aside from the above. I would agree with forbinproject that being able to designate additional folders for portfolios would be useful.

Screetch1979 March 4th, 2014 06:06 AM

More (or better defined) search filters.
If I try Angels as subtype, the research gives me a lot of creatures that has nothing to do.
Just to give an example.

Colen March 4th, 2014 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by DMG (Post 176881)
The HL installer file isn't downloading with the .exe extension... Could be confusing to some people.

Can you give me more details on this? Are you getting a 404, or is the file downloading with a different name, or something else? Also, which email client are you using?

Colen March 4th, 2014 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Manic Modron (Post 176887)
And I know that this is an ambitious thought, but a treasure generator that can print out a list of the loot appropriate for that encounter, this would be sweet.

There are online tools that can do this, but again a one stop shop would be ideal.

A treasure generator is one of those things on our long-term todo list, but out of the scope of this project. :)

mezme March 4th, 2014 06:51 AM

I love it !
I tried it a bit this morning. (on a mac)

No trouble installing it.

- This is a much better way to import creatures into a potfolio.
- Filtering such as creature types, environment and CR would be great.
- The ability to add CR changing templates such as giant, young, zombie etc... would make it even better.

As is it is already a great improvement.

I will post any bug encountered, I have seen none yet.

Thank you guys, this will save me a lot o time.

Mathias March 4th, 2014 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by DivingRhino (Post 176882)
2. There does not seem to be a way to change a creature already in the encounter into an ally or enemy. One might need to do this because they added a creature wrong … OR they just want to see what the CR of their party is!
3. It would be nice if there was an indicator as to whether a member in a portfolio is an ally or an enemy.

2) In the character menu, choose "Configure Hero" - the Enemy/Ally Selector is on that form.

3) From the view menu, choose "Show Tactical Console" - if the picture's on the left, it's an ally, if the picture's on the right, it's an enemy.

neillwhy March 4th, 2014 08:05 AM

Adding own *.por files to encounter folder
Hi - how can I add more creatures to the encounter builder database - NPC's etc

Mathias March 4th, 2014 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by neillwhy (Post 176914)
Hi - how can I add more creatures to the encounter builder database - NPC's etc

In the Tools menu, choose "Explore Folders", and then "Game System Data Folder".

Create the NPC you want to add to the database as normal, and then instead of saving the file to the default location, save it to the "Game System Data Folder", and instead of the default extension of .por, give it the extension .stock.

bodrin March 4th, 2014 10:07 AM

Had a quick play with this today.

No installation problems.
No crashes.

The interface is simple enough, however I'd like a few more filtering options. Rather than the standard search box.

Terrain / Type / Subtype / Etc. Filter switches would be a more streamlined method of searching.
It's still a bit clunky searching for certain things. I tested for a specific XP total, once I'd included a space after the numerical figure, ie 600 XP not 600XP, that's when it became more intuitive however still cumbersome.

CGJackson March 4th, 2014 10:49 AM

My first error
So, this happened upon first trying to launch the encounter builder. I followed the instructions of the email and successfully finished the import with no problems. Everything seemed to be functioning as normal. Then I clicked the Encounter button, and ...Error message! Following the message, the program froze up and the computer had to be restarted.

HeroLab.exe has encountered an error and needs to close.

Please email a DESCRIPTION OF WHAT YOU WERE DOING, in as much detail as possible, along with this message, to support@wolflair.com. PLEASE NOTE: Unless you tell us what you were doing, we won't have enough information to fix this problem!

Right click and choose "Copy to Clipboard" to copy these details, or you can find them in this file: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\lwderror13716.txt

C:\Program Files (x86)\Hero Lab\HeroLab.exe
4.3b 407

major: 6, minor: 1, build: 7601, platform: 2, version: Service Pack 1, spmaj: 1, spmin: 0, suitemask: 00000300, type: 1
Address: 0x0060e244
Type: bad read

neillwhy March 4th, 2014 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 176915)
In the Tools menu, choose "Explore Folders", and then "Game System Data Folder".

Create the NPC you want to add to the database as normal, and then instead of saving the file to the default location, save it to the "Game System Data Folder", and instead of the default extension of .por, give it the extension .stock.

Thank you

Michele March 4th, 2014 01:40 PM

Hi DivingRhino! Thanks for taking the time to check out the new encounter builder!


Originally Posted by DivingRhino (Post 176882)
1. I would like to see the regular portfolio screen show the XP, and CR for its contents.

What exactly do you mean by the regular portfolio screen?


Originally Posted by DivingRhino (Post 176882)
3. It would be nice if there was an indicator as to whether a member in a portfolio is an ally or an enemy.

Thanks for the feedback! We are brainstorming a few ways to make a hero's allegiance more visible. Did you have a particular place in mind?

