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-   -   When can we expect this dataset? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=6808)

dartnet January 17th, 2008 03:56 PM

I too am wondering what the status is. Will we see a preview soon?

Giddoen January 21st, 2008 09:06 AM

any news yet? I am kiccing off a new campaign using Paragons and would love to be able to use this.


Colen January 23rd, 2008 01:10 AM

When can we expect this dataset?
Hi guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates on the M&M stuff. Originally, we were
planning to have a public preview out by the end of last year. However,
a couple of things got in the way of this.

First, we realised that we needed to make some changes to the core Hero
Lab engine to really support everything that M&M needs to do. The good
news is that those changes are almost finished. As a result, Hero Lab
will correctly handle sidekicks, minions, and all that other fun stuff -
you'll be able to define multiple sidekicks and minions for a hero, edit
them all in Hero Lab, and have all the points validated for you.

Second, the "look and feel" that we'd created was, to put it bluntly,
not good enough. So we got a professional graphic designer in to work on
it for us, and we liked what he came up with so much that we gave him
some extra time with it. He recently got back to us with the final
photoshop files, so that all now has to be integrated into the data
files properly.

When these two things are completed, the preview we come out with will
be much, much stronger than it otherwise would have been. We don't want
to release something substandard that makes an underwhelming first
impression - we'd rather spend the extra time that's needed, and make it

Once again, sorry for the delay. When the preview release, we hope it'll
have been worth it. :)

ART! February 15th, 2008 08:21 AM

Just keep up the good work. I'd rather have a robust data set later than a weak one now. All I can ask is that you let us know when you've hit some turning point and have something new to tell us. Maybe a development blog?

Colen February 20th, 2008 12:15 PM

When can we expect this dataset?
ART! wrote:
> Just keep up the good work. I'd rather have a robust data set later than
> a weak one now. All I can ask is that you let us know when you've hit
> some turning point and have something new to tell us. Maybe a
> development blog?

A development blog is something we've considered before, but there are a
few issues with it. One is that it invites user disappointment by
promising features that we might not be able to deliver; another is the
amount of time it would take to create it, time that's not spent on
adding features to our products.

For example, we could potentially do weekly, or monthly, updates on what
we're planning to do for HL's next release. Unfortunately, often when we
try to implement the features we have planned, some of them have to be
postponed, changed, or dropped due to unforseen problems. Coming out and
saying "we're planning X for the next release", and then having it not
appearing, leaves users feeling annoyed with us. I've seen this happen
with many other companies, and (regardless of how it might appear to
others) I really try to avoid annoying our users. ;)

We try to release program updates on a monthly (ish) basis - the current
release being exceptional - so that means we'd be doing development
blogs on about the same schedule as we do releases. By the time we had
enough data to make a reasonable blog post, the release is effectively
only a week or so away. Is it really worth doing at that point? Why not
spend the few hours it would take to write putting in a couple of extra
features that people will enjoy using in the product?

Finally, writing up something like this takes time. First we'd need to
work out the content of the report (in advance), then write it, then
edit it, before you guys get to see it. All of that is stuff that really
needs to be done collaboratively and on a schedule, so that means that 2
or 3 of us spend time working on it at various points.

So that's why we don't have something like a development blog. Hopefully
you can see our side of the issue - writing something good takes time,
and it's time we all too frequently don't have. We don't have a
full-time marketing guy who can write these things, unfortunately - it's
just us core people, doing everything. :(


FifthWanderer February 21st, 2008 06:56 AM

I'd rather wait and get something that really works than have you be rushed and give us something that's a waste of money & bandwidth.

Still, you've already got my money. *waves $20 in the air*

Darrin_Kelley March 6th, 2008 09:28 AM

Waiting with money in hand to buy Hero Lab with this data set. Just waiting for the announcement of its availability.

Please let me know as soon as it is, and you will have an immediate sale.

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