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jbearwillis October 29th, 2013 07:22 PM

Forgive me Mi'lord. Bows to one knee, I had no idea. Waits for the ok to stand once again. Looking very nervous indeed.

CapedCrusader October 29th, 2013 07:37 PM

Have you ever seen the new version, with Clive Owen? Great scene, it's where Arthur finds Guinevere.

CapedCrusader October 29th, 2013 07:41 PM

and stand up, for crying out loud...

jbearwillis October 29th, 2013 07:45 PM

Yes I have, very awesome movie and just a little role-playing in the forums. LOL

zarlor October 30th, 2013 05:09 AM

We're supposed to actually look at the errata? Next thing you know you'll want us to check the Pinnacle forum for official clarification on stuff, too! ;)

The only reason I didn't check the errata was because... umm .... well, you see... oh wait, my goldfish is calling...

Mindseye November 1st, 2013 08:49 PM

Also the number of points you receive from super Karma should be the same as you would receive via the super power points edge. Currently Super Karma seems to give 5 points regardless of whether it is on Standard, Heavy Hitters or Major Leaguers.

On a likely related note, the Natural Growth option appears to give only 5 points without regard to the power point option setting. If using the Super power point edge manually, the power points scale appropriately.

Also noticed that encumbrance does not seem to be calculated properly for values over d12 when you have the Brawny edge. Under 12 seems to be working fine.

Late Addition: When using attack ranged with a throwing object, it does not display properly in the Attack power summary. Attack ranged seems to assume only shooting skill.

dartnet November 21st, 2013 08:01 PM

EDIT: I broke the system on with a data file I was working on....

dartnet November 21st, 2013 08:02 PM

Found issue fixed issue.

Endtransmission December 12th, 2013 01:27 PM

I'm not sure if this has been reported yet, but there's an easy way to generate an error message within the base Savage Worlds system.

Start a new character (or in fact any character that has no Arcane Background) and go to the Personal tab. Click on Add Permanent Adjustment at the bottom and select the Arcane Powers option and watch the errors start to appear.

I would have expected to not see this option unless the character has the option to actually have powers?

Endtransmission December 17th, 2013 08:07 PM

I've just re-encountered an issue with the core SW data file that would be good to get updated if possible please?

There are a number of Skills in the datafile that only appear as valid options if you have Arcane Backgrounds selected, such as Faith and Weird Science. A while back Zalor pointed me to a thread with a reply from PegInc (http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39287) showing that there shouldn't be this preclude as you can technically have these skills without an Arcane Background.

Any chance we can get the SW data file updated to reflect this statement from PegInc please? Otherwise I need to create copies of core skills in my Data file, which I would rather not do.

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