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slate November 27th, 2020 05:31 PM

Rob, I'm developing a converter for Foundry VTT, and here's what I've come across so far:
  • Perception not exported
  • Class Key Ability not exported
  • Heritage only exported in some cases (Harsk has it, many others, including many of my personal PCs do not)
  • Gender, age, height, weight, hair, skin, eyes
  • wealth
  • PFS Faction Rep
  • rogue racket "thief" not exported
  • dedications don't always export (ex: rogue with cleric dedication)

More to come as I discover them

Mathias November 27th, 2020 05:52 PM

Please send any missing items in the export to us through the normal bug reporting options in HLO (the icon at the top right that looks like a gear - one of the options in that is bug reports).

slate November 27th, 2020 07:32 PM

will do! thanks

drober76 November 28th, 2020 03:33 AM

Bugs submitted for armor and weapon proficiency
As far as I can tell, in v1 of the export armor and weapon proficiencies are not explicitly exported as a group (e.g. light armor, simple weapons), but are only given on a per-equipped-item basis. So if the exported character is wearing leather armor, in the properties description for that item it will give the character's proficiency level for leather armor, but there is no listing for light, medium, heavy armor proficiencies that I can find. Same for weapons.

I reported these as bugs as requested in HLO.

Venger December 3rd, 2020 03:19 AM


Rob, I'm developing a converter for Foundry VTT, and here's what I've come across so far:
Hi Slate. I'd like to follow your development if that's ok. Hero Lab to Foundry would be next level awesomeness. I have HLC but would get HLO if this becomes a reality.
I'm running 5e btw if that matters

I'm not a dev, just a user and I have dozens of chars I'd love to import

slate December 3rd, 2020 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Venger (Post 292168)
Hi Slate. I'd like to follow your development if that's ok. Hero Lab to Foundry would be next level awesomeness. I have HLC but would get HLO if this becomes a reality.
I'm running 5e btw if that matters

I'm not a dev, just a user and I have dozens of chars I'd love to import

5e isn’t a game system in HLO, but I know there’s a foundry module for beyond to fvtt. If you play PF2e, the converter is up and running at pf2player.com

Frodie December 3rd, 2020 06:03 AM

Any chance to get that to work for Fantasy Grounds?

slate December 3rd, 2020 06:06 AM

I don't use nor plan to use FG. You'd want someone with intimate knowledge of the FG data to be able to write a converter. I suggest you check out FVTT at some point. It's cheaper than FG, the game systems and mods are worked on by the community, so I expect it'll be more powerful/extendable than most other commercial closed systems. Plus, single charge for GM and no cost for players makes it have a low cost of entry.

aerik1 January 8th, 2021 03:14 PM

Is there any news, or even a plan, on fixing the missing items in the exports?

Frodie January 27th, 2021 10:00 AM

Fantasy grounds is working on this - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l-APIs-for-FGU
Will this work for HLO?

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