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pyremius April 16th, 2016 08:24 PM

Is there a way to turn off an Alteration Form? I would expect it to be on the In-Play tab, under Activated Abilities (based on the Mauler Familiar's Battle Form) - but I can't find any location that allows me to turn it on or off, other then deleting the From entirely (also, I suspect that toggle would make easier the ability to create multiple pre-defined From/Trait combinations).

kestrelca April 16th, 2016 08:32 PM

Duplicate post

TheIronGolem April 16th, 2016 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by pyremius (Post 228192)
Is there a way to turn off an Alteration Form? I would expect it to be on the In-Play tab, under Activated Abilities (based on the Mauler Familiar's Battle Form) - but I can't find any location that allows me to turn it on or off, other then deleting the From entirely (also, I suspect that toggle would make easier the ability to create multiple pre-defined From/Trait combinations).

If you're not an actual Alteration user but instead received the shapeshift from an external source, you could disable the Adjustment. But for native Alteration effects, you need to delete the Form at present.

I can see how that could be annoying, so will try to add a "disable form" checkbox to Forms.

Ualaa April 16th, 2016 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by TheIronGolem (Post 228178)
Can you post a .por file as well? So far Favored Element seems to be working correctly for me.

I apologize.

It seems to be an interaction with another addon (Shadow Chemosh's Gestalt), as the Favored Element works fine, when the Spheres of Power option is the only one enabled.

Ualaa April 16th, 2016 11:39 PM

If there were a way, like the Druid's polymorph on the 'In Play' tab, to have multiple forms configured... and a check box to activate the chosen form, that would the ideal way to handle an Alteration.

Check the box, for the desired form...

TheIronGolem April 17th, 2016 09:20 PM

Heads up everyone, got a crash bug.

If you add an Alteration Form (other than Blank Form) to a character whose race is not yet chosen, HL crashes.

I have a code fix in place and will be putting it out this week, but in the meantime, make sure you pick your hero's race before adding Alteration Forms.

Thanks to Ualaa for catching this bug and notifying me of it quickly.

volcivar April 22nd, 2016 02:06 PM

Bug: Magical Comanion has no talent!
When I select the magical companion talent. I cannot see a way for the companion to select talents. The Extra Talent feat is grayed out.

TheIronGolem April 24th, 2016 01:10 PM

1.2 update is out, and fixes several of the issues reported in this thread.

Sadly, Sphere Staves are still not done. This is one of those projects that keeps making me throw out what I've done and start over.

volcivar April 27th, 2016 06:40 AM

Blast Sphere Talents
I am not sure if this is a bug or not but I don't see all the Blast Sphere talents, actually only 2 or three.

TheIronGolem April 27th, 2016 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by volcivar (Post 228815)
I am not sure if this is a bug or not but I don't see all the Blast Sphere talents, actually only 2 or three.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you missing some of the Blast Shape or Blast Type talents in the Talents menu? Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing?

EDIT: Yikes, nevermind, I just managed to reproduce it. I have to head to my day job now, but I'll get on top of this when I return tonight.

volcivar April 28th, 2016 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by TheIronGolem (Post 228882)
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you missing some of the Blast Shape or Blast Type talents in the Talents menu? Can you post a screenshot of what you're seeing?

EDIT: Yikes, nevermind, I just managed to reproduce it. I have to head to my day job now, but I'll get on top of this when I return tonight.

Thanks. Hope it is not too much work.

TheIronGolem April 28th, 2016 10:31 PM

OK, I've put out an emergency fix as version 1.3. Sorry for the problem, folks!

DJalin1 May 6th, 2016 06:28 PM

Any plans to get Expanded Options into Hero Lab?

TheIronGolem May 6th, 2016 06:39 PM

Working on it now, as a matter of fact.

TheIronGolem May 29th, 2016 04:42 PM

Version 1.4 is now out! Patch notes here.

cantroy May 29th, 2016 05:56 PM

What is mechSoP NICsopEqTI doesn't exist and NICsopSpSt doesn't exist?

TheIronGolem May 29th, 2016 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by cantroy (Post 230341)
What is mechSoP NICsopEqTI doesn't exist and NICsopSpSt doesn't exist?

Ugh. This is from my experiments with implementing Sphere Staves, and should not have made it into a public release. Fix incoming.

cantroy May 29th, 2016 06:16 PM

ok, found mechSoP... and I see NICsopEqTI so it obviously exists.. hmmm... Weird. Ok, thanks! and that is A-OK with me, as I have a +4 staff for my death and life spheres..

