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kodama1 February 14th, 2014 11:21 AM

Hi guys, maybe I missed this in the responses so far, but how do you change your refresh rate? It's stuck at 3 and the base level of the game we're running is 6.

Elindor February 14th, 2014 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by kodama1 (Post 175766)
Hi guys, maybe I missed this in the responses so far, but how do you change your refresh rate? It's stuck at 3 and the base level of the game we're running is 6.

Well, there are three ways I can see, and the number of characters being used will probably define the approach used.

1) In the Personal tab, use Add Permanent Adjustments. You can then add three refresh there.
2) After creating the character, shift to Advancement Mode and take the Increase Refresh Rate advancement three times.
3) In the Editor, create a new campaign (If it's otherwise identical to the Fate Core rules, just use New (Copy)), and change the base refresh rate there. Then save the campaign. Then, when you create the character, set them to that campaign, and the refresh rate will be consistent for all characters created in that campaign.

Elindor February 14th, 2014 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by DarkChilde (Post 175758)
I've started a campaign in the editor.

All I've done after creating this campaign is:
Hit Save
Hit Test Now
Ctrl-R to reload the data files.

Enable Debugging is checked.
None of the changes are showing up (i.e., Refresh <> 10, no extra phases)
What did I not do?

(sorry the image is so big, I tried to resize it and it became unreadable.)

The character is probably still set as a Fate Core character. The new campaign can be selected by going to "Configure your hero" in the Character menu.

Elindor February 14th, 2014 03:48 PM

OK, my opinion and $5 will buy you a coffee in my home town, so here's my suggestions on what features need to be added, which order they need to be done in, and my thoughts as to why.

(Incidentally, the bug about the campaign skill selector adding to Bootstrap instead of Tags needs to be addressed before these others)

1) The ability to create custom stress tracks. The definition (as I see it) would be to define the base skill it links to for improvement (If applicable), and the name of the track, and to draw it's base number of boxes from the campaign definition. (The primary example of this would be the Wealth stress track on page 285 of the Fate Core book)

2) The ability to define character types within a campaign. At the moment, if PCs use the skill pyramid, the only "clean" workaround I can see for creating an NPC properly (custom skill progression, etc) is to create a second campaign which is a copy of the first using Skill Columns instead of a Skill Pyramid. That then leaves you having two campaigns to update if you need to change things. This also ties back to point 1 (In combination, this will allow creation of Fires a la Fight Fire from Worlds of Fate 1).

3) The ability to add Complex Extras. Some extras make sense to be in the primary character sheet (superpowers, some magic systems, etc). Others should probably have their own character sheets (Vehicles, Holdings, Allies, etc). This work, in my opinion, would require 1 and 2 above to be completed first.

Tom B February 14th, 2014 06:26 PM

It would be nice to be able to edit skills, add skills, change campaign parameters, etc. without having to go into the editor.

Shadowchaser February 14th, 2014 07:33 PM

I honestly haven't been able to figure out how to use the Editor on my own. If we had to do that to adjust character starting values, I probably would just go to a word processor.

TheGM February 16th, 2014 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by TheGM (Post 175592)
1. We need a campaign editor!

Ha, found it! :) And after 2 hours tinkering around I have a campaign entry with skills and adjustments for my B5 campaign!!


Originally Posted by TheGM (Post 175592)
3. Condition Aspects from the char sheet are missing
Where can I add the Conditions?

Consequences should be enough for us.

kodama1 February 17th, 2014 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Elindor (Post 175781)
Well, there are three ways I can see, and the number of characters being used will probably define the approach used.

1) In the Personal tab, use Add Permanent Adjustments. You can then add three refresh there.
2) After creating the character, shift to Advancement Mode and take the Increase Refresh Rate advancement three times.
3) In the Editor, create a new campaign (If it's otherwise identical to the Fate Core rules, just use New (Copy)), and change the base refresh rate there. Then save the campaign. Then, when you create the character, set them to that campaign, and the refresh rate will be consistent for all characters created in that campaign.

Thanks so much Elindor, that worked perfectly. Just used option 1 seemed easiest.


Colen February 18th, 2014 02:01 PM

Thanks for your feedback, everyone! I have a few questions about what you've all been asking for, which you can find in this followup thread:


Looking forward to hearing from you there! You can also continue posting any other feature requests or suggestions you have in the new thread. :)

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