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-   -   Version 5.11 of the d20 System data files is now available! (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=59258)

Illyahr May 27th, 2019 07:43 AM

For some reason, Regional traits are allowing you to select a bootstrapped Regional feat and also giving you a bonus feat. They need to do one or the other, not both. I looked at the coding of the traits and it seems the system itself is providing the bonus feat.

Sendric May 28th, 2019 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Illyahr (Post 279195)
For some reason, Regional traits are allowing you to select a bootstrapped Regional feat and also giving you a bonus feat. They need to do one or the other, not both. I looked at the coding of the traits and it seems the system itself is providing the bonus feat.

I'm not seeing this. Can you give me an example of one?

Illyahr May 28th, 2019 04:17 PM

I created an elf with The Yuirwood trait. It allows you to select a bonus feat, which it then assigns via bootstrap. However, it also gives you an extra feat to select one of the listed feat

Sendric May 29th, 2019 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Illyahr (Post 279225)
I created an elf with The Yuirwood trait. It allows you to select a bonus feat, which it then assigns via bootstrap. However, it also gives you an extra feat to select one of the listed feat

Ok, so for the Yuirwood trait, remove the line of code that says:


herofield[tFeats].value += 1
When bootstrapping bonus feats it's not necessary to increase feat totals. I'll look more closely at the traits to see if there's a conditional need to increase feats when taking this trait.

Edit: I see now why I wasn't seeing the problem before. The scripting requires the character to be of the appropriate race before filling in the feat options (which is kind of weird actually since the trait already requires a race). In addition, it appears taking a regional feat isn't required even if you choose a region. Ideally, this would be handled through a different mechanism but that's not possible through the d20 system at this time. I'll need to make some changes to these traits, but I'll try to do so with the least amount of impact possible.

Sendric June 12th, 2019 07:04 AM

Minor core issues:

1) There are 2 10 minute casting time tags applied to core spells. Only need one (Minute10 appears to be preferred).

2) No description for Shadowdancer Prestige Class.

Illyahr June 12th, 2019 05:10 PM

Ok, psionics are irritating me to no end. Anyone mind if I tackle Expanded Psionics Handbook as my next project? Basically everything in there needs to be worked on and the power list needs to have the descriptions filled in properly

Sendric June 13th, 2019 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Illyahr (Post 279640)
Ok, psionics are irritating me to no end. Anyone mind if I tackle Expanded Psionics Handbook as my next project? Basically everything in there needs to be worked on and the power list needs to have the descriptions filled in properly

Yea, psionics are a mess. It's definitely on my list, but if you want to take that on don't let me stop you.

Illyahr June 13th, 2019 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 279647)
Yea, psionics are a mess. It's definitely on my list, but if you want to take that on don't let me stop you.

I keep trying to build options around psionics stuff. Races of Eberron has alternates that modify abilities that can't actually work if replaced as stated.

I think I actually have to do XPH first before I finish RoE, it's that borked

Illyahr June 16th, 2019 07:04 PM

I can do replacement things for feats/powers/premade class abilities but apparently XPH is core and can't be accessed so I can't attach the filler upgrade abilities. If I post the modifier file here, can the abilities be attached properly?

Sendric June 17th, 2019 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by Illyahr (Post 279716)
I can do replacement things for feats/powers/premade class abilities but apparently XPH is core and can't be accessed so I can't attach the filler upgrade abilities. If I post the modifier file here, can the abilities be attached properly?

Send me what you have, and let me know what you need. I'll see if I can figure something out.

Illyahr June 17th, 2019 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 279726)
Send me what you have, and let me know what you need. I'll see if I can figure something out.

Will do once I finish up. The coding on the base Soulknife abilities were almost nonfunctional in the ability to interact with them and the powers are unusable without full descriptions and augment text

Illyahr June 17th, 2019 05:30 PM

Ok, I give up. Missing class abilities, mistaken class abilities, screwy coding, and the powers aren't given the functionality that spells are so there needs to be a version of each power for each class that uses it.

Without being able to get to the actual file, I can't fix the classes. Without a consolidated format like spells have, remaking all the powers for each class would take too long.

