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dpmcalister May 31st, 2017 12:17 PM

Not finished yet unfortunately. Don't worry about buying it though, I'll be offering it for free if I manage to get it all working. It would be easier if there were a documented list of XSL values for 5e though (unless there is and I've missed it).

ShadowChemosh May 31st, 2017 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by dpmcalister (Post 250807)
Not finished yet unfortunately. Don't worry about buying it though, I'll be offering it for free if I manage to get it all working. It would be easier if there were a documented list of XSL values for 5e though (unless there is and I've missed it).

Your best bet would be to do the custom output and select the "generic xml". I think that is what it was called as I am not near HL.

That will generate the full XML that you can then parse to see what is available or not.

dpmcalister May 31st, 2017 01:11 PM

Thanks. That's helped a lot. I've also tracked down the customoutput.dtd (it's not in the folder that the Help file says it is). Worked out the Saving Throw issue but trying to work out Speed now. The generic xml says:

<speed text="30'" value="30"/>
<basespeed text="30'" value="30"/>

but I can't work out how to convert that into xsl. I've tried all sorts of variants (like <xsl:value-of select="speed/@text"/>) but no joy so far.

I'm teaching myself XSL/XML for this project though so it's a bit of a learning curve ;)

Thanks again, much appreciated.

ShadowChemosh May 31st, 2017 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by dpmcalister (Post 250812)
Thanks. That's helped a lot. I've also tracked down the customoutput.dtd (it's not in the folder that the Help file says it is). Worked out the Saving Throw issue but trying to work out Speed now. The generic xml says:

<speed text="30'" value="30"/>
<basespeed text="30'" value="30"/>

but I can't work out how to convert that into xsl. I've tried all sorts of variants (like <xsl:value-of select="speed/@text"/>) but no joy so far.

I'm teaching myself XSL/XML for this project though so it's a bit of a learning curve ;)

Thanks again, much appreciated.

Its been awhile sense I have done much with XSL but it could be an xpath issue.


<xsl:value-of select="movement/speed/@text"/>

ShadowChemosh May 31st, 2017 01:35 PM

FYI EightBitz on these forums got really good with XSL after making a Realm Work addon. He does not do much with 5e so most likely does not check this forum. But if you had specific XSL questions he "maybe" willing to help if you PM him.

He did not do much with HL XML so he can't answer HL questions keep in mind. :)

dpmcalister May 31st, 2017 01:48 PM

That worked perfectly. Now that I know you can "triple-stack" the path it should be a lot easier now. Most of it is straight forward, if trial and error. I'm not trying to make anything special, just a Hero Lab version of my DM's Old School style sheet.

dpmcalister June 7th, 2017 01:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
A week on and I'm making some brilliant progress (even if I do say so myself ;)). I've attached the current version of my sheet. Everything aside from the character portrait within the shield is XML/HTML code (including the shield itself). It does mean that portrait pictures need to be a certain size (235x280 pixels) but that's a small price to pay I think.

I do have one current issue that I can't resolve though so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. On the third page you'll see that this particular PC has 4x 1st-level and 3x 2nd level spell slots. I'd like to convert that to show boxes instead of the number four but I can't see how to convert the XML. I need to convert the count variable from a number into boxes:


                                <spellslot name="1st" count="4" used="0"/>
                                <spellslot name="2nd" count="3" used="0"/>

Can anyone help please?

Also, once I've completed this, what's the best way of sharing it with the community?

ShadowChemosh June 7th, 2017 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by dpmcalister (Post 251084)
Also, once I've completed this, what's the best way of sharing it with the community?

Don't have an answer off the top of my head for boxes. But I can answer this.

We have two ways to go. One is to include your file directly into the GitHub community Pack. We can store it in a sub-folder allowing you to make changes and pushing those changes to GitHub. Then when I create a Pack release I can bundle your character sheet and it will be installed for everyone getting the Pack automatically.

We could also go with a totally separate download on the community server. This means its easier to push out fixes just for the character sheet without waiting for the next Pack release. On the downside it means gamers would need to download two things instead of just one.

I sort of like the first option for being easy and everyone getting a "complete" community Pack.

dpmcalister June 8th, 2017 03:48 AM

Thanks. I like the first option as well. Hopefully, once I've completed the sheet it won't need any updates but you never know ;)

I've not used GitHub before so I might have to pick your brains on that when the time comes if that's OK? Don't mean to be a pain as you have been very helpful.

BTW, if there is anyone else reading this thread, I'm open to feedback on the sheet as it stands (with the understanding that it isn't complete yet so some items might be on my "to do" list already).

Thanks again.

SisterCoyote July 17th, 2017 10:14 AM

I don't immediately see anything else that needs updating on the sheet, but that's pretty meaningless. I have peculiar blind spots.

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