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-   -   [Shameless Self Promotion] Realm Works Stuff on DrivethruRPG (and Patreon) (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=64063)

Merion March 18th, 2020 04:47 AM

[Shameless Self Promotion] Realm Works Stuff on DrivethruRPG (and Patreon)
Unfortunately the content market did not turn out to be what I wanted it to be: a marketplace for us to buy and offer small drop-in elements for our campaign worlds. Places and maps, NPCs, sidequests, interesting items and the like.

Thus I decided to offer these things myself on DrivethruRPG and for my Patreons of the Advanced Tiers. I don't know if there is even a demand for things like this - apparently LWD did not think so - but it is what I would want, so here goes.

Please have look and tell me what you think. It's not much so far, but I try and add more content regularly:

Valyar March 18th, 2020 05:10 AM

Would it be possible to post few screenshots from the RW?

Merion March 18th, 2020 05:33 AM

Sure, have a look here:

forgot to share a glimpse of a NPC:

Exmortis March 18th, 2020 08:41 AM

I approached them years ago, never heard back.

Really hope this pans out to support RW.

Maidhc O Casain March 18th, 2020 09:38 AM

Good stuff, Merion! I saw your Pi Day map over on the ProFantasy forums, and love it. While I don't need any of this right at the moment it's awesome to know it's there.

I've considered doing the same thing, and might still.

Merion March 18th, 2020 02:37 PM

Thanks for the support!

If there is anything particular you would like or you think many GM would like to see, let me know. Right now, it's just a shot in the dark and I'm mainly I putting up things I prepare for my next campaign anyway. More polished and well-rounded than I'd do for myself alone, of course.

Merion April 2nd, 2020 01:39 PM

I hope nobody minds if I keep this thread updated with new stuff I put up.

This week I added a new NPC and I got a village and another quest in the works.


Dark Lord Galen April 4th, 2020 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Merion (Post 287053)
Shameless Plug............
Please have look and tell me what you think. It's not much so far, but I try and add more content regularly:

Well its been since november of last year since I visited and I see things have only progressed further into the abyss....

Wishing you every bit of luck Merion... Hope your endeavor proves a successful support element for the community that LWD couldn't seem to manage.

I'll spread the word and Wave the banner where I can...
Best of luck... and be safe in these trying times across our blue marble as well:)


Merion April 4th, 2020 11:17 AM

Thank you for your kind - if gloomy - words!

Thalamus April 4th, 2020 03:13 PM

Bought your Kobolds and Cultists Map and like it. :)

But I had problems while importing. I had to manually edit the File and change the format_version="4" to format_version="3" because RW failed with the error "format_version out of range" (I have the latest Version of RW).

It would be great if you provide some information in the zip which game structure is used for the module.

Some more :-) Based on your name I guess you are german or german speaking. If I am right and you translate your module only for drivethru, it would be great if you considerate to publish a german version too.

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