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-   -   Castles & Crusades, AD&D, or 2E anyone? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=30553)

Warunsun November 24th, 2012 09:48 AM

Castles & Crusades, AD&D, or 2E anyone?
Has anyone done or working on building the generation materials for Castles & Crusades, AD&D 1e, or 2e?


Islanddoc April 30th, 2013 05:56 PM

Would love to see AD&D or Castles and Crusades myself

sebacore September 10th, 2013 02:08 PM

I'd love to see any of the old school retro clones.

I'd make one myself but I just cannot wrap my head around the Authoring Kit.

RavenX September 10th, 2013 02:53 PM

I thought about doing a 2e based system, but it would require a lot of time to build the User Interface for it. Since digital copies of PDFs aren't something I have, it would mean many man hours of typing things in by hand as well like I did with Deathwatch. It's a tall order, but could be done, just not sure I'm willing to invest the time into it.

ChrisRevocateur September 16th, 2013 01:20 PM

Is there anything that I could do to help with that RavenX? I wouldn't be able to contribute quickly, as I would only have a couple hours a week I could put towards this, but I'd LOVE to see a 2nd edition Hero Lab rule set. Especially if we could try to build it towards supporting the entirety of the 2nd and 2.5 rules (skills & powers, combat & tactics, etc).

RavenX September 17th, 2013 12:58 AM

If I were to tackle this, I'd only be willing to put work into reshaping the skeleton files to cover the basic mechanics, all the spells, skills, powers, magic items, etc would have to be added by other people. The data set would be large, even if the primary focus is just PHB and DMG items, this is easily a project that could take months to finish. I'd add items here and there to test the mechanics and make sure it's working correctly, but this would still be a good amount of work. My interest would be a 2.5 data set. I prefer the way things were streamlined, particularly for psychic powers.

I had toyed with the idea of doing this in the past, but I'm still not sure how to go about implementing the multiclass mechanics. 2e does have a good chunk of validation work to implement on multiclass options. I'm not sure I've got the ability to handle that personally.

RavenX September 17th, 2013 01:31 PM


I'd also have to get the editor setup properly before we could do anything. That's a tab in itself. The problem I'm looking at is the multiclass characters. Those might take a while to implement as I'd have to have different XP trackers for each class added by the user since each class category has it's own XP table. I'd likely have to hard code classes into the data as well, with each of those tables built into the software and appropriate look ups, along with tables for the attributes. (There would be multiple tables here for some attributes because Dark Sun uses it's own look up for Strength and Constitution).

Just the base mechanics will be a lot of work to get implemented. My focus would be on single class characters at first until I could figure out how to implement multiclass functionality. There are a lot of tables to add there.

RavenX September 17th, 2013 02:32 PM

I've been messing around a little with the source code for the 2e file I started a couple years ago. I am going to say now, this is a long ways off from being anywhere near usable. I am going to see what I can do based on what I've already built. I can't guarantee this project will get done quickly, as I only have so many hours in a day to work on it, and other projects will come before this one.

RavenX September 22nd, 2013 04:32 PM

If any of you guys have time and want to assist in building the 2e dataset, private message me.

I've got one person helping so far. You don't need to know XML or how to use a data editor. I need people who can use either word pad or Microsoft word to type up spell and Psionic power descriptions. All I need is the name of the power and the description, so can just cut and paste them into place in the data. This would take hours of work off my shoulders and let me focus on game mechanics. If you're interested let me know. I'll be handing out workloads in small but manageable chunks. If enough people help this data can be built reasonably faster than I'd be able to Do on my own.

jbearwillis September 22nd, 2013 05:12 PM

Well, I would help, but I just never liked the 2nd edition that much. 1st and 3rd yes, just didn't like the whole kit thing, thought it just didn't do the job it was suppose to do, but good luck I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoyed and still do and will help. Good luck my friend.

RavenX September 22nd, 2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by jbearwillis (Post 166377)
Well, I would help, but I just never liked the 2nd edition that much. 1st and 3rd yes, just didn't like the whole kit thing, thought it just didn't do the job it was suppose to do, but good luck I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoyed and still do and will help. Good luck my friend.

Character kits / Archetypes doesn't matter what they're called. Lol. And I'm not adding those immediately jbearwillis, got wayyyyy to many things from just the PHB to worry about first. Kits will be an optional add on Celt with later once I've moved on to optional items.

ChrisRevocateur September 22nd, 2013 10:24 PM

That, and with a 2nd edition ruleset done, we can use it as a base to get a 1st edition ruleset done as well!

RavenX September 22nd, 2013 11:44 PM

One step at a time man, one step at a time. This is not going to be a quick project as it is. I still run 2e, and thus have an interest there. I can't guarantee I'd be interested in doing a 1e system. That will likely fall on someone else's shoulders to code.

ChrisRevocateur September 23rd, 2013 06:55 AM

I wasn't saying anything other than the fact that with a 2nd edition ruleset done, with its 2nd being based off of it, it shouldn't be too hard to adapt if/when we want.

RavenX September 23rd, 2013 02:56 PM

I'm just saying not to count chickens based on the number of eggs Chris. This data could take a year or more to be ready for release. We've only started skinning the surface of the character building mechanisms and it's a slow process. I'm still putting the attribute score tables in. I've put a handful of spells in without descriptions. It's just going to take awhile to get this finished and usable and I can't promise it will be done quickly. I'm still trying to finish Deathwatch and that system will take priority over this one once Mathias can get to helping me with it.

DarkHerald September 26th, 2013 06:27 AM

I would be willing to contribute $$ towards this project, I would love to see AD&D 1e, AD&D 2e, Castles & Crusades, Swords & Wizardry, Basic Roleplaying etc. Just the core books PHB, DMG is sufficient in AD&D 1e UA would be needed though.

Start a blog with a donate button and I would happly controbute :)

Good luck

peteday October 12th, 2013 10:15 PM

Like it was said earlier, if a 2e could be done a 1e system would be relatively easy.

Actually they are the same system for all practical purposes. I've been pretty bad at trying to do it myself but pretty good at adding new stuff to other systems. Here's hoping that someone who's good at this can do 2e.

Lexin January 26th, 2017 07:09 AM

AD&D 2e
Any news on AD&D 2e? It's been ages since I looked at the forums.

MadCartographer July 16th, 2017 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by ChrisRevocateur (Post 166391)
That, and with a 2nd edition ruleset done, we can use it as a base to get a 1st edition ruleset done as well!

Has anyone finished 1st ed ruleset? If so, where can I find it?

Lexin July 17th, 2017 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by MadCartographer (Post 252761)
Has anyone finished 1st ed ruleset?

And is the 2nd Edition ruleset done? I think I last asked in January.

RavenX July 19th, 2017 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Lexin (Post 252806)
And is the 2nd Edition ruleset done? I think I last asked in January.

Nope. I literally just learned how to do the FirstCopy script that I needed back then a few days ago. And I'm a bit busy on Exalted at the moment. Its on the back burner until I get the Exalted data set out of the way.

RavenX July 27th, 2017 05:34 PM

Also there is a bug in the code that's been there for months and I only just realized how to work around it to get rid of the error message that keeps popping up. It will take me a while to get that fix in though. Under no circumstances will I release buggy code that isn't working properly to people. When I have time I will get to it and fix it.

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