Michele March 4th, 2014 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by frumple (Post 176895)
So far so good. My only suggestion right now is the ability to set the APL and difficulty of the encounter instead of the EB listing the various APL and difficulties as you build the encounter.


Originally Posted by Silveras (Post 176897)
@frumple. I see a "Target CR" that I can set to determine the "XP Budget" for the encounter. Isn't this what you are asking for? APL is the party level; it doesn't change for the encounter, so it is the encounter CR that is important to set, isn't it?

Hi frumple, does this fit your needs for setting a difficulty for the encounter?

Michele March 4th, 2014 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by mezme (Post 176908)
- The ability to add CR changing templates such as giant, young, zombie etc...

Hi mezme, for the time being, one way to get around this is to import the hero as an enemy, apply the template you want, reopen the encounter builder, choose a target CR, and check "include enemies in the portfolio in the total CR."

Manic Modron March 4th, 2014 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Colen (Post 176907)
A treasure generator is one of those things on our long-term todo list, but out of the scope of this project. :)

Oh, I bet that it is. All those charts to compile and code... that can't be easy work!

Still, I look forward to the day when the Encounter Builder will have a Treasure button that will let me print out a master list of treasure in an .rtf file like a stat block and also have the little icon that lets me pass around that random loot to the NPCs involved.

Already though, I'm enjoying this a great deal more than the standard Import function. Great work so far!

Golkiwu March 4th, 2014 03:03 PM

A thought:

-I like to give my creatures max HP on creation. The way it is set now, if I want 100 mites to have max HP, I would need to edit each one to do that (I know I could clone one I modified, but this is a BETA test right?). It would be nice to either have a way to select max HP for the entirety of the selected creatures in the Encounter, or have the Character Configuration options affect all creatures generated with the builder.

DMG March 4th, 2014 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Colen (Post 176906)
Can you give me more details on this? Are you getting a 404, or is the file downloading with a different name, or something else? Also, which email client are you using?

I'm using Outlook 365 (version 15?).

The file is downloading as 'hl43b_beta407_win_install' (it's missing the .exe from the end of the filename). Manually renaming the file after downloading works a treat.

Steve March 4th, 2014 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Manic Modron (Post 176885)
1. Agree with DR above, showing CR and XP would be great. The opening blurb mentions it, but it doesn't seem to be active yet. Also, being able to key in a CR and add critters till the CR is full would be an awesome thing, but I think that was mentioned as part of the end goal.

You can enter a value for CR in the upper-right corner to set the XP budget. Is this what you wanted to do?


Originally Posted by Manic Modron (Post 176885)
2. An easier way to sort by type would be very helpful. Searching for "cold" terrain creatures brings up anything with Cold in the text, even if it isn't a mechanical term. Not a big deal since PFSRD.com does that, but I'd like a onestop shop for these things.

Currently the search field checks the entire statblock. What individual elements would be useful to search?

RavenX March 5th, 2014 12:18 AM

In regards to Encounter building, features that I would want to see include randomly generated treasure for the encounters. It would save GMs a lot of time having to generate these by hand if the software generated encounters with appropriate treasure based on the XP Advancement being used.

I'd also like to see the ability to limit encounters by CR, Subtypes, and Environment. If I wanted to just generate random encounters for a mountain region at CR 4 it would be nice to just put in that data and software creates an encounter appropriate for it with treasure displayed.

FurryQuandary March 5th, 2014 02:34 AM


I'm having an issues with the Search feature. I think it seems to be searching on type, but not name. For example, if I search for Ogre, I get several monster, including an orgekin, but not an Ogre. If I search for Giant, I get several creatures with the Giant subtype, like an Ogre, but no Giants (as Hill, or Stone).

Also, an option to change the list order would be nice. It displays in CR order at the moment, name order would be useful, but if the search worked by name, that wouldn't be as needed.


CorzatTheGray March 5th, 2014 06:33 AM

So far liking what I'm seeing!

Originally Posted by Michele (Post 176954)
Hi mezme, for the time being, one way to get around this is to import the hero as an enemy, apply the template you want, reopen the encounter builder, choose a target CR, and check "include enemies in the portfolio in the total CR."

Glad I found the "include enemies in the portfolio..." check box. Was starting to get frustrated when I couldn't see what the effect of adding something in to an encounter already imported would do to the CR.

I immediately liked what I was seeing when I thought about the ease of summoning something now with this tool. Rather than slogging through the stock file importer, now all it takes is opening this up and searching for what you want to summon.

When searching, as others have already stated, would love to be able to customize the sorting in some way.

Standardizing what appears below the stock files would also be something to iron out. Whether it be Source, CR, Region, etc.

As I keep working with it I'll keep posting.

Giorgio March 5th, 2014 08:09 AM

Status so far...
Ok, hope I can add something constructive.

