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crowofpyke August 20th, 2011 05:29 PM

1- Add the ability to include calculations for "other" rolls, such as Composure or Matrix Perception, et al. These get used plenty during game play.

2- I really, really hate the way the character sheet print out puts your Skill Groups at the bottom of your Skill listing, making it difficult to trace which skill goes to which group... unless of course you make it your life's mission to memorize all the skill groups. Make the character sheet skill listing look like the Active tab in the builder: Skill Group Name, then all the Skill for that group tab-indented underneath that.

nylanfs August 20th, 2011 05:35 PM

Alternately somebody could design a portfolio like Ismo's 12-15 page spread. It has the group name of. the left of the skill name

thedarkelf007 August 27th, 2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 61068)

Originally Posted by thedarkelf007 (Post 61065)
While it is not common I have two characters with Magic Rating and a Resonance Rating.

Will it be possible to do this with a house rule?

The first is a pixie technomancer, the second is a mage who critical glitched and fell into a resonance well / astral rift created by aztechnology trying to combine both features. He was the only survivor from the encounter.

I'm afraid I went by SR4A pg 68: "Magic and Resonance are mutually exclusive attributes. A character who possesses a quality that grants a Magic of 1 or higher cannot have a Resonance attribute."

Within Hero Lab, I'm afraid that most of the places that are looking at whether to display information about Magic or about Resonance are using if...elseif tests - meaning if you have the one, Hero Lab doesn't even check if you have the other. Allowing this house rule to be applied would be a very complex operation, and I'm afraid it's going to be a while before I'll have the time to try that.

It turns out that it works in the tool after all, I found you can add technomancer to a Mage via advancement and it all works. :)

But... it does throw some validation issues.

The only request about this I would ask is please don't stop this from working, and if in the future you have some spare time to work on Shadowrun (low priority), have a validation option that allows it.

LooseCannon August 28th, 2011 06:14 AM

Multiple Created Item Test in the Editor
Please consider an option that will run, and validate, all the newly created items when using the Editor Tool. I like to create a bunch of weapons or qualities all at once, and it is somewhat cumbersome to select each one, then hit "Test Now!" before being able to use them.


Mathias August 28th, 2011 09:21 AM


(You'll have to go back to the main window first. You may also need to go to the develop menu and check "Enable Data File Debugging")

RavenX August 29th, 2011 11:47 PM

Another Request: A Notoriety Buy down option under the Advancement Tab might work better and help with the bugs.

Mathias August 31st, 2011 04:40 PM

Trading street cred for notoriety is handled on the Journal tab - enter -2 for Street Cred and -1 for Notoriety, and press the buttons for both entries, then write whatever reminders you want to leave yourself in the title and notes for that journal entry about what you've done.

RavenX August 31st, 2011 05:33 PM

it would work if herolab was not setting a low cap on street cred. I have one character that has 14 street cred, most of which is from karma which is at 132. hero lab won't register the -2 to Street Cred, it puts 13 as the lowest street cred can go.

nylanfs September 1st, 2011 06:13 PM

Is your GM not using the Street Cred rules as written?


Street Cred
Street Cred represents a character’s lifetime accomplishments in the shadows. The longer she’s been around, the more he’s done and seen, the more respect she’ll get from her peers.
Street Cred is based on a character’s total earned Karma (see Karma, p. 269), divided by 10 and rounded normally. A character who
has earned 35 Karma in the course of a game will have a Street Cred of 4 (35 ÷ 10 = 3.5, rounded up to 4).
At the gamemaster’s discretion, additional points may be added to a character’s Street Cred for any epic adventures, stunning victories,
unbelievable escapes, or similar eyebrow-raising accomplishments.
Karma 132 / 10 = 13 Street Cred

Mathias September 2nd, 2011 07:06 AM

There's a bug in street cred - it's applying the floor that prevents street cred from going negative before adding the street cred from Karma, rather than at the end of the calculations, so how would you like this to work once the bug is fixed?

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