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-   -   Cortex Sales Temporarily Suspended (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=11753)

rob November 18th, 2010 01:02 PM

Cortex Sales Temporarily Suspended

We've been actively supporting the Cortex game system for a few years now, including the various licensed properties built upon Cortex (e.g. BSG, Serenity, etc.). Those licensed properties create a unique aspect of our Cortex support as compared to the other game systems we offer. Everyone both at Lone Wolf and MWP believed that our support for those licensed properties was being handled correctly until a recent review uncovered some potential issues. Consequently, we need to suspend new sales of Cortex until this all gets resolved.

Please note that this is TEMPORARY. We've been assured by MWP that we'll be able to fully support Cortex Plus when it's released, and we're actively working with MWP and the studios to secure licenses to support their most recent games (Leverage and Smallville). So the relationship is strong and we just need to work through this hiccup with the current Cortex data files.

For those of you who have already purchased Cortex, nothing is being taken away from you. Only NEW sales have been discontinued. So existing users will be fully capable of continuing to use the Cortex data files. When installing Hero Lab from scratch, the Cortex system will no longer appear on the "Select Game System" screen. However, you can readily download the Cortex files AFTER first activating your license by viewing the list of updates available. Anyone with a Cortex license will see Cortex listed in the updates and can download, install, and use those data files.

To those of you looking to purchase access to the Cortex data files, we apologize for the inconvenience and we're actively working to make Cortex available once again.

Every1talks March 4th, 2011 12:32 PM

Thanks for the heads up. Will keep checking back.

Zansha87 July 13th, 2011 02:41 AM

Hi! How's it going?
Just getting into the Cortex system, and saw that there haven't been any updates. Then I saw this thread. Glad I saw it. Now I was wondering how things are going with getting it straightened around? I absolutely love Hero Lab and the awesome versatility of it. Hope I (and all the others) can be using this extension of it soon.

Keep up the good work!

spacebug August 5th, 2011 06:01 PM

Typical, I was waiting for Shadowrun to come out and then going to get Shadowrun and Serenity at once, and now Serenity is gone!

I hope the Cortex stuff gets re-activated soon. Is there any word on if/when this is likely to happen?

Lightspeed Hobbies September 12th, 2011 01:47 PM

Will you be able to include the Marvel RPG in with Cortex Plus after you get everything resolved? MWP's licensed Marvel RPG doesn't come out until February 2012. Has this been discussed yet? Or will the content for Marvel not be included like the DC RPG wasn't for M&M 3rd ed.?

DocSun September 29th, 2011 06:30 PM

Will you ever be working on getting Cortex back? I came across the system a week or so ago recalled seeing it in hero lab when I got it a long while back but... now nothing. Please try and get it back if not for current support at least up to the last module that you had.

From wondering around the website it looks like this has been an issue for almost a year.

SAbel October 23rd, 2011 08:50 AM

Just checking also about the Cortex system, my group is looking to play some serenity soon and I am not sure that everyones HL has this installed.

Colen November 3rd, 2011 08:05 AM

No news on Cortex at this time, sorry. :(

EberronKnight October 11th, 2012 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Colen (Post 64960)
No news on Cortex at this time, sorry. :(

Any word yet on Cortex (specifically thinking of the new Marvel game) ?


senjak November 21st, 2012 05:09 AM

Any update?



lordrodd November 25th, 2012 11:23 AM

I would love something for the Marvel Heroic RPG!

The GIT! March 13th, 2013 07:45 PM

Considering this was supposed to be a temporary setback is there any chance of getting Cortex back?

Horikawa Otane April 9th, 2013 09:52 PM

I would also like to use this program, but it's useless to me right now...

Lusus Naturae November 22nd, 2013 05:36 AM

I would snap this up if you got the Cortex license back. I run a lot of Supernatural and this would be neat to have.

monsterfurby January 27th, 2014 06:42 AM

I know it has been a while, but it would be great to know if this is still being worked on. I'm currently looking to start a new campaign using Cortex, and even a legacy-version of this module would be very helpful in this. Any update on the status would be appreciated!

Colen January 27th, 2014 09:08 AM

Unfortunately we don't have any updates on Cortex at this time. Sorry!

Nikkita July 28th, 2014 10:40 AM

I noticed it had been a few months and now the new version has been released. Is it possible that Lone Wolf will be getting rights to support this again? I've just started using the d20 setup and it's amazingly helpful. I think that would be great for the Serenity/Cortex when we restart.

Thank you!

liz July 28th, 2014 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nikkita (Post 188753)
I noticed it had been a few months and now the new version has been released. Is it possible that Lone Wolf will be getting rights to support this again? I've just started using the d20 setup and it's amazingly helpful. I think that would be great for the Serenity/Cortex when we restart.

Thank you!

We don't have anything to announce regarding Cortex right now. :( If we arrange anything with Margaret Weis Productions, we would announce it in our monthly newsletter, our website, and our social media.

Mithosaurion August 25th, 2016 09:10 PM

Any news on this front? Support for Cortex Plus is something that I would definitely pay for.

EightBitz August 26th, 2016 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Mithosaurion (Post 233870)
Any news on this front? Support for Cortex Plus is something that I would definitely pay for.

Last I heard, Margaret Weiss Productions was the one holding back. I don't know the reasons. Drop them a note.

Krimson August 29th, 2016 07:25 AM

I wouldn't hold your breath. They recently removed all mention of the Kickstarter they were planning for "Spring" from their website, as well as all Firefly material. I am guessing. Photos from the last gaming convention showed no game books at all at their booth, just fiction books. All that's left of Cortex on their site is this: https://margaretweis.com/collections/cortex

Even people who were working on Cortex Plus games have got no response from them at all on anything. I absolutely loved the system but MWP has not only dropped the ball on Cortex Plus, the took the ball and launched it with a cannon.

Asandir November 2nd, 2016 08:39 AM

The Cortex license has just been acquired by Cam Banks from Margaret Weis.

Announcement here:

Paragon November 13th, 2016 01:47 PM

Which, of course, begs the question whether the Wolflair would find it worthwhile to assign someone to do the necessary workup to get HL able to support Cortex+ (Classic and it are significantly different, and Cortex+ is also far more individualized in how it handles certain things).

Mithosaurion November 15th, 2016 10:59 AM

One can only hope. I know that I would gladly pay for it and every expansion they come up with.

BDrazgon1209 December 23rd, 2016 08:58 PM

Original Cortex too
I would even pay for original Cortex rules. I have all of the original Serenity RPG books, and would love to make use of Hero Lab for the character and ship generation. Hero Lab has proven to be a tried and true time saver to me as a DM or gamer, and this would truly be a personal high point for me.

SAbel January 3rd, 2017 06:08 PM

I have all the original Serenity and the Firefly RPG books I would love to have a character manager/build for this system. I am wondering if it has all been dropped now since MW announced it: CAM BANKS ACQUIRES CORTEX™ LICENSE, on nov 1st

link https://margaretweis.com/blogs/news/...cortex-license

charlieluce January 3rd, 2017 06:55 PM

I asked Cam Banks on RPGnet, and he said that as a licensee he didn't have the authority to authorize anyone to do a character generator for Cortex.

I'm afraid it's going to stay dead.

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