Just received my beta email, but when I download the windows file it doesn't have an "exe" extension, and Windows 7 tells me it is an unknown file/cant install. It downloads the file "hl43b-beta407_win_install" , and when I click to run it is says "unknown file type" and opens a box that says "Choose the program that you want to use to open this file".

So I renamed the file to add ".exe" and it then changed to an application file. it worked. I installed the HL beta and imported the file (from my downloads folder), so far so good.

2- When I got the program to run, I could not find a way to filter results by CR, creature type, or MOST important to me, Terrain Type. These filters will go a long way to make this program useful for me. (Currently, I have to go to http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary to do it manually).

3- When I try to search for "orc", "ogre" or "skeleton" it doesn't pull those entries in the search bar. :(

I will give the program another run tomorrow, and see what else I can find out. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate! :)

casiel March 5th, 2014 08:29 AM

I had trouble when first using the Encounter Builder, but these problems mysteriously evaporated upon subsequent launches of the program.

When I first used Portfolio / Launch Encounter Builder, it relayed the Importing Builds message, but did not seem to progress beyond 10%. After waiting 10 minutes, I end-tasked the process and rebooted my computer. Then upon launching the Encounter Builder afterwards, there were no creatures listed in the left column (which was expected with an incomplete build import). When I closed down the program and relaunched it a third time and launched the Encounter Builder again, it automatically restarted the import, finished the import within a few seconds, and then things worked properly.

casiel March 5th, 2014 09:41 AM

Would it be possible to add templates to creatures shown on the right column of the Encounter Builder? For example, if we wanted to have 4 dire wolves, one with the Advanced template and two with the Young template.

casiel March 5th, 2014 10:29 AM

Is it possible to import .por files into the Encounter so that custom-created characters can be included in an encounter? That way we could add a Boss NPC to a group of monsters for an overall encounter.

Manic Modron March 5th, 2014 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Steve (Post 176995)
You can enter a value for CR in the upper-right corner to set the XP budget. Is this what you wanted to do?

Mine has no such window. It just says "Characters in Encounter" and does nothing about any sort of budget. Do I have the wrong version somehow?


Currently the search field checks the entire statblock. What individual elements would be useful to search?
Creature Type, Terrain and Climate would be fantastic.

Manic Modron March 5th, 2014 04:02 PM

OH, and until a treasure generator is added to the program, this generator right here has been the most useful that I have seen. Simple, customizable and easy to print off for the players.

Silveras March 5th, 2014 04:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Manic Modron (Post 177064)
Mine has no such window. It just says "Characters in Encounter" and does nothing about any sort of budget. Do I have the wrong version somehow?

I've attached a screenshot of what I see. Below the banner for "Characters in Encounter" is section with (on the left) "Current CR" (based on total XP in the encounter, it appears) and "Target CR" (which you can set to allocate a 'budget' of XP with which to build the encounter).

Is this different from what you are seeing?

Manic Modron March 5th, 2014 04:37 PM

Yes it is! That looks like what I want, but I'm not getting it. There is only a small amount of black space between the banner and the main window on the right. There is no Current CR, Target CR or even space for it to go.

Aleslosh March 5th, 2014 05:26 PM

I had the same issue with the HL download file as some others - no .exe extension. Once I added that, no problem.

Filtering - would love to see the ability to filter by a RANGE of CRs. Would also like to see a filter for Terrain. If I had to choose between one or the other, I'd go for CR Range.

EB Descriptions - I do not see the book description as needed. (Once EB goes live, we won't be able to see what we don't have packages for, correct?). Also, removing this would help the inconsistencies talked of in previous posts.

Templates - the ability to add Templates (Celestial, for instance) would be a very nice bonus

Treasure - I noticed some NPC characters imported through EB have treasure but other entities do not (based on the books they come from, I'm sure). It would definitely be useful to have "stock" treasure attached to characters chosen.

All in all though, a very useful add on to this program! I encountered no errors and the user interface of the EB is very intuitive.

Manic Modron March 5th, 2014 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Manic Modron (Post 177069)
Yes it is! That looks like what I want, but I'm not getting it. There is only a small amount of black space between the banner and the main window on the right. There is no Current CR, Target CR or even space for it to go.

It seems to work fine on my laptop, though. I wonder if the new data set didn't import right. I'll do it again when I go home and see.

(( EDIT: Okay, imjported again, nothing. Clean install, everything is fine. Thanks for the posted image! ))

Silveras March 5th, 2014 07:40 PM

Interesting.. I have no idea what it is. Maybe the OS?

I'm on a Windows 7 desktop. I have a tablet that's Windows 8.1 (Surface Pro), which I will have to try tomorrow. That has run previous versions of HeroLab without issue.

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