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jlong05 April 17th, 2012 06:26 AM

LotR SBG -Warbands
General Public Announcement.

I have uploaded the first public release of the new SBG files which now support warbands. There has been a lot of work put into this dataset, and I wanted to take a moment to thank my loyal beta testers for all their work. It has not gone unnoticed and was very much appreciated.

For players. Please note that I have stopped support of the old format. The final version was 1.91 and was not replaced by the new release. The old version was managed under the directory LOTR_EN. The new format has been moved to the directory LOTR_SBG. This was a decision made to prevent breaking existing saved rosters due to the new format.

Finally, old rosters developed under the LOTR_EN structure will not work with the new SBG format.

If you have any issues, questions or even identify any bugs, please post them here so I can respond to them here.


whitewolfmxc April 18th, 2012 04:52 PM

Bug report :

1) King champion for dwarfs doesnt have the option to add any warriors to his warband

2) When taking durin for dwarfs , the option for dwarf warriors upgrade to hearthguard is missing

3) dwarf balista doesnt have the uption of upgrading of one of its crew to a dwarf siege captain

Reviler1 April 18th, 2012 05:43 PM

Easterlings issue and thanks
First, thanks for the update.
Second, I tried to add an Easterling warrior with shield and pike and could not.
Just a heads up.

jlong05 April 19th, 2012 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by whitewolfmxc (Post 80650)
Bug report :

1) King champion for dwarfs doesnt have the option to add any warriors to his warband

2) When taking durin for dwarfs , the option for dwarf warriors upgrade to hearthguard is missing

3) dwarf balista doesnt have the uption of upgrading of one of its crew to a dwarf siege captain

Thanks for the feedback. Looks like 1 and 2 are bugs. I will have these worked on this weekend.

As for #3, that is actually working as intended. The rules for Siege Weapons is that if a Siege Weapon has an Engineer Captain(he must lead the warband). So there are actually 2 different Siege weapons for each type. One that is a 'hero option' that auto adds the Captain, and then as a warrior that can be added to an existing hero warband, but does not have an option for captain upgrade(since that would break them from the originating warband)

philipmairs April 19th, 2012 02:35 PM

Thanks for the new data files. It is good of you to do this work for us all to share.

jlong05 April 19th, 2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Reviler1 (Post 80652)
First, thanks for the update.
Second, I tried to add an Easterling warrior with shield and pike and could not.
Just a heads up.

Confirmed and Fixed. Thanks for the heads up on this bug.

Reviler1 April 20th, 2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by jlong05 (Post 80743)
Confirmed and Fixed. Thanks for the heads up on this bug.

You are welcome and once again thanks for the hard work and quick fix.

szirer April 21st, 2012 09:57 PM

The easterling pike costs now 1 point not 2 as it was :) thanks for the file :)

jlong05 April 24th, 2012 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by szirer (Post 80833)
The easterling pike costs now 1 point not 2 as it was :) thanks for the file :)

Fixed and file released.

Winkmog May 3rd, 2012 03:40 AM

Easterling warrior

Need to change back so you cannot take shield and pike together.
Page 46 of the rules in the One Ring book
If a warrior is armed with a two handed weapon or Pike it cannot carry a shield. It doesnt have enough hands.


jlong05 May 3rd, 2012 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Winkmog (Post 81784)
Easterling warrior

Need to change back so you cannot take shield and pike together.
Page 46 of the rules in the One Ring book
If a warrior is armed with a two handed weapon or Pike it cannot carry a shield. It doesnt have enough hands.


Page 44(The Fallen Realms): Easterling Warrior special rules

Phalanx. Easterlings can use pikes and shields at the same time without penalty.
Originally this was handled in the old rules as the Warriors carried spears which worked like Pikes. Now they officially are pikes, but the rule grants the use with Shields.

whitewolfmxc May 8th, 2012 12:50 AM

bug : if you bring the necromancer , and you upgrade ork warriors to ork warriors of dol guildor , on the offical name its named as ork captain of dol guildor instead for all the upgraded ork warriors

Dezartfox May 20th, 2012 01:02 PM


The cost to upgrade Uruk-Hai scouts to marauders is listed as 0pts instead of 1.

