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Farling March 21st, 2019 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Acenoid (Post 277009)
Hi Farling!

Is it possible somehow to get the rw importer to update my topics in rw? At the moment it will always create a duplicate topic tree correct? (its no problem - just wanted to know if iam missing something) :)

Unfortunately, the tool isn't able to update existing topics.

Realm Works creates a unique id for each topic, and the tool would have to read a full realm export instead of only a structure file in order to get the ids (and then it would have to do some checking to see if you wanted to update an existing topic or create a new topic for each row in the CSV/XLSX).

Janrith March 21st, 2019 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 276965)
Darn, more testing required.

Are the issues you reported related to what the tool is like after loading a project, or even immediately after launching the tool?

After loading a project. Starting the process has no issues.


Also, was the "RWTopic>>" message from loading a saved project from an earlier version of the tool? Earlier saves aren't compatible with the format used by 2.4.1
Tested loading both a and a project file. Same result opening both.



Janrith March 21st, 2019 04:49 PM

Three quick tests: Each is a new project file.

1. XLSX Name column mapped to Article Name of Spell (AD&D) Article type.
Load: OK
Mapping: OK
2. XLSX Name column mapped to Article Name of Spell (AD&D) Article type. Class mapped to Parent General Abilities Article Name.
Load: OK
Mapping: Missing parent
3. XLSX Name column mapped to Article Name of Spell (AD&D) Article type. Class mapped to Parent General Abilities Article Name, "AD&D" literal text added to Parent Name Suffix.
Load: OK
Mapping: Missing parent

I'm going to go through one at a time with my column mappings and see what triggers the RWTopic>> failed to find RWContentsItem for ":" error.

I'll let you know what I find out.



Janrith March 21st, 2019 04:52 PM

Feature request:

"New Project" option on the File Menu...

Would like to clean the slate w/o needing to exit and reload the tool.



Janrith March 21st, 2019 07:28 PM


After a bunch of tests, it appears the importer doesn't like having column N populated. When Casting Time (column N) is not mapped in the project file, but Saving Throw, Material Components, Notes, Author, Filtered Name are (columns O, P, R, S and T are mapped), the project load succeeds without incident.

For some reason, when column N is mapped to a structure field in the project file, loading the project prevents any column past N from mapping successfully.

(*EDIT: It appears the Article Name is unaffected, as that is currently being populated by column T (Filtered Name); but the problem does affect subsequent sections.)

NOTE: Creating the definition and then generating an rwexport file in the same session works fine. It seems to only be a problem with loading the project file.


XLSX Column Definitions:

A: Class
B: Source Book
C: Edition
D: Frequency
E: Level
F: Name
G: Reversed Spell
H: Reversible
I: School of Magic
J: Range
K: Duration
L: Area of Effect
M: Components
N: Casting Time
O: Saving Throw
P: Material Component
Q: Description
R: Notes
S: Author (formula)
T: Filtered Name (formula)

Here are the last few results:

Test results:

Type: XLSX
Structure: v.03
Target Article: Spell (AD&D)
Columns Mapped: Filtered Name;School of Magic;Level;Range;Material Component;Duration;Components;Area of Effect;Saving Throw;Source Book;Edition;Author;Notes;Reversed Spell
Load: OK
Mapping: OK

So far so good...

Here comes the first failure:

Type: XLSX
Structure: v.03
Target Article: Spell (AD&D)
Columns Mapped: Filtered Name;School of Magic;Level;Range;Material Component;Duration;Components;Area of Effect;Saving Throw;Source Book;Edition;Author;Notes;Reversed Spell;Casting Time
Load: RWTopic>> failed to find RWContentsItem for ":"
Mapping: No fields mapped past Casting Time (column N in the spreadsheet).

Is it the name of the column in the spreadsheet?

Type: XLSX
Structure: v.03
Target Article: Spell (AD&D)
Columns Mapped: Filtered Name;School of Magic;Level;Range;Material Component;Duration;Components;Area of Effect;Saving Throw;Source Book;Edition;Author;Notes;Reversed Spell;renamed Casting Time to CT in XLSX.
Load: RWTopic>> failed to find RWContentsItem for ":"
Mapping: No fields mapped past Casting Time (column N in the spreadsheet).


Is it a problem with the field definition in the structure file?

Type: XLSX
Structure: v.03
Target Article: Spell (AD&D)
Columns Mapped: Filtered Name;School of Magic;Level;Range;Material Component;Duration;Components;Area of Effect;Saving Throw;Source Book;Edition;Author;Notes;Reversed Spell;mapped Range to Casting Time target as well.
Load: OK
Mapping: OK


Is it positional in the spreadsheet?

Type: XLSX
Structure: v.03
Target Article: Spell (AD&D)
Columns Mapped: Filtered Name;School of Magic;Level;Range;Material Component;Duration;Components;Area of Effect;Saving Throw;Source Book;Edition;Author;Notes;Reversed Spell, Casting Time moved from column N to column J in XLSX.
Load: RWTopic>> failed to find RWContentsItem for ":"
Mapping: No fields mapped past Components (new column N in the spreadsheet).


No idea why though.

I hope this helps.


Farling March 21st, 2019 11:49 PM

Thanks for all the detail Janrith!
I'll have a look to see why column N (number 14) is causing a problem.
(Initial thought, column N could be number 13 if you start counting at 0, and 13 is the ASCII for code for carriage return [end of line].)

Farling March 22nd, 2019 03:36 AM

Version 2.4.2 is available

This fixes more bugs.
It is now possible to load a project in which you've used column 14 in your data table.
The parentage that you've set up for topics should also be saved and restored.

Many thanks to Janrith for his diligent hard work in finding the column 14 issue.

No previous saved projects will load successfully in this version.

Ash Nazg March 22nd, 2019 06:42 AM

Just a quick note to say, brilliant QA and debugging work to both Janrith and Farling. Very impressive!

And specifically @Farling: thanks for this amazing tool (which I'm surprised LWD did not built into RW), and for your continued support and tinkering that makes it consistently and (frequently!) better. *doffs cap*


Farling March 22nd, 2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Janrith (Post 277019)
Feature request:

"New Project" option on the File Menu...

Would like to clean the slate w/o needing to exit and reload the tool.



Actually you only need to load a structure file (you could pick the same file). This will remove all the columns that you've configured.

Farling March 22nd, 2019 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Taronthir (Post 275485)
I haven't discovered yet how to make multi-domain tag entries in the csv/xls so they'll be interpreted properly.

"Tags (Multi-Domain)" snippets are not supported yet.

If you want multiple tags on a more normal "Tags" snippet, then you can do this by separating the tab labels with a comma in your source data cell.

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