See? I am still finding bugs for yas... /grin just wish I had found more for you during beta, but I think I was really outdone...

TheIronGolem May 29th, 2016 06:38 PM

OK, I've put up a new file. No new version number, so if you've previously downloaded 1.4 then just download it again and that should do it. Sorry for the glitch, and thanks to cantroy for catching it.

radionausea May 30th, 2016 12:02 AM

Conjuration Sphere bug:
Additional limbs talent doesn't apply to the companion.
Attempt to access container from script with no ability to do so
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'sopSpConj' (Eval Script '#1') near line 11
using v1.4

TheIronGolem May 30th, 2016 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by radionausea (Post 230353)
Conjuration Sphere bug:
Additional limbs talent doesn't apply to the companion.
Attempt to access container from script with no ability to do so
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'sopSpConj' (Eval Script '#1') near line 11
using v1.4

Dammit, Conjuration! If it's not one thing with you it's another. Why can't you be more like your brother?

TheIronGolem May 30th, 2016 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by radionausea (Post 230353)
Conjuration Sphere bug:
Additional limbs talent doesn't apply to the companion.
Attempt to access container from script with no ability to do so
Location: 'eval' script for Thing 'sopSpConj' (Eval Script '#1') near line 11
using v1.4

Okay, 1.5 has been released to fix this problem, as well as some problems with Natural Aspect.

EDIT: A quick note for anyone using Natural Aspect to give their companion Rock Throwing: I've set the range of Rock Throwing to 120 feet, but don't take that as gospel. I noticed that the book doesn't specify a range, and the Universal Monster Rules don't specify a default. I used 120 feet as a "best guess" because the ability won't appear with a non-zero value, and I'd rather show the wrong range than not show the ability at all. I've reached out to DDS for a confirmation of the correct range, so don't be surprised if it changes later.

radionausea May 31st, 2016 05:45 AM

Yay, glad it was so easy to fix! Now I can build my disgusting multi headed winged monster

dereth66 May 31st, 2016 08:46 AM

Great update you are doing awesome thank you

I have jst installed this on my ipad and i get a string of errors , so i delete everything off my ipad, reinstalled the only the pathfinder files no other addons and seem to be getting errors still will post as soo as i copy them

dereth66 May 31st, 2016 08:05 PM

ok these are the errors

Syntax error in 'evalrule' script for Thing 'abSoPCast' (Eval Rule '#1') on line 1
-> Tag 'source.pSoPUnrCAM' not defined
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cSoPCstPal' (Eval Script '#1') on line 2
-> Tag 'source.pSoPRnPlC1' not defined
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'cSoPCstRgr' (Eval Script '#1') on line 2
-> Tag 'source.pSoPRnPlC1' not defined
Syntax error in 'evalrule' script for Thing 'cfgSoPTal' (Eval Rule '#1') on line 2
-> Tag 'source.pSoPCLTal' not defined
Syntax error in 'bootstrap #1 condition' tag expression for Thing 'mechSoP'
-> Tag 'source.pSoPHRCntr' not defined
Syntax error in 'calculate' script for Field 'CastLevBas' on line 18
-> Tag 'source.pSoPFracCL' not defined
Syntax error in 'field calculate' script for Field 'CastLevBas' on line 18
-> Tag 'source.pSoPFracCL' not defined
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Component Set 'SoPTalent' on line 7
-> Tag 'source.pSoPNoAdvT' not defined

this is only on my ipad it is weird
i dont use the ipad that much but was wondering what i did wrong it was working till 1.5 sigh

TheIronGolem May 31st, 2016 08:16 PM

For iPad issues I am working blindfolded and with one hand behind my back, since I don't have one. However, those 'source' tags that your errors reference are from the file "Source - Drop Dead Studios.1st". I would hazard a guess that that file failed to make it onto your tablet? Perhaps you copied over the bulk of files whose names start with DDS and didn't realize that other one was there? Kind of a shot in the dark since I don't know how it works with iPads...

dereth66 May 31st, 2016 08:24 PM

no sadly i loaded jst the first one that came out with the pdf download then added it to the addonns folder to get the 1.5 download it okay i will try to figure it out, like i said dont use it very often

ShadowChemosh June 1st, 2016 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by TheIronGolem (Post 230432)
For iPad issues I am working blindfolded and with one hand behind my back, since I don't have one. However, those 'source' tags that your errors reference are from the file "Source - Drop Dead Studios.1st". I would hazard a guess that that file failed to make it onto your tablet? Perhaps you copied over the bulk of files whose names start with DDS and didn't realize that other one was there? Kind of a shot in the dark since I don't know how it works with iPads...