The Grey Company bow allowance doesn't work

RotN and Dunedain can take warriors

jlong05 May 20th, 2012 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by whitewolfmxc (Post 82246)
bug : if you bring the necromancer , and you upgrade ork warriors to ork warriors of dol guildor , on the offical name its named as ork captain of dol guildor instead for all the upgraded ork warriors

Just released version 2.4. This should be resolved. Please let me know if you find anything else.

Sheriff Lee June 2nd, 2012 09:36 AM

I just updowned SBG from the LW site, None of the warriors are loading. So it backto the LOTR-EN files

jlong05 June 2nd, 2012 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Lee (Post 84180)
I just updowned SBG from the LW site, None of the warriors are loading. So it backto the LOTR-EN files

Did you add a hero which is required to lead a warband? If so, you should have noticed an option for the warband to add warriors. This presents you a list of available warrior units for the hero you selected to lead your warband. Without selecting a hero, no warriors may be fielded per the updated rules released this year.

Cosworth June 5th, 2012 10:39 PM

Nicely done with the new LotR files!

Bug: Black Numenoreans can choose BOTH upgrades in army builder. Only one should be allowed as the rulebook says "choose one of the following"

jlong05 June 6th, 2012 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dezartfox (Post 83174)

The cost to upgrade Uruk-Hai scouts to marauders is listed as 0pts instead of 1.

The Grey Company bow allowance doesn't work

RotN and Dunedain can take warriors

Just saw this report, apologies for not getting it addressed earlier. I will look into this in the coming weeks though as I am vacationing now with limited Internet access.

jlong05 June 6th, 2012 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Cosworth (Post 84364)
Nicely done with the new LotR files!

Bug: Black Numenoreans can choose BOTH upgrades in army builder. Only one should be allowed as the rulebook says "choose one of the following"

This will be looked into and resolved at the next release.

jlong05 June 24th, 2012 03:07 PM

Version 2.5 released. Fixes bugs identified for:

Black Numenoreans can choose BOTH upgrades in army builder. Only one should be allowed as the rulebook says "choose one of the following"

The Grey Company bow allowance doesn't work

RotN and Dunedain can take warriors

philipmairs December 25th, 2012 12:33 PM

Will you be updating the file to include the new Hobbit edition models and perhaps even weapon rules where included in rosters?

jlong05 December 25th, 2012 04:23 PM

I have been working on the hobbit additions. Also there have been several FAQ updates that need added. As for the weapon special rules, they do not need added since they are dependent on the wysiwyg model and how it is armed. There are a couple models whose special rule grants use of weapons special rules which will be included though.

There are some issues with Hobbit that I am trying to figure out, such as the Hobbit indicates that models of the same name are replaced resulting in issues with Gandalf the Grey no longer having a horse or cart option. Hoping this gets a FAQ soon to help explain this and how it should be handled going forward. For now I think I plan to use 2 different Gandalf the Grey models indicating one as Hobbit version.

AdamB January 31st, 2013 03:19 PM

If I select Legolas or Gimli as allies it thinks they are part of fellowship and will not let me add followers - even though selected them from Elf and Dwarf lists and trying to add respective warriors - they are not independent heroes. - This seems to happen with lots of characters from any army list when you select them as allies.

Should the siege engine points cost not auto include the minimum crew?
Additional crew should be only crew you pay for?

Faramir has no Armoured Horse Option
Banner bearers can take shields now apparantly

jlong05 February 22nd, 2013 12:06 PM

Apologies to all. I had a system crash a while back during my initial Hobbit dev and lost everything. As such I was frustrated and tabled the project work. Due to work life and an extended Jury Duty assignment, I have had no time to work on this. I will however try to get some work done over the next couple weeks and see about releasing an updated version for everyone.

jlong05 February 22nd, 2013 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by AdamB (Post 127179)
If I select Legolas or Gimli as allies it thinks they are part of fellowship and will not let me add followers - even though selected them from Elf and Dwarf lists and trying to add respective warriors - they are not independent heroes. - This seems to happen with lots of characters from any army list when you select them as allies.

