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Strategon January 9th, 2017 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by EightBitz (Post 240695)
Well, if it helps your national pride at all, the original Ken doll was designed by an Australian. Mind you, it was a bit shorter and and a bit skinnier, but one g'day, one o' your mates just decided to put a shrimp on the Barbie.

That's hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. :)

Ajax January 9th, 2017 11:07 AM

2:00 waiting for that update, game tonight in 5 hours. Sounds like it was ready Friday, so I am hoping that we get it today...

daplunk January 9th, 2017 11:34 AM

Suspect it will come tomorrow not today.

eponette January 9th, 2017 11:57 AM

It is only 1PM in West Coast. Patience....

EightBitz January 9th, 2017 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by eponette (Post 240715)
It is only 1PM in West Coast. Patience....

I failed my Patience check. Rolled a 3.

Daelda January 9th, 2017 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by EightBitz (Post 240716)
I failed my Patience check. Rolled a 3.

Crit Failure - rolled a 1. I've been refreshing the Realm Works Discussion page every few hours. :D

rob January 9th, 2017 12:14 PM

Quick update. This thing is huge and we want to get it right. So, in an over-abundance of caution, we are going to delay one more day. We got some last-minute bugs reports from the Beta team, and we are 99% certain that we got them fixed. But we want to be 100% before rolling this thing out. So we will be doing a final Beta release today (essentially, a Release Candidate) to ensure those remaining bugs can be officially verified as fixed by the Beta team members that encountered them tonight. Unless we mess up on one of those bugs, the launch will then occur tomorrow.

The added benefit of this is that I get another 24 hours in which to keep making headway on all the various writing that needs to be done to explain everything for everyone. :)

Thanks for everyone's patience!!! Al... most... there... :)

NeoEvaX January 9th, 2017 12:59 PM

I guess I can wait one more day...

I guess. Going to take 10 on my patience check.. Just enough to get me by.

Give my props to the whole team. Devs rarely get props.

tmilktoast January 9th, 2017 01:09 PM

That's it, I quit!

... refreshing the page for today.

I'll start again tomorrow morning. :)

Daelda January 9th, 2017 02:33 PM

Thanks for the update! Glad to see bugs getting fixed before it goes out to all of us!

rob January 9th, 2017 11:55 PM

Unhappy news. The Beta team has reported that we still have some problems that need to be figured out. So we will NOT be releasing anything on Tuesday. We'll instead be focusing our energies on getting to the bottom of the remaining issues and putting suitable fixes into place.

I'll provide another update late on Tuesday regarding the prognosis for a Wednesday release. Fingers and toes are crossed. But not my eyes, since I need to see what I'm doing on the screen. :)

eponette January 10th, 2017 12:06 AM

Take your time to make it nice and neat.

Strategon January 10th, 2017 08:30 AM

It seems like you guys are "flying by the seat of your pants"; I know how development can be (been in it for 15 years). It's probably better not to give timelines until you are ready to meet them, you lose credibility when you keep setting dates and not delivering.

I love the product and definitely appreciate the work going into it so don't flame me too hard for my comments. That being said, if you are beta testing right up to a release, it's probably better to give yourself another week+ to be thorough so you don't rush it and have to keep changing your communications to the community.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly wouldn't mind waiting for another few weeks if that meant your team deploying a build that they are 100% confident in.

Ajax January 10th, 2017 09:48 AM

Why not just say, we are shooting for sometime in 2018, that way if you actually get it out in 2017 you can say wow we got that out ahead of schedule. Love the products don't get me wrong, but I talked quite a bit with LW staff at Gen Con last year in August and they were sure the Content market would be out in October, from there on it was one delay after another. Sorry about the rant but I am really looking forward to a fully functioning Custom Content and Commercial Content Market...

Bidmaron January 10th, 2017 11:55 AM

With all due respect, that was not very helpful or insightful

AEIOU January 10th, 2017 12:12 PM

It's a lose-lose situation. If they say 2018 you tick off half the users. If they say October then December then January then next week you tick off the other half. 100% confidence that nothing will break for a release? No matter what LWD does, a segment of the userbase will not be happy.

I totally understand the feeling that we're being strung along with excuses because quite frankly, we are. But because of the communication, we know progress is happening, we know the beta team is shielding us from most of the potential issues and we recognize the excuses are absolutely legitimate. I personally am in the group that would rather see more honest, timely, informative communication and am really happy to see the "when it's ready" or "in 2018 or so" that we've been getting for the last several years may be ending. Let's not go backwards again, please.

gaffneyks January 10th, 2017 02:17 PM

Wasn't the content market supposed to go live this week? Is that going to be bumped also so that that goes live a different week than the update?

Sure seems like a long road to get to the content market.

kbs666 January 10th, 2017 03:22 PM

No, the CM was supposed to go live later in the process. The release this week was supposed to be the first major step to the CM giving us export/import and some supporting features.

daplunk January 10th, 2017 03:35 PM

CM will be heavily reliant on the features we are testing.

Viking2054 January 10th, 2017 05:12 PM

Wow, seems like some of you guys need to take a major chill pill... (my old age is showing, I know).

Rob's been in the hospital and is still recovering, so I don't think a month or two setback on Realm Works is unreasonable. He's been real nice to us by letting us know what's going on, and so has BJ. If it doesn't happen this week, just relax and remember to breathe... after all, LWD can't see you go blue in the face from your tantrum of held breath.

LWD is doing it's best to get the new version of RW into our hands, with as few bugs as possible.

BJ January 11th, 2017 03:52 PM

We know you're anxious for us to get the update out. I promise, we are just as eager to release it as you are to download it. :)

Despite several trips to doctors and hospitals, Rob and his team are working as fast as they can and will be releasing another beta tonight to be sure the current bugs are properly squashed!