I guess you have to "buy" the .hl file so I can see it. If you send it to me I can take a look.

But on the iPad the files are never exploded out (ie no folder of files like you see on Windows/Mac). The iPad reads the .hl like a zip file and uses them directly. My guess based on the errors is you forgot to include the .1st file in the latest .hl file. Those that had installed the other versions on the desktop would still have the .1st file present so are ok. The iPad only uses the files in the .hl and can't find it.

TheIronGolem June 1st, 2016 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 230452)
I guess you have to "buy" the .hl file so I can see it. If you send it to me I can take a look.

But on the iPad the files are never exploded out (ie no folder of files like you see on Windows/Mac). The iPad reads the .hl like a zip file and uses them directly. My guess based on the errors is you forgot to include the .1st file in the latest .hl file. Those that had installed the other versions on the desktop would still have the .1st file present so are ok. The iPad only uses the files in the .hl and can't find it.

That might explain things, I'll have to check on that when I get home tonight. Funnily enough, it would mean I was right about the cause of the problem, just wrong about who's to blame for it...

TheIronGolem June 2nd, 2016 06:57 PM

As so often turns out to be the case, Shadow is right. I neglected to include the .1st file in the 1.5 build, which would entirely explain this iPad issue.

I have replaced the file, so if you re-download it and install again, it should work now. Sorry about the problem!

dereth66 June 3rd, 2016 07:57 AM

It worked beautifully, Thank you very much, sadly this is why i dont program every time i would right code it would have errors in it. Thank you again you are doing an awesome job. Everthing is working as it should and all systems are awesome.

Thank You

ShadowChemosh June 3rd, 2016 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by TheIronGolem (Post 230520)
As so often turns out to be the case, Shadow is right. I neglected to include the .1st file in the 1.5 build, which would entirely explain this iPad issue.

Remember this is why I make the BIG BUCKS. Zero times zero divided by zero! :p

Actually in this case its experience caused by myself forgetting to add the .1st files into the creation of .hl. :)

crosstalk22 June 9th, 2016 04:13 PM

Expanded options
Will expanded options be added to these files or is it going to be a separate set of files?

TheIronGolem June 9th, 2016 04:31 PM

Expanded Options will be a separate package, though it will (obviously) require the base SoP package to function. The Sphere Handbooks will be the same way.

crosstalk22 June 9th, 2016 04:33 PM

Understood is there a projected time for that to come out?

TheIronGolem June 10th, 2016 10:48 AM

No ETA, I'm afraid. It's hard to estimate these things, because sometimes a particular thing turns out to be much harder (or much more rarely, easier) than expected. I'd rather say "it's done when it's done" than give a hard date that I'm pretty likely to miss.

crosstalk22 June 10th, 2016 02:41 PM

Np I figured as much was just curious. we are starting a new campaign and one of the players wanted to play a sphere bloodrager, so was just looking if it would be out in time for that. Thanks for all the hard work

Ualaa June 12th, 2016 01:47 PM

In our games, if it cannot be built in Hero Lab, it's not a valid choice.

None of us are particularly skilled with the Editor, so we're all rather appreciative of other's contributions but also eager for the next thing.

Thanks for bringing SoP to HL.

FreeBooter June 16th, 2016 04:37 PM

I recently bought Hero Lab and the SoP add-on. While playing around with different character types, I found some bugs. Here are the ones I can remember. I think I've seen a couple of more of them, but I can't recall exactly what they were at the moment.
  • The Basic Magical Training feat gives access to ALL basic spheres. (This one might be fixed, since I tried to make a patch for 1.3, then updated to 1.5 and deleted my non-working patch.) Also, the +1 CL from the feat doesn't go away when getting Advanced Magical Training as I believe it should. For instance, a character with only non-caster classes on level 4 with both feats gets CL 3 instead of CL 2.
  • Clerics get too many Talents. They get both a bonus Life/Death talent AND the Life sphere or Death sphere on lvl 1. They should just receive the sphere, or a talent if they already have the sphere.
  • Clerics also seem to get both Death and Life talents as available choices regardless of which base sphere(s) they know. (I think I saw someone else report this earlier.)

Thankfully, nearly all the bugs I have encountered so far have fairly simple workarounds.

TheIronGolem June 16th, 2016 07:08 PM

Thanks, I'll look into those.

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