When you are using Gimli or Legolas, what list are you using them from? An ally list or the parent army list? If you are using them as an Ally(from whatever list they are an ally from) would define what units they may lead. So if you are allying them in from the Fellowship list, then they would not be able to lead warriors from your parent army as they are not from that army list.

Maybe I am misunderstanding the issue you have. Please elaborate further.


Originally Posted by AdamB (Post 127179)
Should the siege engine points cost not auto include the minimum crew?
Additional crew should be only crew you pay for?

This was a design choice I had to make due to options and allowing models. The cost of the siege weapon with the min crew(once added) is correct for the entire siege weapon. If you are seeing otherwise, please provide specific examples so they can be researched.


Originally Posted by AdamB (Post 127179)
Faramir has no Armoured Horse Option
Banner bearers can take shields now apparantly

According to my Kingdoms of Men, Faramir does have that option. Was this recently FAQd?
Banner Bearers can only take shields IF their profile allows for it. It does however appear that the prior rule of losing all existing weapons and gear no longer applies. This will take some additional reworking of the files to support.

Thanks for pointing this out.

AdamB February 23rd, 2013 01:21 PM

If I build a Minas Tirith list and I add the following persons from their respective lists I cannot add followers.

Legolas, Thranduil and Celeborn from Lothlorien and Mirkwood
Elrond (both Versions), Arwen, Glorfindel, Cirdon and Erestor from Eregion and Rivendell
Gimli from Durin's Folk

However this only happens when they are allies not if they are the main roster.
Gimli has [df] after name not [fe] same with the other characters.

Siege engines is as you stated - I did't spot that the points dropped to allow you to crew to correct points - fixed.

Faramir has an option for Armoured Horse but didn't notice you need to select horse then edit horse to add armour - fixed


wernerkellens March 31st, 2014 04:55 AM

Thanks everybody who helped with the Lord of the rings data files.

Is it possible to make an army list without warbands fe for playing scenario's

jdizzy001 April 4th, 2015 05:07 AM

Bug Report: Legolas[Im] is unable to add units when filling as ally role. Thanks

dannym September 4th, 2015 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by jlong05 (Post 80534)
General Public Announcement.

I have uploaded the first public release of the new SBG files which now support warbands. There has been a lot of work put into this dataset, and I wanted to take a moment to thank my loyal beta testers for all their work. It has not gone unnoticed and was very much appreciated.

For players. Please note that I have stopped support of the old format. The final version was 1.91 and was not replaced by the new release. The old version was managed under the directory LOTR_EN. The new format has been moved to the directory LOTR_SBG. This was a decision made to prevent breaking existing saved rosters due to the new format.

Finally, old rosters developed under the LOTR_EN structure will not work with the new SBG format.

If you have any issues, questions or even identify any bugs, please post them here so I can respond to them here.


sorry layman question but where can i actually download the latest file from?

I've looked on the main lone wolf website but can't find no lotr SBG files etc for army builder

d34n87 April 21st, 2016 01:17 PM

is anyone able to update the lord of the rings file with the battle of the 5 armies free pdf on the GW site?

John the Revelator November 25th, 2017 12:20 PM

n00b = me
Hi, I just bought the program army builder and was wondering if there's any army templates ready made by enthusiasts available for download?

/Greetings from Sweden

Annatar December 21st, 2017 03:20 PM

There's a set of data files that cover all of the currently valid books (except for Battle Companies, which just came out).

In the "Get Started" dialog window, pick "Get Updates", and look for "Lord of the Rings (V4.11)" in the list.

Unless you meant something else by templates, like ready-made rosters or something? I'm not aware of anybody uploading anything like that, no.

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