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Farling November 6th, 2018 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sertas (Post 272370)
Can you use the same structure file to add different excel files. I have three excel files and I'm trying to add them one at a time to my realm but the second file isn't actually importing.

Do you get any specific error?

Is each import using a different import name? I think there is a button next to the GENERATE button which allows you to define various things (including the name of the import) about the realm that will be added to the import file.

Sertas November 7th, 2018 03:31 PM

Each file has a different import name.

I'm getting the following error:

The following errors were encountered during import:

C++ Exception: Not in a span at line 1621 in file utility.cpp

Farling November 7th, 2018 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sertas (Post 272420)
Each file has a different import name.

I'm getting the following error:

The following errors were encountered during import:

C++ Exception: Not in a span at line 1621 in file utility.cpp

Oh, that is a problem in the formatting within the file. Does your source data contain HTML markup? That sometimes causes issues with the correct encoding for putting into the RW import file.

Sertas November 7th, 2018 04:35 PM

I'm not sure if HTML is there. If so I'll not include it and see what happens. Thanks for the quick responses. This tool is AMAZING.

Sertas November 8th, 2018 03:24 AM

Thanks for the direction. I didn't import a column in my excel file and it imported just fine.

Again, love the tool. It's saving me so much time. Now, I just need more data....lol

Farling November 11th, 2018 08:01 AM

Release 1.45 is out

I've fixed a bug where a parent topic title was being processed as if it was a regular expression rather than a fixed string.

The title can now contain special characters such as parentheses without causing import problems.

Merion November 13th, 2018 03:11 PM

Thanks again for this great tool!

BTW, can someone with mod rights please make this topic sticky!?

Farling November 14th, 2018 05:25 AM

Release 1.46 is available

(Note: old saved projects will not load into this version.)

(See point 2 in http://forums.wolflair.com/showpost....&postcount=328)
(Zaphod, this is for you from post #61, http://forums.wolflair.com/showpost....2&postcount=61)

This version allows you to create relationships in the output file.

You only need to specify the relationship in one direction; Realm Works will automatically create the reverse relationship (if required).

The names of the relationships in the tool are the names supported in the XML file, rather than the names that you might see in Realm Works (there isn't an exact one-to-one map).

The simplest example is using topic names (although you can actually choose any field to search on)...

In your data you need to add one or more additional columns which will contain the name of the topic to which a relationship should be made.

In the tool, you will specify the column containing the name of the related topic, and also the column to be search for that name. (The flexibility in the tool means that you can link two articles not merely based on the actual topic name, but on any unique column.)

(Of course, immediately after writing the above parenthetical clause, I realise that the tool could be extended to automatically link to ALL matching topics instead of only the first match. - see V1.47)

You can set up multiple relationships, each possibly of a different type. If the "link" column in the model is left empty in some rows, then no relationship will be created for the topics created from those rows.

The supported relationships are:

Master_To_Minion / Minion_To_Master (RW calls them "Comprises or Belongs" and "Belongs To or Within"):
(V1.47 removed "Minion_To_Master" since RW ignores it during import.)
= Affiliation / Member
= Depends On / Depended Upon By
= Employer / Employee
= Master / Minion
= Organization / Chapter
= Owner / Subsidiary
= Parent / Child
= Residence / Resident
= Supervisor / Subordinate"

= Peer
= Equivalence
= Personal
= General Family

Public_Attitude_Towards / Private_Attitude_Towards:
= Gracious
= Friendly
= Pleased
= Neutral
= Annoyed
= Angry
= Hostile

Arbitrary / Union / Parent_To_Offspring / Offspring_To_Parent
(V1.47 removed "Offspring_To_Parent" since RW ignores it during import.)
= (no qualifiers for these)

Farling November 15th, 2018 03:03 PM

Release 1.47 is available

This version removes the Minion_To_Master and Offspring_To_Parent options for relationships, since Realm Works ignores them during import. These relationships can be created in the opposite direction using Master_To_Minion and Parent_To_Offspring.

When creating relationships, one relationship will now be created for each match between the KEY field and the SEARCH column. (V1.46 only created a relationship for the first match).

The KEY and SEARCH fields for a relationship now have some placeholder text to give a hint as to their use.


An example
You have a table of characters, which includes columns: name, father, mother.

You could set a single relationship for your Character topic category of "Parent_To_Offspring", setting the KEY field to "name" and the SEARCH field to "father".
A second relationship of the same type could also be set up for "name" to "mother".

JustinThomason November 18th, 2018 04:54 PM


I tried the latest version of the CSV importer, and ran into problems importing into Realm Works.

I'm kind of pushing the original intent of the program. I'm working to put all of Rappan Athuk into a realm. My intent is to build a structural skeleton in Excel, then import that using your tool so that when I start entering the actual text of the (ginormous) module place holder topics for all the specific areas already exist and allow easy linking regardless if I've entered the text for a specific location or not.

I've got everything mapped out in the CSV, and in fact, I've imported essentially the same data in a prior version of the program. That version of the tool didn't allow setting the linking priority on the main titles of topics, so I was getting a lot of false positives for generic location names like "Entryway".

Anyway, I made a new realm and created a new export file using the new version of the tool. When I attempted to import into the clean realm, it got to 22% and crashed.

I have all the pertinent files - my realm structure file, the original CSV, and the export file created by the tool. I can forward any or all of this to you if it would help your diagnosis.

Thanks again for your help to the community creating and maintaining this tool - it is SUPER useful!

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