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salcor December 10th, 2018 05:50 AM

Rethinking my position on this. Just changing the current file allows us to still use existing files as opposed to rewriting them all/repurchasing files.


CapedCrusader December 10th, 2018 08:31 PM

Nah, I'll do it like I did the Deluxe Edition upgrade. This will be the new normal, and I will re-id and tag the older material as Deluxe. I'll try to make it as smooth as I can. I shouldn't need to make a whole new game system set. That'll be easier now that there are 20-character unique ID's. I can just slap a prefix on the older material that gets replaced.

charlieluce December 10th, 2018 10:31 PM

Didn't the ID's get reduced to 17 characters?

CapedCrusader December 11th, 2018 07:12 PM

It looks like they did. Nobody ever tells me anything. lol
Same idea still applies.

charlieluce December 11th, 2018 09:17 PM

Yeah, I just didn't want you to get caught out unexpectedly.

CapedCrusader December 11th, 2018 09:22 PM

I appreciate it, thanks!

Paragon December 12th, 2018 12:31 PM

Reading through it, there's a lot of little changes, though some wouldn't show up in a character creator; most of that looks like things like the new or modified Edges and Skills, or the default Skills.

CapedCrusader December 13th, 2018 10:58 PM

Oh, there is very little so far that hasn't changed in some fashion. Some only just slight changes to the text, but it still needs to be replaced. And then I need to keep up with the errata as they release corrections.

Caldreas December 14th, 2018 05:00 PM

The updated version of Adventure Edition is supposed to be available tomorrow. I hope you guys can update Hero Lab quickly... we just can't build a character with pen and paper anymore!

Farling December 14th, 2018 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Caldreas (Post 273987)
I hope you guys can update Hero Lab quickly...

No pressure to get work done quickly; especially motivating for a volunteer to be given a "soon" deadline :)

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