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Parody February 26th, 2016 11:08 PM

Why did it artificially distinguish World and Story items initially? It's just an arbitrary distinction. While the groupings are different, I don't know why you can't just move a single Topic/Article to any category if you want. :(

rob February 27th, 2016 03:21 PM

There are a variety of reasons. A big one centers on keeping a clean separation between story and rules, which has tendrils into how the Content Market is going to handle all that stuff. Another big one is maintaining the separate containment hierarchies. However, there are other factors as well.

It's definitely not a decision we made arbitrarily, but delving into all the reasons here will be a rabbit hole that consumes vast amounts of time explaining details to a handful of curious users. With every answer I provide, it will prompt further questions, since Realm Works is a mammoth beast that has a zillion pieces that are all inter-connected and that all have cross-dependencies. While I'd be happy to explain it all, that's time I really need to be spending on development right now, so explaining is a luxury I don't have.

If we make it easier to migrate topics and articles back and forth, that would largely resolve the annoying limitation in the eyes of most users. We just haven't gotten that done yet.

AEIOU February 27th, 2016 03:30 PM

That sounds like a conversation at a con over drinks, Rob. :)

GThiel February 28th, 2016 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by rob (Post 225081)

If we make it easier to migrate topics and articles back and forth, that would largely resolve the annoying limitation in the eyes of most users. We just haven't gotten that done yet.

Yes Please and Thank you and may your "Detect Bug" spell always roll a natural 20.

dtaylortx July 25th, 2016 10:15 AM

Lone Wolf Development Staff, you do realize that having the ability to copy a realm was a "critical" function of using this software, right? Reinventing the wheel has been a pain in the rear for everyone using your software since Day One. The software was released over two years ago and something as basic as not having to reenter all the game mechanics information for a system every single time you want to start a new campaign is unacceptable. The software has so much potential but the foundations are not there to make it worth recommending beyond the initial "ooh" factor. It's another reason why despite its much more limited capacities Roll20, Fantasy Grounds and other software are being used more and recommended by other gamers. Cloning, trading, whatever you're wanting to call it needs to be possible both locally and through cloud backup.

wurzel July 25th, 2016 11:05 PM

There are lots of reasons why software companies fail and vanish from the market. One major reason as far as I have observed (after 30+ years in that business) is trying to create a perfect software and thereby neglecting the user's needs and wishes.

Although RW already is a nice piece of software, without a chance to extract my data (cloning, copying, printing, whatever) it covers only 30% of the use cases I have. I'm still here because they promised to include that kind of functionality with the content market "early this year", even if that just means "before christmas". I don't know fantasy grounds and the other mentioned products but as far as I understand they satisfy my needs even less than RW.

One other major reason for software projects to fail is constantly missing the timelines, be they communicated, necessary, or just expected. It's obvious why the lone wolves don't give exact dates but usually this strategy only helps for a short time.

Mithosaurion July 26th, 2016 11:05 AM

Hopefully we have some good news soon.

AEIOU July 26th, 2016 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by wurzel (Post 232631)
It's obvious why the lone wolves don't give exact dates but usually this strategy only helps for a short time.

It stopped working 2 years ago.... I have a great database of material but it's not useful (for me and my gaming preferences) until I can clone and print. It's been a stupidly long wait.

Mystic Lemur July 31st, 2016 11:39 AM

I don't want to sound like an apologist, but they've said before that the functionality to clone realms is the same functionality that they need to share realms over the Content Market. We cannot share realms, even with ourselves, until they finish the Content Market functionality. Which they're working on. So...

AEIOU July 31st, 2016 02:51 PM

Not to sound like an alarmist, but the Kickstarter had a primary purpose of accelerating the roll out the cloud server and community repository (which has over time morphed into the Market) because most of the rest of the program was mostly done when the KS was launched. I'd hate to see what an unaccelerated roll-out could have been like.... My estimated delivery per Rob for the above support was May 2013.

Here we are at another GenCon and still no release allowing the community to share content.

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