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BJ November 28th, 2016 06:27 PM

Happy to help! :)

daplunk December 6th, 2016 05:32 PM

A new video is up.

Realm Works - A Player Tour

daplunk December 7th, 2016 04:38 AM

Having recently started using Player Version there have been some learnings. This video covers them.

Realm Works - GM Discussion About Player View

BJ December 15th, 2016 01:00 PM

Hooray for "learnings"! ;)

mazzy December 16th, 2016 02:20 PM

Now that I've had some time to use Realm Works, thanks to the wonderful videos provided by various community members, I'm getting to the point where I'm trying to figure out the best way to organize everything. I know it's a personal preference and what works best for one may not work best for another, but I'm just trying to get a feel for the different ways of going about it as that may open my eyes to something I hadn't tried or knew was available.

Right now I have it laid out as per the adventure book, but that doesn't seem to flow very well for me, it just seems too all over the place. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

The other thing I'm wondering about is have any of you changed the default topic templates to work better with the system you use or do you adapt the system to the topic layout? Again, I'm sure this is personal preference, but it's always a learning experience to hear how someone else goes about things and why :)

kbs666 December 16th, 2016 06:21 PM

Everyone does things differently. The goal should always be to find a way that works for the way you run your game.

Don't worry to much about where the data is or how you arrange your topics at first. One of the great advantages of RW is the ease with which things can be re-arranged and even refactored if you change your mind about something.

As to customizing topic templates, I'd stick to the default ones till you've got the hang of the program and put some data in. Some people get really hung up over having lots of empty snippets in a topic but really that's no big deal. Players will never see them unless you reveal them and there is a way to remove all the empty ones from a topic if you want.

If you want more detailed advice post a screenshot of what you're doing and describe what you don't like. People will surely give you some pointers.

Gord January 8th, 2017 11:40 AM

After watching Daplunk's "Managing Merchants" video for at least the fourth time in a couple of months, I finally got the time to think about the organization a little bit more and how I might want to do it for my campaign.

I love the table that J Rob Haring created and your idea for implementation. I did notice that while you would list the cost levels at the shop, the links would go to the same master list that included everything available anywhere and did not show the limits by locale.

Rather than having an article as "For Sale: Blacksmith", I was thinking of breaking it down also by locale. For example, there would be an article for "For Sale: Premium: Blacksmith" that would most likely include everything on the list (except perhaps the bark armour you created and added). There could also be articles for the other locales like urban and rural or perhaps even area specific ones for things like underdark, druid village, etc.

The advantage is that you won't see all the unavailable items and can have more granularity, the disadvantage is that you have to create multiple entries. This might not be a big problem if you do the Premium one first, then copy it and remove what you don't want for the areas where availability is tighter. Another disadvantage is that if you changed a detail on one list it would need to be modified on the rest.

Other options would be to just have a snippet for each of the locales in the same article or to add the locales to the table.

We could even tag the equipment with the locales it is available in, but this seems a tad obsessive.

daplunk January 8th, 2017 12:43 PM

You know what... that's such an obvious improvement. Great idea!

daplunk January 11th, 2017 10:45 AM

Morning all... I lashed out for a Syrinscape subscription so here's a video briefly showing how I use it with Realm Works. I'm converted... Syrinscape is my solution of choice for audio now.

Realm Works and Syrinscape

100 subscribers! B)

ShadowChemosh January 11th, 2017 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 240905)
I'm converted... Syrinscape is my solution of choice for audio now.

Hard to not like it once you use it. ;)

MNBlockHead January 11th, 2017 11:46 AM

@daplunk, perhaps you've covered it in another video, but have you thought about using the audio snippet? I'm not a big fan of audio when running my games--another thing I have to manage--but when I was looking into it, I liked the idea of having a snippet in the section of the scene or other topic that I could click on to play the audio. I could see having to scroll up or down for the table could be distracting.

daplunk January 11th, 2017 12:33 PM

I have yes. It all comes down to really wanting to have control of the audio from the content I am reading at the time. As you said, it's just one more thing you need to manage, but having a link on the adventure page means its just a click.

my concern there is I will be inflating the size of my realm quickly. Adding in the audio snippet requires me to add a new copy of the audio file so to do this one every article where I want music will quickly create a bigger size problem than i already have.

MNBlockHead January 11th, 2017 02:42 PM

That's a good point. Linking to an audio file is better than copying the file into the realm and having to sync that. I could see published content, however, embedding the audio into the topic. Otherwise, you've convinced me. Hyperlink to the file, don't embed it.

daplunk January 12th, 2017 01:53 PM

New video up today.

Realm Works - Game Sessions and Using Reveal History

daplunk January 16th, 2017 06:03 AM

New video uploading now. Use this to call songs from Spotify from within Realm Works.

Realm Works - Integration With Spotify

daplunk January 18th, 2017 04:22 AM

New Video Up - Realm Works - How To Print Your Realm

Huge thanks to EightBitz - this is all possible because of his work!

daplunk January 22nd, 2017 05:09 PM

New Video Up - Realm Works - Using Storyboards

daplunk February 18th, 2017 03:30 AM

Hey team,

Not directly related to Realm Works. But for anyone looking to generate pictures of NPCs this tool is pretty cool.

CC3+ / CA3 - Creating Pictures Of Player and Non-Player Characters

daplunk April 5th, 2017 05:37 AM

New video up tonight. This one is focused on using the Hero Lab Editor to create new spells.

Hero Lab Editor - Create Spells

daplunk April 22nd, 2017 12:16 AM

Yay for new/enhanced functionality.

Realm Works - Linked Web View
Realm Works - Scan for New Links

Bidmaron April 22nd, 2017 04:24 AM

Daplunk, on the second video, you missed (I believe) the main use case. You need to have a topic previously created that did not auto-link because the term had not been created yet. For example, you have a topic that discussed 'ranger' but you haven't created the 'ranger' topic/article yet. Now you create the ranger topic/article and you want to scan your database for where you already used that term.

I think this is where the feature is completely and totally awesome.

daplunk April 22nd, 2017 04:28 AM

Good point :) I shall put that in.

kbs666 April 22nd, 2017 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bidmaron (Post 248531)
Daplunk, on the second video, you missed (I believe) the main use case. You need to have a topic previously created that did not auto-link because the term had not been created yet. For example, you have a topic that discussed 'ranger' but you haven't created the 'ranger' topic/article yet. Now you create the ranger topic/article and you want to scan your database for where you already used that term.

I think this is where the feature is completely and totally awesome.

That will be of great utility to world builders.

Of equally great utility will be people who buy content from the same publisher over time. Each time they add a part of the campaign world a scan for new links on the entire realm will find all the times things were mentioned in content that have now become topics. This feature gets rid of most of the need for various complicated schemes for how handle building those big campaign worlds.

daplunk June 19th, 2017 01:27 PM

New video released last night. Focuses on the difference between the World Almanac and Story Almanac and creating topic views etc.

Realm Works - World Almanac, Story Almanac and Mechanics Reference

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