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Toblakai January 18th, 2018 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Shalekendar (Post 261598)
*Checking...yep, per month "service fee" that if not paid will stop you from making characters...meets the definition of a "subscription service"...*\

Ahem, you were saying?

I was commenting on your whining, not the service fee. (Cheese goes with whine, you know...)

Fortunately LWD is not holding a gun to your head and forcing you to pay, obviously you will be one of those that won't.

Ian January 18th, 2018 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Toblakai (Post 259898)
if they are going to push HLO at Gencon, it would be a real bad idea for them to not provide WiFi.

We don't have anything concrete to say on this subject yet, but we very much have it mind.

Dami January 19th, 2018 01:11 AM

What comes next... after providing WiFi along with HLO, do we expect them to provide a smart phone or tablet?

charlieluce January 19th, 2018 09:10 AM

Isn't that Amazon's job?

Ian January 20th, 2018 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Dami (Post 261657)
What comes next... after providing WiFi along with HLO, do we expect them to provide a smart phone or tablet?

I think it's fair to say the wifi thing is a legitimate concern, especially for big convention halls, where it's not unusual for there to be areas with no cell service at all. It's not something we can help with everywhere, but it's something we're definitely thinking about for conventions where we have an official presence providing character creation stations for Paizo.

EightBitz January 20th, 2018 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Dami (Post 261657)
What comes next... after providing WiFi along with HLO, do we expect them to provide a smart phone or tablet?

I think the point of providing WiFi was not to provide it for general use, but for them to have it available for their own demonstrations. I would expect the same in regards to a smart phone or a tablet. I wouldn't expect them to provide these things to their customers, but yes, I would expect them to have at least one of each available for a demonstration.

If you're pitching a product at a gaming convention, I expect to be able to take your product for a test drive, at least on its major selling points.

Jamz January 22nd, 2018 10:19 AM

Well, to be honest, it would be a smart marketing move. You have hundreds and hundreds of people in the Paizo room at GenCon playing games almost 24hr for 4 days.

Scene 1: sitting at the table with tablet running HLO on cell phone hotspot (or just on cell phone/etc)
"Whatcha got running there?"
"HLO. Pretty cool, you can view all your stuff and apply modifiers like this...hold on...sorry...hold...on 3g here in this corner...one sec...here! and then you can...hold on...one minute....hold...."
"So you have to be online eh? Hmm, seems to be working um...great...ya..."


Free wifi:
"Whatcha got running there?"
"HLO. it's pretty sweet, you can see your feats here, and your gear here. And apply temp conditions here. Or look up that new item like this..."
"Nice. I'll have to check it out! How much is it?"

I mean, like, if you are going to be selling a product at a convention, SELL the product! Why would you do anything to not put you product in the very best light it can be in?

edit: I'm not saying that's not their intention, in fact it does seem to be what they are looking into...

SirCuddleBeard July 25th, 2019 12:09 PM

This might also be a game changer for me as well...

Hero Lab online doesn't allow me to create shadowrun characters. or 5e. Just pathfinder and starfinder.

....just pathfinder...and starfinder...

I don't play either of those. And I have an incredible android tablet that I'd love to pull my characters up on.

Not trying to be mean or anything. But loyalty only goes so far... when something becomes more inconvenient than it is convenient...

I also have a surface.. I'd love to move HL to that, but I'm not buying a second license and I've not had success getting the second license for my surface.

EightBitz July 25th, 2019 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by SirCuddleBeard (Post 280473)
This might also be a game changer for me as well...

Hero Lab online doesn't allow me to create shadowrun characters. or 5e. Just pathfinder and starfinder.

....just pathfinder...and starfinder...

I don't play either of those. And I have an incredible android tablet that I'd love to pull my characters up on.

Not trying to be mean or anything. But loyalty only goes so far... when something becomes more inconvenient than it is convenient...

I also have a surface.. I'd love to move HL to that, but I'm not buying a second license and I've not had success getting the second license for my surface.

They've said in the past that the ultimate plan is to get all the existing systems ported over to HLO. If they hold true to that, then Shadowrun will eventually be available for HLO, and your existing access to it should carry over, so you wouldn't have to buy it again. That's what they've been saying, at least.

What problems have you had getting your second license to work on your surface? I've had no issues with mine.

Tekwych July 26th, 2019 07:46 AM

They have said SR6 will be HLO and are suggesting only HLO, no HLC.

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