Sorry guys. I gave it a shot. :(

Sendric June 18th, 2019 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Illyahr (Post 279746)
Ok, I give up. Missing class abilities, mistaken class abilities, screwy coding, and the powers aren't given the functionality that spells are so there needs to be a version of each power for each class that uses it.

Without being able to get to the actual file, I can't fix the classes. Without a consolidated format like spells have, remaking all the powers for each class would take too long.

Sorry guys. I gave it a shot. :(

Sorry, man. I know Psionics needs a complete overhaul. Unfortunately, there's just no one doing anything for d20 core anymore it seems. Shadow was nice enough to give us a ton of updates to the system, but his time seems taken up with Pathfinder now. Perhaps I'll take a crack at it some time, but as you said it's a time sink and there are plenty of other things that need to be done as well.

Provos June 19th, 2019 01:04 PM

Since it is part of core can't we complain and hopefully have them either give access to the actual file or get someone working on it?

Illyahr September 15th, 2019 04:35 PM

Adding a permanent adjustment to Intelligence does weird things to skill point totals. Odd adjustments seem to reduce skill point totals

Sendric September 16th, 2019 04:33 AM

Ability score bonus for Animal Companion issue:

If you add a bonus, remove it, then select a new one the bonus turns into a penalty. Example: create 7th level Druid, add animal companion, increase ability score on Animal Companion (ie Strength). Delete ability score bonus and add a new one (ie Constitution). note that new chosen ability is reduced by one.

ShadowChemosh September 16th, 2019 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 282196)
Ability score bonus for Animal Companion issue:

If you add a bonus, remove it, then select a new one the bonus turns into a penalty. Example: create 7th level Druid, add animal companion, increase ability score on Animal Companion (ie Strength). Delete ability score bonus and add a new one (ie Constitution). note that new chosen ability is reduced by one.

For now this can be fixed by going to "Develop->Trigger Full Evaluation Immediately". I know not perfect but its a working method until a full fix can happen.

Sendric September 21st, 2020 07:53 AM

Possible bug with the SpInfo tag: hard to explain, but it appears when a spell is tagged to another spell then subsequently tagged to an ability, the description of both spells will appear on the description. Example:

1) Spell Plague Carrier tags Contagion spell description.

2) Spell-like ability Contagion tags Contagion spell description

3) Spell-like ability Contagion description includes text from both Contagion and Plague Carrier.

eastsydneyboy November 20th, 2020 04:40 PM

Ammunition use does not trigger encumbrance
I'm a bit surprised at this bug for such a mature product, but I don't understand why my total Encumbrance does not get updated when I use up ammunition such as Bolts or Arrows. That's kind of a basic function.

From what I'm seeing in the comments in these forums, this product seems to have been abandoned and all D20 and 3.5 support stopped many years ago. I wonder why the web site still advertises that Hero Lab includes this option when there doesn't appear to be much hope that anything related to 3.5 will be fixed or supported.

I can also see that there's been a lot of effort from the community to add supplemental support, and I wonder why the developers don't release the D20 core code as a gesture of good will to allow us to make Hero Lab usable for 3.5 games.

Dami November 21st, 2020 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by eastsydneyboy (Post 291995)
I'm a bit surprised at this bug for such a mature product, but I don't understand why my total Encumbrance does not get updated when I use up ammunition such as Bolts or Arrows. That's kind of a basic function.

Marking them as used isn't removing them from your character. It might not be what you want but I can't see that as being a bug. If you want tracking like that, you CAN 'sell' each used arrow for 0 gold. This will update your encumbrance. Are you really so concerned about encumbrance you need to update it for ammunition in play? Don't you have you character go back and buy the same ammo all over again?

As for HLC... it still works, it does what I paid for it to do. While it isn't getting the support it used to, it hasn't been abandoned.
I feel that asking for access to the core files is ridiculous. You paid for a license to use the software, you didn't buy the actual program and files. Individual users with core file access are likely to screw those files up so that HL stops working for everyone! While some of the people of the forum are top-notch at HL coding, that's a pretty small percentage of the actual users.

eastsydneyboy November 21st, 2020 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dami (Post 292002)
Marking them as used isn't removing them from your character. It might not be what you want but I can't see that as being a bug. If you want tracking like that, you CAN 'sell' each used arrow for 0 gold. This will update your encumbrance. Are you really so concerned about encumbrance you need to update it for ammunition in play? Don't you have you character go back and buy the same ammo all over again?