As most of you are aware, we have a standing policy of no weekend releases. However, we truly feel this is a special case and we want to deliver the update as soon as we possibly can. So just this once, we are going to work the weekend and put this thing out on a Friday!

While we are confident that there will be no bugs left by Friday, our dev team will be standing by to fix any surprise issues as swiftly as possible. Just in case, you may want to hold off on updating until after any games.

We are so close!

Thank you for your patience and support,

DMG January 11th, 2017 03:56 PM

Thanks for the update, BJ.

Also, thanks to the team for burning the candle at both ends for us... :)

daplunk January 11th, 2017 04:00 PM

Excellent, i was hoping you guys were going to put out more than one update per week to get this sorted. No week-end games planned so I for one fully support getting this thing done.

Exmortis January 12th, 2017 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by DMG (Post 240944)
Thanks for the update, BJ.

Also, thanks to the team for burning the candle at both ends for us... :)

I beginning to wonder of they didn't find a new way to burn it at four ends!

It is just software for gaming, my life isn't going to end if it delayed until next week, nor will anyone else's I suspect.

Daelda January 12th, 2017 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Exmortis (Post 240996)
I beginning to wonder of they didn't find a new way to burn it at four ends!

It is just software for gaming, my life isn't going to end if it delayed until next week, nor will anyone else's I suspect.

Exactly! I think they're doing a great job with the updates, and the information sharing. I have been here since the Kickstarter and Realm Works is essential to my game at this point. Any new features, while expected and a fulfillment of the promised product, icing on the cake for the moment.

I'm hoping I can keep my current Friday group distracted long enough with other things until I can get my hands on "The Grand Temple of Jing" (via RW). I have some plans for that place....

Ajax January 13th, 2017 11:09 AM

So just this once, we are going to work the weekend and put this thing out on a Friday!

Any idea when this might occur?

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Ajax (Post 241138)
So just this once, we are going to work the weekend and put this thing out on a Friday!

Any idea when this might occur?

This is a bad road to go down. Trust me, I speak from experience. When it's ready, they will let us know. I imagine it's going to take a while as they test things as extensively as they can. They're also probably waiting for the beta users to do the same, and I'm sure they all have day jobs.

I wouldn't expect anything until maybe 10 PM or 11 PM PST (GMT -8), and even then it might be, "Look, we tried our best, but we're still having issues."

EDIT: GMT -8, not -6.

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by BJ (Post 240940)
So just this once, we are going to work the weekend and put this thing out on a Friday!

At first this didn't make sense to me. "If you're releasing it on Friday, why would you still need to work the weekend?" Then I realized you're working the weekend to provide support.

I'm eager to get the update, but I don't really have any large or active realms, and any data I have entered is duplicated elsewhere.

Still, I understand I'm not the normal case, and that others will need support, and that if you weren't working the weekend, you wouldn't be planning for a Friday release.

So, thank you for working the weekend. :-)

Bidmaron January 13th, 2017 12:01 PM

You are not alone

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bidmaron (Post 241150)
You are not alone

You wouldn't, by chance, be the Face of Boe?

DMG January 13th, 2017 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by EightBitz (Post 241173)
You wouldn't, by chance, be the Face of Boe?

Hehe...I get that reference... :)

Never occurred to me before, but I wonder if the whole "head in a jar" is inspired by Futurama? (Who probably got it from elsewhere anyway.)

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by DMG (Post 241177)
Hehe...I get that reference... :)

Never occurred to me before, but I wonder if the whole "head in a jar" is inspired by Futurama? (Who probably got it from elsewhere anyway.)

The head/brain in a jar is an old trope, going back to black and white SF movies and unsubstantiated rumors about Walt Disney (who, according to the rumor, had his head cryogenically frozen.)

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 05:47 PM

While I've been waiting for the update, I've made a tabouleh salad and I've made fried onions with lentils and cracked wheat.

If this thing isn't released soon, I'm libel to make a cucumber and yogurt salad next. Or maybe a cucumber and goat cheese sandwich.

Maybe if y'all wanna come over and wait with me, I'll make a steak and green bean stew poured over Basmati rice.

daplunk January 13th, 2017 05:56 PM

I've painted a Dragon and built a house to add to my miniature village. Oh and beta testing every combination of copy import and export I can think of. It's looking good guys. The wait will be worth it. This is not something you want rushed.

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by daplunk (Post 241202)
I've painted a Dragon and built a house to add to my miniature village. Oh and beta testing every combination of copy import and export I can think of. It's looking good guys. The wait will be worth it. This is not something you want rushed.

So, steak and green bean stew, then? It'll probably take about 4 hours. Should I leave the light on for you guys?

daplunk January 13th, 2017 05:59 PM

Might take me longer than that to cross the pond lol

Ajax January 13th, 2017 08:17 PM

Show of hands who didn't see this coming... *no hands go up*

EightBitz January 13th, 2017 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ajax (Post 241209)
Show of hands who didn't see this coming... *no hands go up*

Who didn't see what coming? Daplunk and I were just BSing. Don't take our posts as anything even close to official.

MNBlockHead January 13th, 2017 08:50 PM

As soon as EightBitz invited us all over for dinner, I TOTALLY saw it coming that DaPlunk would bow out, making a lame excuse about not being able to cross an ocean in four hours. We all know he just wants to make another video!

daplunk January 13th, 2017 08:53 PM

You think I'm going to risk missing the launch of the patch to get in a plane and cross the great pond! Not a chance ;)

Anyways... the real reason I can't cross the pond is I'm smashing out video content that you will all absolutely want to see while the new patch is downloading.

Oh and for the record.... #myhandisup

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