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TheIronGolem December 3rd, 2017 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by EldritchWeaver (Post 259741)
@TheIronGolem, if you could add a list of released modules in one of posts on page 1, then it would be easier to check if someone missed a book.

I actually do keep a list in the second post, though I should be linking back to it more often.

TheIronGolem December 19th, 2017 12:19 PM

Vivomancer's Handbook for Hero Lab is now available!

Hero Lab files only
Hero Lab files plus Vivomancer's Handbook PDF (with a bundle discount)

Version 1.31 for Core came out yesterday. No new features, just compatibility with the new handbook.

The Creator's Handbook (the PDF for which was released this week) is now entering development. For once, I'm not months behind a handbook's release!

Bob G December 26th, 2017 08:53 PM

Hi folks, just bought the Spheres of Magic Expanded Options HL files, but got errors when installing. Some of the (many) error messages are:
File:DDS_SpheresOfPowerExpOpt.user(line 4325) - Thing "rcSoPSymLt" (dynamic tag) - Tag 'SymbArmor' not defined.
There are multiple errors of this nature, each with a different undefined dynamic tag.

Can someone from DDS test this and find out what's wrong?


TheIronGolem December 26th, 2017 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bob G (Post 260647)
Hi folks, just bought the Spheres of Magic Expanded Options HL files, but got errors when installing. Some of the (many) error messages are:
File:DDS_SpheresOfPowerExpOpt.user(line 4325) - Thing "rcSoPSymLt" (dynamic tag) - Tag 'SymbArmor' not defined.
There are multiple errors of this nature, each with a different undefined dynamic tag.

Can someone from DDS test this and find out what's wrong?


You mention you just bought Expanded Options, so I'd like to make sure you also got the core Spheres of Power package as that is required for any other SoP content (including Expanded Options and all of the sphere handbooks) to function. I mention this because the most likely cause of that error is that the core package is missing (it's where I put any tag groups I need to define for SoP stuff).

Bob G December 26th, 2017 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheIronGolem (Post 260648)
You mention you just bought Expanded Options, so I'd like to make sure you also got the core Spheres of Power package as that is required for any other SoP content (including Expanded Options and all of the sphere handbooks) to function. I mention this because the most likely cause of that error is that the core package is missing (it's where I put any tag groups I need to define for SoP stuff).

Thanks for the quick response. I do have the SoP core package, and it is enabled. What else could be causing the issue?

TheIronGolem December 26th, 2017 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bob G (Post 260649)
Thanks for the quick response. I do have the SoP core package, and it is enabled. What else could be causing the issue?

Should have mentioned this in my previous post, but you also need to have an up-to-date version of the core file. If you have an older version and it wasn't updated, that could also explain why you're missing the SymbArmor tag group. If you haven't already, follow the instructions from the readme file that's included in the .zip you got when you purchased the package. The current version of SoP is 1.31.

Bob G December 27th, 2017 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by TheIronGolem (Post 260653)
Should have mentioned this in my previous post, but you also need to have an up-to-date version of the core file. If you have an older version and it wasn't updated, that could also explain why you're missing the SymbArmor tag group. If you haven't already, follow the instructions from the readme file that's included in the .zip you got when you purchased the package. The current version of SoP is 1.31.

Ha! Yes, that was the problem. Thanks for the save.

I have a cosmetic issue to bring up, however: I started working on a sphere witch. It would appear that the bootstraps for patrons are still referencing the descriptions for bonus spells. You may want to delete the bonus spell text so as to not confuse anyone.

Thanks for your hard work on these files.

Bob G December 27th, 2017 05:26 AM

Bug in SoP Expanded Options - Sphere witch
Hi Folks,

I've found an issue with the SoP witch when selecting patron spheres and talents. It would appear that when selecting a patron from the Witch tab, the associated sphere and talents are not being decremented from the available magic talents on the Sphere Abilities tab.

For example, I have a 4th level witch, who should receive four magical talents plus two more from their patron. On the Witch tab, I select the Time patron, and the Time sphere is automatically enabled in the Patron Talents selection. However, after selecting the Time sphere and a talent from the Time tree, if I tab over to the Sphere Ability tab, my selections from the Witch tab are not carried over, and the available magic talent count is not decremented.

Furthermore, on the activated Time tab, I now show a total of ten talents, when I should only have six available at current level.


Bob G December 27th, 2017 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Bob G (Post 260662)
Hi Folks,

I've found an issue with the SoP witch when selecting patron spheres and talents. It would appear that when selecting a patron from the Witch tab, the associated sphere and talents are not being decremented from the available magic talents on the Sphere Abilities tab.

For example, I have a 4th level witch, who should receive four magical talents plus two more from their patron. On the Witch tab, I select the Time patron, and the Time sphere is automatically enabled in the Patron Talents selection. However, after selecting the Time sphere and a talent from the Time tree, if I tab over to the Sphere Ability tab, my selections from the Witch tab are not carried over, and the available magic talent count is not decremented.

Furthermore, on the activated Time tab, I now show a total of ten talents, when I should only have six available at current level.


Never mind, I figured out how you configured this. When you select your patron sphere, the base powers of that sphere are added to the sphere tab that you select. So if I choose the Time patron, the base powers of haste and slow are added to the Time tab, along with any Time talents you select from levels and bonus talents.

Nice work! Sorry for the fire drill...:o

TheIronGolem December 27th, 2017 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Bob G (Post 260659)
I have a cosmetic issue to bring up, however: I started working on a sphere witch. It would appear that the bootstraps for patrons are still referencing the descriptions for bonus spells. You may want to delete the bonus spell text so as to not confuse anyone.

Unfortunately I can't really do much about that. Since the Patrons are Lone Wolf's code and not mine, I can't prevent the spells from bootstrapping, nor can I touch the component code that causes them to be auto-listed in the Patron's description text.

Theoretically I could find the spell list after it's written and replace it with a blank string, but I'm pretty sure that would end up being buggy and slow and more trouble than it's worth.

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