If this is something that works for you, then great. For me, it's important to have an accurate encumbrance in play and it shouldn't be necessary to add extra steps to achieve that. If the tracker doesn't update the encumbrance, then it's not doing its job.


Originally Posted by Dami (Post 292002)
As for HLC... it still works, it does what I paid for it to do. While it isn't getting the support it used to, it hasn't been abandoned.
I feel that asking for access to the core files is ridiculous. You paid for a license to use the software, you didn't buy the actual program and files. Individual users with core file access are likely to screw those files up so that HL stops working for everyone! While some of the people of the forum are top-notch at HL coding, that's a pretty small percentage of the actual users.

Again, if you're totally happy with the product and never want to see any improvement or enhancements, then great. Unfortunately, as a software developer myself, all I can see is missed opportunities for improvement and ways of making the whole experience more enjoyable.

When purchasing a software product, there is a reasonable expectation that it is maintained, documented and updated on a fairly regular basis. I don't see any evidence of this in recent years. In fact the authoring kit documentation hasn't seen any updates in probably 12 years or more, even where it's wrong and incomplete.

Your argument that the core files should never be released sounds very much like the arguments we heard when Open Source software first appeared many years ago, and yet, it's all worked pretty well and the world's probably a lot better off with the huge impact that Linux has had.

I'm not sure how you get from individual users "screwing" up core files to "it will break everything for everyone". That doesn't happen anywhere else with open software, so I don't see why the sky would fall with Hero Lab either.

Anyway, it's all probably moot as nothing is likely to change. I see this as a great missed opportunity for HL. 3.5e is never going to make any more money in the way of supplemental files that can be purchased. However, there are 3.5e players out there who never want to downgrade to 5e and it would be an opportunity for HL to sell their product to these users if it offered proper ongoing support and updates. I'm sure there would be any number of community members who would be willing to support and enhance the core files if they were able, which would cost HL nothing and they'd end up with a better product that would actually attract 3.5e users rather than alienating them.

eastsydneyboy November 21st, 2020 05:24 PM

Support for Skill Synergies
In reference to the previous post about how HL just works for 3.5e, how do you handle Skill Synergies?

I have 5 ranks in Bluff, so I need to add a separate entry for "Disguise (Act in Character)" to handle the +2 bonus. I already have a standard "Disguise" skill, but this doesn't get the +2 bonus, so how is it supported?

Dami November 21st, 2020 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by eastsydneyboy (Post 292010)
In reference to the previous post about how HL just works for 3.5e, how do you handle Skill Synergies?

I have 5 ranks in Bluff, so I need to add a separate entry for "Disguise (Act in Character)" to handle the +2 bonus. I already have a standard "Disguise" skill, but this doesn't get the +2 bonus, so how is it supported?

It's coded, and working/functional. I just loaded d20 and I can that skill synergy and others. If you don't see it, raise a bug report!

Sendric November 22nd, 2020 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by eastsydneyboy (Post 292010)
In reference to the previous post about how HL just works for 3.5e, how do you handle Skill Synergies?

I have 5 ranks in Bluff, so I need to add a separate entry for "Disguise (Act in Character)" to handle the +2 bonus. I already have a standard "Disguise" skill, but this doesn't get the +2 bonus, so how is it supported?

This is a situational bonus. There are multiple ways to handle it as a user. The simplest is probably to create it as a separate skill then add your ranks in Disguise as a bonus to it, plus whatever bonuses may apply.

The d20 system clearly isn't perfect, and yes, support for it from the developers was mostly dropped some time ago. However, there is an editor that allows players to add almost anything they want. If you want the ammunition to affect your encumbrance you can create new ammunition and add a script that does exactly that.

Provos September 10th, 2021 07:15 PM

pth_rise_of_the_runelords.dat file misspells the Sihedron medallion it is missing the i in the name.

Illyahr October 26th, 2021 10:29 AM

Figured out the issue with the error you get with certain class variants. The system does not like more than one NotClassSk tag at a time for some reason

For future consideration: instead, you need to do an eval script that deletes the ClassSkill.? tag from the respective skills

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