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cndblank February 9th, 2012 11:35 PM

Need manual Critter option
I've got to second this.

If we could just manually enter a creature, that would cover most situations until they got around to a critter release.

And really the work on the spirits has laid the ground work.
Most of the power are already in Hero Lab.

So the only thing we need is a way to enter a "Critter" manually in Hero Lab and add any missing powers.

If I need some thing exotic like a succubus or a death rattle, I can enter the stats and skills and then just select the powers it should have.

If they could eventually include the critters in the main rule book, that would cover most "guard" critters. It would also make adding any additional creatures very easy since you could use the existing critter as a template.


Originally Posted by CeaDawg (Post 73425)
I know this was on the to do list awhile back, but it seems to be slipping by the wayside.
When are you going to put in support for critters? Hopefully before the addons come out at the middle of this month.

There are a number of security teams that deploy critters as part of their protocols. It's a pain having to keep track of them separately from the dashboard and the tactical display. It seems like you could make an addition to the race list like you did for sprites and spirits. Once the format for the critters database is included, I'm happy to transcribe the info from the books into the program as a user file at this point. I just happen to suck rocks as a code monkey.

Murrdox February 11th, 2012 09:50 AM

Critters are definitely not as important to me as the core supplements. I'm still looking forward to their release though.

One thing I'm really looking forward to is to have all of the new SPIRITS and all of the new Spirit Powers from Street Magic put into the game. Designing custom Spirits currently is a little difficult.

If you need to use Hero Lab for Critters in the meantime, I would just plug them into Hero Lab as NPCs. Adjust their stats, and add their Powers in the note section.

If the Critter has an usual attack, such as a bite or whatnot that you need available, just go into the Datafile, and create a copy of "Club" for example, rename it "Devil Rat Bite", and change the numbers for it to correspond to the damage of a Devil Rat. Then buy it for your "Devil Rat" NPC, and equip it. Presto, your Critter is pretty much done.

Might not work for really complicated Critters, but it will stop you from having to track them both on the Combat Tracker AND on paper.

cndblank February 14th, 2012 07:01 AM

I agree about core supplements before critters.

I do think it would be very easy to create a "critter" NPC option/panel as a stop gap so you could have all the opposition in Dashboard and the tactical display.

Nebulus April 19th, 2012 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by cndblank (Post 74652)
I do think it would be very easy to create a "critter" NPC option/panel as a stop gap so you could have all the opposition in Dashboard and the tactical display.

I second that... Not having the critters in the tactical display makes it less useful.

Nebulus April 26th, 2012 12:04 AM

What would be the best way to use the editor to create critters? Would each be a race? Or is it not possible without an update?

John April 26th, 2012 09:14 AM

Hi, and thanks for all the feedback on what everyone's looking forward to in terms of our Shadowrun content. On the critter front, we'll be publishing some good news in this month's newsletter, which will be out soon.

cndblank May 3rd, 2012 08:51 AM

New critter section is nice.

Any ETA on when we get the rest of the critters?

The custom critter button is not working.

Just need the critter powers after added.

And Thanks

Mathias May 3rd, 2012 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by cndblank (Post 81806)
Any ETA on when we get the rest of the critters?

If you mean Running Wild and Parazoology, we're not ready to make announcements about those books yet


Originally Posted by cndblank (Post 81806)
The custom critter button is not working.

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean here.


Originally Posted by cndblank (Post 81806)
Just need the critter powers after added.

I'm also not sure what you mean b this.

cndblank May 9th, 2012 10:58 AM

1) Fair enough. Thanks!
2) Go to vehicles in a character. If you go to Vehicle tab you can click add new vehicle and then there is a customize button between add and close. Go to Vehicle Tab and click add new critter and biodrone there is also a customize button, but it doesn't work. Also there is no option to add a customized critter or drone. Looks like you are working on it. Is there an ETA?

cndblank May 9th, 2012 11:05 AM

Ok, Saw that if you select a portfolio Critter then you have to select a race (like Hellhound).

Didn't catch that. And when I selected critter and checked the critter powers, the tab was blank with no options.

What if I (as a GM) want to do a customer critter or just add a critter power for a custom critter (a boss critter or mutant of some sort)?

Like adding Engery Aura to a hellhound (so it is a flaming hellhound) or coming up with some sort of giant toxic mutated grizzle bear?

How would I get access to all the critter powers?

And Thanks!

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